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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Very good lasting quality and customer service. I'm wearing their cotton, ladies, sleep t's, here and wash them every time. I've got three that are over 7 years old and two that are 2 years old. The two year old ones still look like new. Hanna Andersson also has amazing kids cotton clothes. We passed every item down to cousins and they passed them down to brothers and sisters.
  2. I'd go with my gut too, and a professional. :grouphug:
  3. Another yes, but I'd eyeball it for the amount. I'd start with a third of the box, and add more until it looked right.
  4. I think I'd try the carrot and stick approach. Since she deceived you and lied to facebook, it would take some time to build your trust and earn the privilege. Set up some preconditions and a time limits and then allow her to earn some sort of account. There would be many parental conditions, checks and controls. That said, I'm pretty set in my doling out privileges, especially those that involve safety. Personally, I think she is too young and immature for a fb account and would simply say no; you'll have to wait until you're x years old.
  5. We've purchased a number games there. We had one that didn't work well and they exchanged it with no problem. They do have a number of days limit, but there exchange refund policy is a good thing.
  6. What is he sleeping in during the day? You might try that at night with a little white noise.
  7. I think once thing you can do right away is to let go of the dream. Try not to expect a love of learning for a while and just focus on getting the lessons done. Cut out any redundancies, and trim down to the daily must be completed lessons. You can set the tone by not allowing yourself to be dragged down by their lack of enthusiasm. (Expect more as they go through the season of brain fog; heck pat yourself on the back for every effort they make.) The winter seems to intensify our angst, but I expect and try to plan for the winter blahs. In truth it isn't a great time to jump ship no matter how green the grass looks over the hill. Hang in there you can do this, and if you still feel the same come February, make plans for the change then. :grouphug:
  8. I love mine too. I bought a pair at Kohl's and then went back for four more because they look and feel great. And they come in different lengths, that's a real plus for me.
  9. Beautiful! I can't believe I almost missed these:001_smile:.
  10. Bed, Bath and Beyond sells bed risers. They enable you to store a lot under the beds. They also have shoe carriers and other pull out storage containers that slip in and out from under the beds. Back packs are good for student storage and easy to spot.
  11. :grouphug:Cass and dd:grouphug: I feel you both are still being bullied. The bullies are 100% at fault for their words, actions and behaviors. I hope you both find some peace in this.
  12. Album...I was so relieved and thrilled with the switch to Cd's.:tongue_smilie: It's such a freaky word to me, I have to spell check it and it still feels wrong.
  13. (((Imp))) you're in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
  14. I'd try an orangy & yellow small print fabric. It sounds like a sweet gift. I know I'd love one for mine. Post us a link...and maybe a picture.:D
  15. Well I guess that makes some sense, in the I'm a mean spiteful nut world. I appreciate your posts; they reassure me...that it isn't just me. I recently had a decent limited visit with mil. I prayed, asked for prayer and read Boundaries before going.
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