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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. My dh sure did. He grew up detesting iced tea and while he ate almost anything, finally figured out his mom is a lousy cook. This was discovered while dating and eating and drinking what was served to be polite;). For me it was fish, but growing up in AZ the fish was pretty much fish sticks or old stuff.:tongue_smilie:
  2. :iagree: I used a curriculum that actually stated the no reuse policy and while it stunk, I gave my word and stuck to it.
  3. Desks were fine with littles, but they quickly out grew them and grew into the table. We still have bedroom desks, but their lessons are done at the dining or kitchen table. Use what works...;)
  4. :iagree: Enjoy your not really shopping run to Starbucks.
  5. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Prayers for you and the little one.
  6. We ate a one of the local Culver's, and it was around $20 for the four of us.
  7. I would expect it, but ask the seller a question to verify it was all included.
  8. I would rent before accepting an exchange from that lady. If it didn't feel comfortable; insist on a refund...loudly in public at a mom's meeting preferably.
  9. I'm wondering myself. We like the DVD and streaming option, and I'm hoping for the best:001_huh:.
  10. Look at the new state laws and regulations before you move. (HSLDA has the info.) We moved midyear and our current state had a 14 day reporting/filing requirement whether the move was in or out of state. Every, single state is different. Happy moving.
  11. No, I wouldn't let a 10 month old cry it out. Enlist help if you need from dh.:grouphug: (This too shall pass.)
  12. No, I don't think it's a fad. Fwiw, so many foods (especially processed or restaurant cooked) have things in them we don't know about. Think cross contamination, the grill, the pans etc... I have no info on the different tests.
  13. She needs to refund your money...You contacted her almost immediately, and she gave you the run around. I hope she or the company can give you satisfaction. Try having your dh deal with her.
  14. :iagree: We have a Nook and a Kindle w/ apps(under the tree); paying for the kindle cord makes it less of a deal. FYI (For anyone with a Nook, the cords work on the Kindle.) MY EYES love reading on an e-ink ereader.
  15. Libraries may have different limits; locally we can check out 4 ebooks at a time.
  16. :grouphug:I'm so relieved and happy to hear she is on the mend.
  17. Imo, it means I believe what I'm saying, and you are included, but I'm not big enough to call you on it for what ever reason. My experience has been that people usually say what they mean, but will try to spare your feelings to avoid the conflict. ymmv It's a subtle way to poke you to death with a dull stick...
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