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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. Can you complain to the league anonymously that you were offended to witness this? I think that coach desparately needs to learn the meaning of age appropriate and to be taken down many notches. I would not want such a person(although I am not altogether certain he deserves such a respectful designation) to have acess to my child(ren). I am very strict with my child but that is over the top to the point of abusive!
  2. The things our dogs find most irresistable are those that smell up the house. For instance, crock pot, jerky, homemade stock. When I make chicken stock I give the dogs the vegetables and crumble chicken bones. Normally I don't give chicken bones but these I can crumble with my fingers and I remove the leg and thigh bones if they are not soft enough.
  3. :iagree:That is the organization I use as well.
  4. My mother had a dachshund that was having back trouble once and was totally unresponsive to treatment at the vet's office. The vet gave him a very poor prognosis and sent him home to see if he improved with time(and probably so no one else at his practice would be bitten, the dog was not a happy camper there). My mother brought him home and set him down and he immediately started walking with only a minor limp! I hope coming home is helpful for Libby as well. She will probably feel much more confident in familiar surroundings. Rocky's presence may help as well especially when she is ready for physical therapy.
  5. I would say that while the dog might be somewhat cold she is most likely nervous. A tea towel with a few strategic safety pins would probably make a good temporary dog coat.
  6. I would regard that email with extreme caution. I did not notice any glaring grammatical or spelling errors but that does not necessarily eliminate some sort of phishing as a possiblity. However I am the suspicious sort with regard to that sort of thing.:D
  7. I will second the poncho suggestion. I had a large one when I was in college and I could put it on over a large backpack and stay relatively dry except for my feet and lower legs and I am above average height for a female.
  8. If I were going into a niche area of the food service industry I would be more inclined to create and market frozen and/or boxed items. If you open a restuarant you are tied to the local economy and have a limited market. If you sell frozen/boxed items you can market nationally or even globally. That is just my take on the idea.
  9. I would eat it. The fact that it is vacuum sealed would be the deciding factor for me.
  10. We have a Belgian Malinois. My understanding is that they are also less prone to hip dysplasia. She is definitely a working breed. She wants to have a "job". We have chickens and she chased them once, was scolded and never has again. On the other hand, she is high-strung and uber-protective. She does not like strangers. That is partly due to bad experiences that she has had(abuse and Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath) but may be in part a breed charactaristic. She seems to have something similiar to PTSD but it might have been easier for her become traumatized than another breed.
  11. Thanks, that is similiar to what you do in a role-playing game.
  12. I occaisionally play a free online role-playing game. My dd6 will turn 7 fairly soon and I am thinking about letting her spend a limited amount of time playing something similiar that is age appropriate as part of her birthday present. What I would like to know is if there are any sites that any of you would reccomend and why? Also are there any sites that I should avoid?
  13. :iagree::iagree::iagree:I would add that your mental and physical health is also worth $4000.
  14. In my case the hospital almost seriously harmed me not once but multiple times. I have multiple severe allergies, my doctor and the hospital were informed of foods and medications that I could not have. They tried to give me medications and feed me foods that would make me sick at least three times. Rooming in was not allowed, breastfeeding support was nonexistent. I ended up with PTSD from the way I was treated. I wish that place had washed into the sea during Katrina(no I am not joking, I hate. that. place.).
  15. I would definitely try to avoid a hospital like the one you describe. If I was concerned about a possible transfer, I would do shadow care with one of the younger doctors. I would definitely go the midwife route. INMHO almost any price is cheaper than risking PPD or PTSD from the psychological and emotional abuse some hospitals subject mothers to.
  16. I have very poor vision and multiple allergies. I do not want to chance lasik and at one point I picked up a brochure about another option that involved using special contact lenses almost like orthodontia on teeth to correct the shape of the cornea and correct vision that way. I do not remember the name of it but the lower risk appealed to me. Just to say that there are other options out there.
  17. I would be very tempted to hide the oxyclean or to store it upstairs.
  18. I can't really compare BAM to Borders because I have only been in Borders a few times and those occaisions were prehomeschooling. However I can say that I like our local BAM. They have the children's books arranged very well with regard to reading level and while they have toys most of them are at least somewhat educational.
  19. I have a dog that we believe is a golden retriever/bloodhound cross that did an excellent job of alerting us to the presence of a rattlesnake. She yelped and jumped 3 feet up and 6 feet sideways all at once. This was very unusual behavior so dh investigated while I brought the dog inside. Fortunately the dog was uninjured. Dh found a rattlesnake where the dog had jumped away from and went and asked our neighbor to come and take care of it with a gun. The neighbor came and literally shot the head off of the snake. This all took place less than 100 feet from our back door.
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