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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: Liking this one was just not adequate.
  2. Word when used as an interjection indicating agreement instead of its more normal usage as a noun.
  3. Dealing with dd's 2e charactaristics. Trying to figure out which books are at her reading level but not too emotionally intense or mature for her emotional development.
  4. :grouphug: No experience with kidney disease but I cannot have caffine for other reasons. He will probably not want to hear this, but don't forget to eliminate chocolate. White chocolate is still okay.
  5. Well, I have chickens and want goats. I think dh will probably draw the line at anything larger. On the other hand, he is at least as bad if not worse than I am about bringing home pets.
  6. :grouphug: Have you tried a hot as you can stand it bath and extended soak?
  7. If you do decide to go with noncarpet flooring you could put rugs and runners down for your dog to walk on. The rugs and runners would be much easier to thoroughly clean periodically. I would definitely put an air purifier and remove the carpet in your ds's room as a previous poster suggested. I would also put at least one or two if not more air purifiers elsewhere in the house. Wash dog beds at least once a week. Wash dogs at least every two weeks. Brush dogs regularly.
  8. I am glad to hear that your dog is better and I hope no further damage shows up.
  9. I convinced dh to take me to a SCA event for our first date. We deiberately married close to the date this event occurs every year and attend that event together as our anniversary celebration.
  10. celticmom


    I had major orthodonic intervention(that was very needed) as a teen. The changes in my facial shape were below my nose. My nose, cheekbones and eyes were unaffected.
  11. I have never heard of it. I grew up in Alabama and now live in Mississippi. I have only lived in the southern portions of each state if that makes a difference.
  12. I like it and would carry it but I fall into the no fashion sense camp so you might not want to go by my preferences.
  13. My philosophy about snakes is that they are fine in other people's houses instead of mine. I sincerely hope that that particular one lives several states away from me.
  14. Mississippi rabbits don't fear dogs either. I have seen at least one and possibly two adults and a baby rabbit in our yard and we have five dogs. Yesterday evening I took one of our big dogs out at an unusual hour and a rabbit just sat there staring at her for a few minutes before the dog chased it into the underbrush.
  15. I can see pros and cons. I have a friend who uses a wheelchair and I have helped her with both an electric wheelchair and with braces and crutches. The braces that allow someone to stand can be very uncomfortable and I don't see how this device could hold someone up without some sort of brace-like device. Also, it has one of the same problems as an electric wheelchair. If the motor malfunctions or runs out of charge you have a problem. The wheelchair my friend used at college could not be pushed by her and she could not disengage the wheels from the motor herself while sitting in the chair. She almost always had someone walking with her just in case. When the motor was disengaged the wheelchair was about like a car with malfunctioning power steering. If this thing malfunctions while someone is using it will another normal sized not particularly strong person be able to help move it and the person in it without accidentally knocking it over?
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