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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. When dd6's puppy was little and being a pest I would call her to come play with him. :lol:
  2. You might consider starting with something less familiar so you have fewer preconceived notions about exactly how it is supposed to taste.
  3. If you don't like the recipes it will be much easier to play with them until you do. Also think about the difference between fresh homemade bread and the plastic wrapped sponges they sell at the store.:D
  4. Have you tried warming up the hand/finger before trying to take the blood sample? I remember them doing that when dd was newborn and being teseted for jaundice(only in her case it was the foot).
  5. Are you sure that your mutual friends do not feel the same way you do about this person? If she is behaving in this manner toward you, I would guess that she is also behaving that way toward others as well.
  6. I have to vote for miniature longhaired dachshunds. We have two and they are very affectionate and really don't shed that much. In the past we have had a shorthaired dachshund and a longhaired dachshund at the same time and the shorthaired dog's shedding was much more noticable.
  7. If you decide to keep them do not try to keep them in one of the habitrail wire/plastic combo cages unless the the space between the wires is very narrow. If the space is about 1/4" they will be able to escape. I learned this the hard way.
  8. One suggestion for any future proposals would be to allow those who live outside of the neighborhood to pay a buy-in fee and use the resource center. I would love that but I do not like living in neighborhoods at all.
  9. Something that she could try that would not be as large or expensive of a commitment as a virtual school would be Time 4 Learning and if that goes well she could use a virtual school. Another option for outside accountability in reading and math would be a Kumon center if there is one nearby. Time 4 Learning can be done independently by the child even at lower levels and Kumon can be done mostly independently once the child is past Junior Kumon.
  10. Maybe if this starts happening more often the agency will change. Hopefully no one would be willing to work for them anymore, although I couldn't imagine working for them now.
  11. Another factor with corn is that it could not be raised from GMO seeds and be labelled organic. Most seed corn is probably GMO now so that is something to consider if you are trying to transition to organic practices.
  12. :lol::lol::lol: Instead of spraying him with pam you could try spraying a paper towel and rubbing it on him. That might not scare him as much. Or better yet put some sprayed towels on the floor where he has to walk on them.
  13. My mother is 70 and we frequently wear pajamas/nightgowns all day. She was horrified at first then she kept dd a few times and learned to choose her battles. Now dd sometimes stays in pajamas all day at her grandmother's house too.
  14. I have multiple types of allergies and vomitting is a very common reaction for me.
  15. If you still have the nonfunctioning refrigerator you can use it as a large cooler if you put ice you freeze in your chest freezer in it. Sharon Astyk does that and had two blogs about low energy living. http://sharonastyk.com/category/electric-use/ this entry on her first blog is about how her family lives without a refrigerator. This is her other blog http://scienceblogs.com/casaubonsbook/
  16. :iagree::iagree::iagree:You are also assuming that medical interventions do not have a negative impact on the baby as well as the mother and that is not accurate at all. The interventions can cause the baby to go into distress which the doctor then uses as an excuse to "save" the baby with a c-section. And "pit to distress" is even worse, here is further information about that but I will warn you these articles pull no punches. http://keyboardrevolutionary.blogspot.com/2009/07/just-when-id-thought-id-heard-it-all.html http://www.theunnecesarean.com/blog/2009/7/6/pit-to-distress-your-ticket-to-an-emergency-cesarean.html http://www.theunnecesarean.com/blog/2009/7/10/pit-to-distress-2-why-we-are-all-distressed.html
  17. :iagree::iagree::iagree:I have not had a second birth yet but my current plans for future births are for homebirths.
  18. If I answer the phone for a number that I do not recognize, and that is a very big if, my favorite tactic is to not say hello or anything. If it is someone legitimate they generally say something. Telemarketers hang up or if they say something I can generally identify them as such and hang up fairly quickly.
  19. This link says that there are medical exemptions available in the military: http://www.vaccinerights.com/exemptions.html#military
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