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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Encourage him to send his resume in and see what happens. He may be happily surprised.
  2. :grouphug: "Aren't you nosy." "Why on earth would you ask that?" Then, :DSmile:D and let them untangle their own rope.
  3. I hear you.:grouphug: :iagree:Liability in both the job and dr's. I think the next biggest factor is simply the numbers of people looking for jobs, which allows business to be picky. Bank...Try a savings account with a debit card or another bank. Both of my kids have had accounts since they were in elementary school.
  4. I would be upset, and my kids would not ride with them again. The example set of drinking and driving in any amount is not okay with me.
  5. :grouphug:Cynthia:grouphug: You might consider spending the holiday in your home or on a real vacation somewhere to nurture you own family. fwiw, I decided a few years ago not to drive to dh's home and have a quiet Christmas at home. It's peaceful and so much less stressful. I did invite the in-laws here, but they figured we should come up there. (My fil passed away this year, and I'm hoping for the best.) In-laws can be hard.:grouphug: I wish you a peaceful season.
  6. I'm using TWD planner this year and actually enjoy using it. It's pretty and was a treat for me. I keep both kids attendance in it, use the monthly calendar for our appointments, classes, meetings etc; and as an actual planner with my youngest. The shopping lists, beautiful pages and layout are a really nice touch. (I've always used a NARS Daily Log Book with my oldest to submit with her portfolio.) I'm sticking with it for consistency. I haven't seen the other to compare. The tailoring to a hs family made the expense of TWD worth it for me, but I did purchase it on sale through Homeschool Buyers co-op.
  7. I need the other choice too. I hate to admit it but, cold weather is worse for me. My knees always hurt going up and down the stairs, and I have occasional migraines and back pain due to a pinched nerve, and of course other various aches and pains. Moving to a warmer place would be a blessing to my often aching body. I miss summer and fall already.:nopity: :grouphug: My heart goes out to all those who are in real pain everyday. Most days, I can ignore mine by avoiding the stairs and or taking aspirin, and getting up and into a hot shower. Someone I love told me to walk it off. :(
  8. :iagree: You may find yourself wanting your own copy; it's an excellent resource.
  9. :iagree: Monitoring her account, and feeling it's keeping her safe is concerning. You could easily miss private messages for meetings, parties etc, and her parents might hold you accountable.
  10. :grouphug:That sounds rough, but (imo) a 7 y/old is way to young to be placed in charge of her education one way or the other.:grouphug: In a ps or hs, she may need eyes on her with constant supervision and encouragement to keep on task for her lessons. It's hard, but moms often need eyes in the back of their heads. Now really, she is young and could easily with supervision get her lessons done in a short time. If she does go to a ps, you will need to be involved with keeping her motivated and working in other ways. In all honesty, I wouldn't want ps to be a punishment...especially for one so young. You had a bad day, everyone does. Search your heart and find the right solution either way.:grouphug:
  11. Nioxin shampoo and conditioner... It's recommend by stylist and doctors for thin, thinning, balding, chemo treatments and general limp hair. Sally's Beauty Supply has it for under $10 a bottle. Walmart, might have it. My mom used it when she was on a prescription that caused her hair to thin and one of my brother-in-laws uses it for his manly hair loss.
  12. :hurray: I love those finds; you make me want to run out and treasure hunt.
  13. It can be harder for the older ones, but it can a wonderful adventure too. You just love em the best you can as a parent, and they work through it in their own way.
  14. Congratulations, Pam. I imagine it's one of those bitter-sweet moments we all dread and cherish.:grouphug:
  15. :grouphug: The tummy distress and nausea can be pre labor symptoms. Rest and take care of yourself.
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