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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. He's been out of the room for 2 years and will not be home this summer...You waited longer than I would have, and I'm a pretty mushy mom. I think it will be a good life lesson for all. Take a picture of the pit for him to treasure, and just live in your home.:grouphug:
  2. :iagree: You offer to help, shop, cook, clean, take the kids and listen to her. Prepare your heart to be comfortable with not being able to fix it/her.
  3. :iagree: The Logic Stage & Middle Grade Challenges is a treasure.
  4. I love to top a bagel or bread with cream cheese and olives. Super easy.....Bread Recipe • 1 packet dry yeast (or 2 1/2 tsp) • 2 c. warm water • 1 T. sugar • 2 tsp sea salt regular is okay • 4 c. flour • Optional 1-2 tsp. fresh Rosemary plus more for topping OR Sliced Olives as much as you like. You can just top with salt or add something like cheese. • Olive Oil, Corn meal, Melted butter and salt Dissolve yeast in the warm water and sugar. (I like to buy yeast in a large package and then store it in a plastic container and keep in the freezer. It lasts forever. OR if you don’t make bread that often, just buy the yeast packets.) Add flour, salt, and 1-2 tsp Rosemary and stir until blended, do not Knead!! Cover and let rise for 1 hour or until double in size. Simply keep it in the mixer bowl and cover with a moist cloth to raise. Remove dough. It will be sticky. I like to put olive oil or butter on my hands for taking out the dough and shaping it. I think it works better than flour hands. Place it in 2 rounds on a cookie sheet lightly coated in oil and sprinkled with corn meal. OR you can place it on your silicone baking mat with no oil. Cover with a towel or greased plastic wrap. Then let it rise another hour. Brush each round with melted butter and lightly sprinkle with more (Rosemaryif you like) & sea salt . Bake @ 425 for 10 minutes, then reduce temp to 375 for 15 minutes more.
  5. :grouphug: I have no idea why adults can be so rude to children. I always jumped in, and said no pop-quizzes and lessons are M-F, not during holiday's.
  6. No, I do not like our mattress, and I'm not sure comfortable/long term mattresses are being made anywhere. We have had three new beds in 8 years and they all started out great, but then...uncomfortable.
  7. :iagree: Yep, and cake flour for me is a must. Measurements need to be spot on without a mix. I'd say keep trying and do factor in altitude if necessary.
  8. Shop lifting policies vary from company to company. Many now ignore it and write off the loss. Walmart does have store security, but not every employee is trained / authorized to do anything about it. It is amazing what people will steal in broad daylight.
  9. Wow, that is sad. And the price to get it there, to me was a little shocking. I hope you get the refund. I've arrived home to multiple packages left on my door step, out in the open many times.
  10. Merry Christmas, I'm so happy you shared this. Many, many Blessings~
  11. An easy way to layer is to cut the jello into cubes. Then layer away what ever you want.
  12. I do think they are both very viable options, but you would need to push her in the loosey-goosey path if she didn't produce enough. Less structured classes can and do work for many students who have a strong interest and the drive to do more than the minimum. I personally think, they also need to be organized and in possession of good study and work habits. Now...I hope others will chime in as my experience is limited to my two. And my oldest thrives with structure and a schedule, while my youngest, loves creating his own studies.
  13. Well, at least your kids will benefit from the policy. I'm not going to mention the policy to anyone in my state, as I'm sure they would embrace anything that boosted graduation rates.
  14. A friend uses olive oil for her skin and lips.
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