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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I've lived through too many emergencies to give up our land-line. Cell towers always seem to go our after earthquakes, tornadoes, ice-storms and blizzards.
  2. He might speak with his doctor for recommendations. Healthy foods and skipping junk and high calorie drinks is a good idea.
  3. Mine each wake when they want to. Dd sets her alarm and is up before 7am, ds sleeps later. (Disclaimer...mine are both teens.)
  4. :grouphug:Sweetie, he needs to know how deeply this hurt you.:grouphug:
  5. :iagree::iagree::iagree: :grouphug:Growing pains are to be expected.:grouphug:
  6. :iagree: I feel so guilty getting rid of pictures or cards.
  7. May I (gently) ask why your dh needs this from your ds? Could his need be more than your ds is able to give? Growing up isn't easy and most of us are only really able to appreciate what our parents did for us as adults. Could this be a time when the original punishment has to be enough? Aspies often simply cannot understand the big picture and I imagine it's even harder tacking male hormones into the mix? :grouphug:I feel for you in the middle of the three of them.:grouphug:
  8. There are no guarantees in parenting, is the one thing I've learned. Each family is different, and even kids in the same family turn out differently. I've also noticed people who (fail in their own minds or maybe mine) are very often aggressive, confident and critical giving advice.
  9. :iagree: Although, the soap you mention always breaks me out. We have used all f/c for years, but avoid any perfumed soaps and all fabric softeners. Since you just moved in, consider any cleaning products or pesticides as potential irritants. Some water can even bother sensitive skin, my mil's softened water sends me for the benadryl. I hope you feel better.:grouphug:
  10. They will be done by Christmas, but if you leave a bean in the bottled gifts, they continue to get better/darken. I always use vodka, scrape the beans with a knife and turn vs. shaking and of course keep it in a dark cupboard.
  11. :grouphug:It sounds like a smart move on your part, and I hope the move is blessed.:grouphug:
  12. Oh, how exciting another WTM baby. Prayers for the two of you.:grouphug:
  13. Just the opposite here. I hated the idea, but once I began reading DQ in the e-ink...I love it. We almost fight over it here, and dh is taking it on his business trip for a whole week :(... I'm hoping Santa, will bring me one of my own, but it must be with e-ink. My eyes love it.:)
  14. We're watching here. Our favorite designers left are Victor, Kimberly?, & Anya for fashion week. I did like the dress from Bert this week. Last year (Gretchen) was pretty disappointing. :tongue_smilie:.
  15. No, and I would find it a pretty odd request. Strange:001_huh:... It's puzzling as to why he or she wouldn't just use the ignore feature...Unless, they wanted the boast they never ignore anyone...:lol:
  16. Pat, Let us know how it works out. I'd definitely set up an appointment and based on that, decided if I needed to take the next step.
  17. Wow, $7000 a month. I wonder how many people realize that, and what the amount is here in our neck of the woods.
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