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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I'm sorry. :grouphug: However another point, if it is even remotely possible that he has had a physical relationship that he is not admitting to a visit to the doctor may be prudent for both health and legal reasons.
  2. I have heard that in dry climates instead of raised beds sunken beds work better. Raised beds are effective for good drainage but the water does not stay put for long enough in very dry climates.
  3. I can relate to the baying and the desire to follow a scent. One of our dogs is (we think) a bloodhound/golden retriever mix. She weighs about 100lbs. Fortunately we live in a clearing in woods so her noise does not carry far. The nearest neighbors like her too. If I am walking her and I need to redirect her off of a scent (I do not want to go through thick underbrush) I first lift her head so her nose is off the scent then try to steer her in another direction.
  4. Try baking soda on the carpet since it could possibly be absorbing undesirable odors. We have five dogs and a cat and one of my top requirements when we built our house was no carpet.
  5. My father wore waist size 32 inseam 36 pants when he and my mother married. When he died (in a freak motorcyle accident) his waist size was still around 38. Some people are just slender. He was raised as a teen by an aunt and uncle who had race horses. He was several inches over six feet and still light enough to excercise the racehorses. I have pictures of him as a teen and he does look "too skinny" but he turned out fine.
  6. I would definitely not have work done without a second opinion. I read somewhere that too many medicaid dentists do more than is strictly necessary so that they can bill more. If that is the case with this dentist then it is definitely not in her child's best interest. I also would not use a dentist that would not allow me to accompany my child especially if the child was going to be sedated.
  7. My mother was on high dosages of pain medications for an extended period both before and during recovery from hip replacement surgery. She was definitely not her usual self when she was on these medications. She is back to normal now that they are out of her system. Is he on narcotic pain medications? Those would definitely impact his mind temporarily. On the other hand if there were any problems with his brain getting enough oxygen during surgery that could cause long term/permanent problems. I would find out what medications he is on first.
  8. The information about the bank is probably a matter of public record if forclosure proceedings have already started. Legal Aid may know how to find out for free and a title search could find the answer for a price. I think that I would contact the bank if possible and see if you can talk them into letting you stay as tenants. Another possibility is that some banks are hiring/allowing people to stay in foreclosed properties so that the houses are maintained and there is no theft. You could check into that possibility for other nearby houses.
  9. Does he read music when he plays the guitar? I have very poor vision and if my perscription needs updating it is most obvious to me when I am trying to read music. If he has no problem reading music that might mean that vision problems are less likely.
  10. My daughter had a major water phobia after Katrina and it has taken a long time for her to start to become more comfortable in the water. Both DH and I have been in various pools with her dangling her feet in the water first and then she would gradually get farther in the water. We also have a large tub in our house now so that may have helped her to adjust as well. The real turning point was when she would visit a friend of hers who had a pool and let's just say that in this case peer pressure was a good thing.
  11. SOTW Book 1 Ancients has a chapter on Prehistory. There is also a chapter that covers the definition of history and archaeology.
  12. Another thought is stir-fried vegetables with a Thai style peanut sauce(assuming no peanut allergies in the household) as a hot pocket filling. You could possibly add rice to this as well. Indian style lentil dishes with onions and carrots and other vegetables might make a good filling also.
  13. Another thing that you could add different things to is potato pancakes. I imagine spinach would be good.
  14. My mother is a retired public school teacher and was somewhat against homeschooling until I asked her, "How many of your coworkers would you honestly want teaching your grandchild?" A very funny look came over her face and she has been quite supportive ever since. When I asked her I already knew that she did not have a great deal of respect for most of the other teachers especially the younger teachers.
  15. My mother recently had both hips replaced and she wastold that they should last around 30 years rather than 20 so perhaps the quality is improving.
  16. I have recieved the attunements and have used Reiki on myself, family members and pets. I believe that it has been very helpful for me and for one of our pets. In most cases, Reiki has been one of multiple approaches so I cannot say for certain that it was the sole reason for improvement. The most dramatic experience was with our oldest dachshund dog. At the time he was 7 years old and very athletic. He blew out a disc in his back and was completely paralyzed. His prognosis was pretty much worst case scenario. He had surgery and started physical therapy. The veterinary physical therapist did not expect much improvement and was working on building up his chest and foreleg muscles so that he could use a cart(dog wheelchair). However, by the time that the cart was ready, he was beginning to be able to walk a little again. It has been several years and he still does not walk completely normally or have much feeling in his legs and back end but he can walk without assistance even down steps. He has even started wagging his tail again. Personally, I have gone for about 8 years without a recurrence of ovarian cysts.
  17. I have started using a very large flower pot to provide water for my large dogs. They are rather talented at knocking over anything smaller. I know someone with alpacas and I belive she provides bins or buckets full of water that they can put their feet and legs in. I think the leg fleece suffers but the animals stay happier.
  18. Here is a link to the bits of brickle recipe: http://www.cooks.com/rec/doc/0,1610,147180-239201,00.html
  19. I remember that there used to be one on the back of bits of brickle that was delicious. Also, I cannot eat chocolate and there are several recipes for carob desserts in Nourishing Tradtions. There is one regular brownie recipe and another that does not contain any wheat either.
  20. The fact that the young man does not wish to move in with his parents and does not have very many life skills seems stange to me. Is it possible that there is more to that situation? I knew a few people in college who did not have life skills whose parents/guardians seemed to assume that they would remain dependent indefinitely.
  21. The comment about guienea pigs being ready to breed very young is very accurate in my experience. My mother is a retired public school teacher. At one point she had a guinea pig in her classroom that she had gotten from another teacher. It was from a litter that had been born in this teacher's classroom. The other teacher told her the the baby she had given her had been "fighting" with her father. Needless to say Mom had quite a surprise later when she arrived at school one morning to discover a baby guinea pig sitting beside the class guinea pig.
  22. I live on the MS gulf coast and have been avoiding driving near the beaches. My dd5 wants to go to tyhe beach now that the weather is hot and I have explained that they are most likely messed up right now and why. Unfortunately, an oil spill is rather difficult for a young child to understand.:( I am not sure where the nearest unimpacted beach is and I need to be certain that there is no smell before I go anywhere near it since I am asthmatic.
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