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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I scored a 2. I am not particularly surprised by this. I suspect dd and dh are extroverts. ETA correct typo.
  2. If he wants to consider technical writing, there is a blog called Far Manor that is written by someone whose day job is a technical writer but he has published quite a few fiction ebooks on the side. He might want to consider going that route. Here is a link: http://farmanor.blogspot.com/
  3. I think that dd10 will probably be shocked that I actually got her a snare drum. She wants a drum set but that is out of the question financially and in terms of space. I will figure out how to make it work though if she works at learning how to PLAY the snare drum not just bang on it.
  4. If our dachshund/pomeranian cross sees a stream of water coming out of a hose outside, he ferociously attacks the water. It is pretty hilarious.
  5. My dh had a blackberry for work. His company decided to replace it with an iphone. He was not a happy camper at all. I think he has learned to tolerate it but he still doesn't really like it.
  6. There is a recipe in Nourishing Traditions for leftover oatmeal that calls for mixing cooked oatmeal with eggs and then pan-frying like a pancake. I like to add things like yogurt, dehydrated onions, and some sort of garlic or shawerma seasoning to the mix before I fry them.
  7. I think it is a great idea, in theory, the potential problem is that the members of the board might tend to defend problem law enforcement personnel rather than hold them accountable. Doctors have licensing and review boards but they seem to have to mess up pretty badly repeatedly before much is done and then they just move to a new state and start over.
  8. My mother uses Namaste when she cooks for dd10. We all like the results. Another product that I have used for various things is GF Bisquick.
  9. 4/10 here. I was surprised that it was that low since ports and shipyards are close by.
  10. Have you considered getting 1/4 yard of fabric in the color you want and taping it to the window to see how it looks?
  11. My dd likes the schar bread. She also,likes udi's. I have found both at some Walmarts. I prefer the schar because it is vacuum packed and does not need to be frozen until it is opened. The udi's comes frozen and has to be stored in the freezer. When I have purchased bread that we did not like the taste of I have avoided wasting it by drying it out in the oven and turning it into breadcrumbs in the blender. Schar also has shelf stable pizza crusts that we like.
  12. Check the tandy website for leather working ideas. You could probably adapt a purse. I remember seeing ideas for steam punk adaptations in a catalog at some point but I don't remember details.
  13. Maybe if the grandchild in med school is close enough geographically they could conveniently need a practice patient and then get the specialists involved.
  14. What part of the country do you live in? I think I borrowed one of dh's jackets but I don't remember for sure. Since I live in a relatively warm area, I don't know if my experiences are particularly useful.
  15. I love Dauphin Island, AL. We generally day trip but my father used to live there and I am familiar with the area.
  16. If I am going to be the one implementing the decision on a daily basis, then absolutely I should have more say. If the father is going to be the one getting the kids ready, packing lunches, getting kids to the bus stop or school, and fielding calls from school in the event of illness or misbehavior then he can have more say.
  17. When dh and I disagreed about the idea of homeschooling, he made the mistake of saying that if I homeschooled dd I would have to handle the homeschooling without any help from him. I just smiled at him and he quickly realized that I could handle homeschooling but he he could not handle getting dd up, ready and to school, and all communication and meetings with teachers, and all homework help. The OP could always make her dh take responsibility for his decision by handling EVERYTHING related to the school. His decision, his problem.
  18. :lurk5: I need to exercise and dd loves to exercise.
  19. I am pleasantly surprised that the policeman is facing consequences for his stupidity, incompetence, and/or brutality(take your pick or all of the above).
  20. The first thing that I would do if you have not already done so is to unplug any network cables and disable any wireless connections to the affected computer. Then I would power down and unplug the computer. Then I would either seek professional help or research the virus on my own. There are sites online that are to problems like this what these forums are to homeschooling and parenting. One I remember that has been around for a long time is antionline.com.
  21. The really sad part of the situation is that the puppy might have been a much better behaved dog with different owners. It really sounds like the source of the problem is the owner if he was proud of that sort of behavior.
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