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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I know, the eggs we love are so expensive, but I fork out the money more often than not. In the winter, the trip is just too much of a hassle to make because of the roads.
  2. I keep a list with the author, title and my own rating system.
  3. I'd cut the cable or satellite, and sell that huge monster in a minute to keep my family warm; no matter how we came to own it. (Disclaimer, I'm not really into TVs.)
  4. :grouphug:Prayers here for you both and dh.:grouphug:
  5. I live in the farm belt, and local produce and other farm fresh products are for the most part not cheaper. In fact they tend to cost more. There are times when corn is cheap, but for the most part healthy produce, eggs, meat and milk cost more. Our area also ships the bulk of the harvest elsewhere or turns it into ethanol. We have no farmer's markets September through May, due to harsh winters. I do try to buy local and grow what I can.
  6. "Thank you, your shouldn't have." Toss or donate later, if it isn't deadly or an explosive diarrhea hazard. She certainly sounds a bit rude, but maybe just the thought of coco gives her explosive diarrhea. :D
  7. That stinks. Consider inter-library loan requests. You may have to pay a small fee for them, but most libraries track what they check out and that can prompt them to purchase. I've been know to check out items over and over to boost the statistics.I'm amazed at the junk our library funds and purchases.
  8. Tea and books :lol: will never be the same for me, and I always crack up shopping for bookshelves..:D.
  9. :bigear::lol::bigear: FREE at the Library.... My library finally has a bunch finally checked back in! I reserved the Biology & Chemistry to review, The New Testament, and two on music this morning:001_smile::. (I think they must let ps teachers check them out for a semester, because so many are now back on the shelf that were OUT since summer.) Off topic, we also enjoy the Modern Scholar series from the library on audio Cd's. Do other libraries carry the two series? I'm always requesting more educational selections at ours...I even joined the library board.
  10. Call them if one code bumps another or your shopping cart price jumps up and you're unable to fix it. The customer service was awesome. She took pity on me, and ended up helping me get a better deal.
  11. Didja get anything else?? And are you still seeing those rock bottom prices??????? (oh please say no, so I won't go look again - there *are* others I'd love to have....) No, I didn't order more. I'm still hoping for another super sale deal as the end of the year approaches. You know, after Christmas sales:D.
  12. I buy local milk that is hormone & antibiotic free. Organic here doesn't mean much as there is no real consistency or oversight.
  13. Local grocery stores here carry it too. Ebay is another place.
  14. :svengo::svengo: I knew this thread would be too much for me.:lol: Tammy, Reptile and rodent Phobe.
  15. I thought this was going to be one of those frightening stories...Congratulations btw.
  16. :lurk5: My plan fell apart months ago. I'm still on book 47, and sadly there is no time to squeeze in a reading marathon.:leaving:
  17. The recipe is pretty flexible. If you use a cake decorating bag andtip, they will be super fancy. I always like the paprika dusting, some people put a sliced olive or sprig of green onion on the top.
  18. They all look adorable. I'm glad you all are home safe and sound.:grouphug:
  19. :grouphug: This time of year can overwhelm many of us.
  20. SOTW4 imo, pretty heavy for many children who haven't the critical thinking skills to process it. In your dd case, I'd go with the Horses...and save SOTW4 for later.
  21. Way back when I was in middle school, pre-algebra was 8th grade math. In some programs it's a nice (optional) course for students not ready for algebra 1.
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