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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. My dd goes to kumon for both math and reading and has made significant strides in a little less than a year. I am not familiar with aloha's program.
  2. I am. My due date is mid-May(correction early June) and I have only had a very light positive on the pregnancy test so far but I plan to retest next week.
  3. I would be very concerned that this is the first symptom of a hormonal imbalance. In my case, birth control pills make the imbalance much worse.
  4. My dd is 5 and we have not gone to WDW yet. One major reason that we are waiting is the fact that she is terrified of dressed up characters. Anytime she sees one she literally cowers behind the nearest parent. This is an improvement from running out the nearest door and having to be caught before she reaches traffic. I do not plan to take her until she is no longer so afraid because I don't think she would really enjoy it. I would say definitely wait until all dc are not afraid of characters such as Santa or Chuck E. Cheese.
  5. If you are interested in food storage a good site to look at is: sharonastyk.com She has numerous essays and other information on her site. Her philosophy is to store the ingredients for meals that you eat regularly. Red Cross, FEMA, ect. generally recommend that you keep at least 2 weeks of food and water in case of emergency. The aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was enough to convince me to improve my habits but our food storage is still a work in progress.
  6. One of our large dogs was hit by a car and when taken to the vet the diagnosis was skinned knees. All the vet did was prescribe antibiotics.
  7. Crushed oyster shells is an excellent calcium supplement. Is it safe to give them eggshells? I was afraid of causing the egg eating habit if I gave them shells.
  8. I was at work in the casino accounting department of a casino/hotel on the Mississippi gulf coast when my dh called and told me. We did not have internet or television in our department and I was the first to hear about it. Our managers did have access and did not say anything until after I had told my coworkers of the event. :glare: I think that we might have been able to leave early after all the work was completed. That job was the one with the worst management that I have ever had.
  9. The Information Technology field has a history of flexible scheduling and once you have some experience there are often work from home opportunities. I would avoid System Administrator type jobs because they sometimes have 80+ hour weeks but there are other positions that are a good fit. Help-desk positions are sometimes work from home and while many have been outsourced not all of them have. Also, Web Design especially freelance web page design. Information Security would also be an area to consider. One caveat is that I would not go into any of these careers if you are not fond of computers and technical detail.
  10. I was rear-ended once on a busy road and the person that rear-ended me stayed but his car had been pushed into my car by a third car that drove off. The damage was eventually covered by uninsured motorist coverage on my insurance but I did get a bit of a run around. My cell phone was dead but the other guy had a cell and called the police. We both pulled over to the side of the road.
  11. I have chickens and I am planning to make homemade mayonaise when I get off the computer. :D
  12. Another option for the window to compromise between safety and verifiability would be to lock the window and put strong signed tape over the lock so that the tape cannot be broken or removed without it being obvious.
  13. I have seen American Girl type dolls at Target with much more reasonable prices on them. I was beginning to sew doll clothes at about that age. By hand not machine. I stuck my finger under the needle while my mother's machine was running at a young age so I was leary of the machine until I was much older.
  14. One thing to note before bringing a bird home is that they are rather fragile with regards to toxins. They cannot live in a mobile home and I have also heard that cooking in the black nonstick pans near them can cause death.
  15. Another fair option would be to take care of any and all medical/infestation issues(fleas, intestinal parasites, ect.) and keep track of expenses. If her owners want her back they can pay for the expenses incurred as a result of neglect. That may sound a bit harsh but if they do not care enough about the dog to spend the money to take care of her they do not need a dog. There was a cat in another neighborhood we lived in that had been chased up a tree and a group of neighbor kids were trying to knock the poor thing down with a football. My Dh chased the kids away and came and told me. I ended up climbing an extension ladder to rescue a very upset cat. We kept her for that night and the next day she showed no inclination to go home and gave no indication of knowing where her home was. We kept her for about a month or so and there were no signs or any other indications that anyone was missing a cat. None of our immediate neighbors knew where she had come from. We eventually took her to vet and had vaccinations and spaying taken care of. Months later someone from a few blocks over (but inthe same neighborhood, if there had been signs we would have seen them) showed up and said that she was theirs. The other woman was holding her while talking to us. The cat bit her on the arm hard enough to make her let go. Then the cat ran into our house. The cat had made her decision very clear. Between that and the fact that she had been fixed and my dh had expressed an interest in some expense sharing in that department the cat's previous owner suddenly lost interest in her. I don't feel bad about keeping the cat at all.
  16. Just a thought, it has been my experience that commercial sizing and pattern sizing do not always match up well.
  17. I have allergies to multiple antibiotic classes and my approach is to do my best to boost my immune system. Fortunately, I don't get sick very often. The main thing I do right now is take vitamin D. Anytime you have an allergic reaction to something it can take as long as three days to clear your system. If he has these allergies to drugs he may also have one or more other allergies that are making him more vulnerable to other infections. Also there is something called the allergic threshold. This means that if you are already having allergic reactions to one or more allergens and you are exposed to another allergen you are more likely to have a more severe reaction than if you were not having any allergy problems in the first place.
  18. I just started playing City of Wonder recently so I would be interested if anyone else plays this game and wants to be an ally.
  19. I love dachshunds but they can be very stubborn. It may take a while to train him.
  20. Could it be in part that the younger child was exposed to the information in the past while the older child was learning it? If she explains to her son that this is his sister's second year hearing the information it may make a difference.
  21. I had not thought of rescue remedy but that and the cd may help our bloodhound/retriever mix when she needs to go on a car ride. She was a stray and was almost certainly dumped because when she is put in the car for a trip she becomes very stressed. She has both diarrhea and vomiting in the car often in my lap while I am driving. Very very fun especially since she weighs 100 lbs.:confused:
  22. Another issue that I do not know whether you have or not is the impact on other pets. When we lost our female dachshund suddenly we probably would have waited longer to replace her but our male dachshund became very depressed so we needed a companion for him.
  23. Another benefit of the either end of the MS gulf coast is that you would have the option of working in Louisiana in the west or Alabama in the east in addition to MS.
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