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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I have a nine year old dd who likes several shows that are more traditionally boy oriented. When I want to get her a t shirt or pajamas or something like that related to one of these shows I just look in the boy's department. She wore a boy's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume at Halloween this year..
  2. I wanted to add that one dog we acquired before children was absolutely terrified of anyone but me. Dh could not handle her for over six months. She eventually calmed down but it takes time.
  3. I don't remember the correct term for it but it sounds like the dog is urinating from fear. The rolling over is definitely showing extreme submission from fear. I actually don't necessarily think that spending time in the laundry room is necessarily all bad. In my experience dogs that have been badly traumatized need a long time in a very low stress, low stimulation environment. Depending on the dog's personality she might begin to trust one person before she trusts others. A crate might be a good idea for the dog if that is an option. It would give her a safe place to retreat to if she became frightened but she could still see her environment. If one person started holding on their lap every time it was possible that might help. You could wrap her in a blanket or towel to prevent a mess if she is frightened.
  4. If your sister was provided with a prepaid cell phone and debit card like you can buy at walmart could she(and WOULD she) keep them hidden in case she needs them?
  5. If you think she would be interested in dress up chitons are very easy to make.
  6. Dd9 has refused to read Rick Riordan books because she was worried that they would give her bad dreams. She also thinks weddings are gross because the bride and groom kiss at the end. I just tell her the book is more intense than Riordan or grosser than a wedding or both. If one or the other were not true I would let her read it.
  7. :iagree: I was going to suggest a water pistol although depending on climate I might not use it if it too cold that day.
  8. If dd9 finds out about this thread she will probably demand that I send her somewhere that has snow.
  9. My vision problems were not detected until I was 9. I had been faking and/or convincing myself that I could see things that I couldn't for years. I had 20/200 vision. On the good side I also had excellent auditory memory from memorizing what the teacher said that she had put on the board.
  10. I am glad to hear of the prosecutor being held accountable but I agree with those who say the sentence was too light. At least it sets a precedent for the prosecutor to be held accountable.
  11. Thanks for the information. I will definitely read the samples that are available. I have watched one of the samples for the new self-paced omnibus and was pleasantly surprised that several different interpretations of creation were discussed and it seemed to me that they gave them equal time. My major concern is that I don't want dd exposed to the idea that she should be limited in any way due to being female. One of the things that VP offers that I am very interested in is Linear Algebra which is now invitation only. I don't want to bother to start with their math sequence if she might not be allowed into that class for any reason other than not applying herself.
  12. On the Doug Philips thread there was some mention of Doug Wilson and a Veritas Press connection to him. This leads me to wonder if there is a connection and if so what the nature of it is between Veritas Press and the "patriarchy movement" for lack of a better term. I have been considering using Veritas Press Online for some or all of dd9's high school when the time comes. However, I do not want her exposed to these sort of toxic Ideas. Their elementary go at your own pace history classes have really clicked with her learning style and I have not noticed anything too terribly problematic in the first two. Should I go back to square one and look at other options?
  13. :lurk5: I am interested in this subject as well but for the opposite reason.
  14. I would definitely be angry at the teacher's actions and attitude. If she is already in trouble I would do my best to make sure that she finds herself in even more trouble. In other words I would go full blown mama bear on her in the manner that I calculated to be the most potentially destructive to her career. Of course knowledge of my own temper on such an issue was part of why I decided to homeschool dd.
  15. We have had at least two male dachshunds develop very deep voices as they aged due to excessive barking.
  16. My father had a yellow lab who managed to eat trash somewhat frequently and it never seemed to harm her. I remember at least one wrapper that we did not know about until she passed it.
  17. My dd does Kumon which is timed. She is a major dawdler so if her dawdling gets unreasonable I give consequences such as restriction. When I say unreasonable I mean work that she has done before that she takes 3-4c times as long as she should to complete. For example, if she has work that should take 20 minutes and it takes her over an hour she is probably in trouble. When she becomes too extreme with her dawdling in other areas I threaten to bring the timer out. I have given her a deadline for eating in a restuarant when things were getting ridiculous and we wanted to catch a movie afterwards.
  18. I used an automatic injector to help myself learn to inject myself with allergy shots. Do you think that something like that would be helpful?
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