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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. One time a waitress in a restuarant commented that she would never have the patience to homeschool to me. I told her that I had more doubts about having sufficient patience to deal with the school. She got a funny look on her face and told me about a relative who had to be homeschooled due to problems with a school's administration.
  2. I believe that rabbit meat is very low fat. That might be something to try feeding him. When I was cooking for a dog with skin problems to try to resolve them, the crockpot was my friend. It also spreads an appealing smell throughout the house. If Frosty can chew well, your sistermight try homemade jerky in a dehydrator. Everytime my dh makes it the dogs line up staring at the counter where the dehydrator is looking very hopeful.
  3. Those reactions sound like the younger dog thinks the older one is in heat. The best thing that you can do is to keep them separated. He will act crazy until either she stops dripping or he gives up. If you have a crate for him that may help your sanity. He will complain loudly but the best you can do for the time being is to ignore him. Do you have a yard that one or the other could spend a significant amount of time in? Another option is to get a crate that can hold either dog and switch them out every few hours. The female may enjoy being somewhere the male cannot bother her.
  4. If I were not already homeschooling, something like this would definitely inspire me to start. Maybe that is the idea. If enough parents pull their children that is less the state has to spend on educating them.
  5. If the leg muscles have been used enough to get sore they will feel warmer than normal to the touch. I don't know how to tell before it reaches that point. Our dog has been paralysed for 3-4 years now. He is healthy and has a good quality of life. He does not have the pancreatitis like Frosty does but when that clears up the paralysis is not an overwhelming problem. Has your sister considered adding some carrots or green vegetables to Frosty's food to ensure adequate vitamins and minerals? I believe that there are recipes for homemade dog food online.
  6. My dd6 tries that with math sometimes. My dh frequently asks me how to spell things especially when he is sending an email to a coworker.
  7. When we first looked at the land our house is on now, we saw the for sale sign and the busy intersection nearby. At first we did not even look at the land because of the intersection. When we actually drove down the driveway and looked at the land for the first time we realized that we could not see or hear the traffic very well due to the trees and brush on the 100 feet of property closest to the road. We quickly fell in love with the property.
  8. Another tip is to make sure Frosty has as much privacy as possible when his urine is expressed. This might sound silly but our dog seems embarassed if there are other dogs or people around when this is taken care of. If he cannot scratch he will really love having his ears scratched. Hopefully these ideas can help him feel better. It almost sounds as if he is a little depressed.
  9. If she wants to do hydrotherapy a small kiddie pool might be better than a tub especially if it can be heated. The cost for an underwater treadmill is most likely prohibitive except for a rehab type center. The place we took our dog had it custom built on-site. Before they had the treadmill they used a kiddie pool. If his system stabilizes otherwise, walking in water is a very gentle way to him build his strength back up. However, if his frontlegs are very weak he probably won't be able to use a cart. When the rehab center thought they were preparing our dog for using a cart they had him swimming to build up the muscles in his front end.
  10. What part of the country is your sister located in? I know of a place in Louisiana with an underwater treadmill for therapy for dogs. A cart will probably work fine for an older, slower dog. Our dog tried to take off running with one. It promptly tipped over and he kept going. My mother had a dog that the vet did not expect to recover much more. He could barely walk after back problems, she took him home, put him down and he suddenly only had a minor limp. Of course he was a male and the other dog at home was a (spayed) female.
  11. My dd6 talked about going to school some about a year ago. When I pointed out to her that she couldn't take her puppy with her to school she gave me a scandalized look, hugged her puppy, and dropped the subject.:lol:
  12. I had a major overjet as a child. My bottom front teeth were hitting the roof of my mouth and creating a ridge shaped depression that hurt. My top front teeth were angled almost straight forward so the roots were under the depression. If I had not had braces when I did I probably would have had a hole in the roof of my mouth and lost my front permanent teeth. I believe that my situation would be an exterme example of medically necessary orthodontia. Thankfully my dd6 seems to have inherited her father's jaw. I don't know whether braces will be necessary for her or not yet because she does not have any permanent teeth in yet.
  13. Some breeders are also involved in breed rescue because they love the dogs.
  14. The two dogs that we acquired most recently are one purebred dachshund that we purchased from a breeder who is also active in dachshund rescue. When we went to look at the puppy we were interested in we found out that she also had some dachshund/pomeranian puppies from a rescue that had turned out to be pregnant when rescued. We ended up with two dogs, one purebred and one rescue.
  15. I would also consider some sort of lapdesk and soft cushions. My friends were all in agreement that sitting constantly gets very old very fast.
  16. I helped a disabled student at college and was friends with several others. All the students who used wheelchairs had some sort of bag to hang from the back and carry stuff. You could get her a backpack that could either be hung on something or she could wear while using crutches.
  17. Colloidal silver can be used to clear up a sinus infection. I have also seen it in little spray bottles to spray into your throat. Do you have any vitamin D supplements to take? I would definitely supplement both vitamin D and C.
  18. Nobody has mentioned it but I would say to pick up some sort of chapstick or lip balm. For some reason my lips chapped very badly after my braces were put on. I don't know how typical this is.
  19. If the pot pie filling does not already have alot of potato I would consider baking some potatos and using a generous portion as a topping over each potato.
  20. I use baking soda mixed with coconut oil and xylitol.
  21. A scrubs pattern would give you an easy unisex top. I do have a few peasant type top patterns that are intended for wear by males but they are for Italian Renaissance garb and most of the guys in the SCA refuse to wear Italian Ren. The "pants" are much worse than the tops and let's not even mention codpieces.
  22. We were engaged for about 6 years before we were engaged and were engaged for about a year before we married. We definitely wanted to wait until I finished school.
  23. I have a dog that has had this surgery. Does your dog have deep pain sensation? That was one of the first tests they did on our dog. The prognosis is much better if he does have deep pain still. If deep pain is lost the sooner the surgery is done the better. Our dog was much younger when he damaged a disk in his back. We had surgery done and it did not seem to be sucessful right away but he was able to walk again after an extened period of physical therapy (which he loved by the way). What size is the dog? Could you carry him up the steps? We still have to carry our dog but I think that he was much worse than your dog is when we went to the vet. His injury was sudden and severe. A key factor is the dog's happiness and attitude. When we had the surgery done they said that one complication that there is not much they can do to help is if the dog becomes severely depressed. I hope everything works out and your dog improves. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  24. When you described his room, you did not mention the type of flooring and/or rugs. If there is carpeting that can be a major allergen trap I have asthma and cannot live in a carpeted house. I would also be very careful about thoroughly cleaning any floor rugs or eliminate them from his room altogether.
  25. My mother has made homemade ginger bread houses for years and she holds them together with straight pins for sewing together with icing. This does not impact the edbility of the house as long as an adult carefully dissassembles it and removes the pins before children try to eat it. She also places cardboard underneath the roof to help support it. However hers are significantly larger than most of the kits on the market.
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