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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. That picture is pretty amazing; your dd's face says it all. Wow, we would have the same looks on our faces.:D
  2. I don't know the answer, but now I have the theme song from That 70's show in my head.:001_huh:
  3. We eat at the kitchen or dining room table. (If someone must see the game, show or news, it can be seen from the kitchen table.)
  4. BB&B has a ceiling hung fabric princess/canopy tent deal that drapes only the top half or so of the bed. They are pretty easy to make too.
  5. I voted chicken, but we girls don't eat it. We are an odd mix, one vegetarian / occasional fish eater, one who will only eat pork (bacon & ham) and the guys, who will eat pretty much everything.
  6. "I wouldn't eat that!" "What happened, I missed the entire thing...again." "Wanting to be referred to as an old-timer." "I have a pirate name." ":cheers2:I don't drink and post anymore.:cheers2:"
  7. :iagree: I'll take Spongebob over Cry-you any day...
  8. :iagree: And the boys could look after the baby.
  9. Happier now with only this amount of debt / heartbreak vs. him continuing to dig them into a bigger and deeper black hole.
  10. Good idea. I like spending the little extra on delivery confirmation for my peace of mind.
  11. Thank you, Warner wearing ladies. I bravely ventured over to Kohls and tried on 10 bras...and found one that looked nice and felt better than my old favorite. They were on sale and with my coupon...whoopie. I'm hoping they wash well. The tag was confusing...I think it says hand wash and no ironing. LoL... Fyi...Everyone is right, recheck your size.
  12. Personally, I would report the dog bite to the police...Even at this late date, she should supply a medical report and pictures if she has them to protect herself and others in the future. RED FLAG! Owners who pursue so much secrecy, often have let other bites go unreported... And anyone who needs an animal so much that they cover up something like this. Well, she needs a less dangerous pet. Nipping, I could let go, but a bite requiring an ER trip and stitches, no way. Disclaimer...My sister's ex's-wife's chow attacked and bit my 4 yold niece, whom he knew and loved. He bit her on the shoulder/back, then bit onto her thigh and drug her around the yard...While both adults tried to stop him. Awful, awful, awful. Oh, yes ex and his wife did not want to report their little darling.
  13. I'm sorry...I get how you feel and just send hugs.
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