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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. My third dd did the same thing at that age and same circumstances (nursing and starting solids). She was dxd with failure to thrive. My dr recommended weaning and adding in high fat foods. So I did. Oh if only I had known then what I know now. :crying: Ditto the suggestion to nurse more. But if the little one just isn't interested there's not much you can do to force it. I'd tell her to offer the breast as much as possible!! Avacado is a great source of healthy fat!! Has she tried getting with a LC or IBCLC in her area? Perhaps she could offer some one-on-one advice and have a ped recommendation for her.
  2. I don't use envelopes but budget pages (taken from a budget book put out by Larry Burkett..Crown Financial Ministries..years ago). Something similar they have that you can use on your computer: http://crown.mvelopes.com Anyway, I have: Tithe Bills (this includes mortgage, utilities, and other debt) Groceries Misc. Spending/Fun (i.e. eating out, those "Oh, I need to pick up ___ from the store" trips, etc) Auto (ins., payment, and gas) Dh's travel expenses Savings/Tax Money Surplus Vacation
  3. Having your thyroid and iron levels tested. If you dislike medical doctors you might consider finding a naturopathic doctor who can treat you naturally.
  4. :lurk5: We're hoping to take a family vacation in September to the east coast. One of my reasons for doing it then (aside from planning around clients!) is so we can be at the Homeschool Days.
  5. All four of our kids share a bedroom. I am absolutely able to separate them if I need to. They are also able to display their own things and be creative. While they may not have the luxury of a whole bedroom to decorate, they have a little space by their bed they can hang pictures and other favorites. :iagree: This isn't a matter of being more well off, being lucky, or about financial status at all.
  6. Ditto everything Heather mentioned. I'd also add... I never enjoyed hearing others boasting about how wonderful their life was. I knew I should rejoice with others and not be jealous. I really tried. But it's hard. It's hard to do that when it seems everyone around you is prospering while you wait....and wait...and worry...and wait......
  7. I have no idea if I need to teach it apart from something else (we use CLE LA and Reading if that helps). Again, since I have a strong dislike for it, I really have no idea HOW to teach it or how necessary it really is. I want to enjoy it and understand it but I have a hard time teaching it. Maybe I should buy it and homeschool myself. :lol:
  8. Yes, of course I have looked at the samples. Posting looking/asking for personal experience.
  9. Since MCT is all the buzz here I'm wondering how the poetics program compares to Poetry Primer. I hate poetry. Hate it. Which also means I hate teaching it. But I know my children need to learn about it. And they need to learn to not hate it. We started and tried Poetry Primer. All three of us were b.o.r.e.d. We also got to parts that *I* didn't understand. So we dropped it. Is MCT more "I hate poetry but I want my children to learn to love it" friendly? :lol:
  10. My dh is on our son's. :) It was an unassisted birth so he most definitely was the attendant!
  11. People seem to just keep having babies so my profession/skill is pretty marketable. :lol: Yes, if something happened to my dh I could manage to get us by.
  12. I have a BA in Elementary Education. My oldest dd was born during my last year. I took the Spring semester off, stayed home with her until the following Fall semester started, and went back to do my student teaching. From then on I was a SAHM. People always think that b/c I have that degree it's a HUGE help in homeschooling. Honestly....it isn't. Not one bit. Now I am doing something completely different work-wise. And have student loans to pay back for a degree I am not using. I'm torn on whether or not the time and money was a waste. I don't think my college experience was a waste. Afterall, I met my dh there. :001_wub: I met some great people and learned to live on my own. At the time I had a goal of going on to add a Masters in Deaf Education. But choices that were made and the results of those decisions changed all of that...for the better!! In hindsight though I do not think it was worth the time and money. It has no use to me now whatsoever. If my dd's absolutely know they want to be a SAHM I won't push college at all. I would however suggest to them finding something they enjoy doing that has the ability to provide financially should something happen with their marriage. That could be something that requires a degree but it may not. If they or my ds choose a career that doesn't require a degree, I won't push college at all. I do not think college is something one absolutely must do. I know SO many people who are quite successful who do not have a college degree. A person can be VERY well educated without a college education.
  13. We used to do it. Not anymore because most of the time it would be A LOT of processed foods and items we just didn't use.
  14. I can't imagine getting EVERYTHING done, with four children, by lunchtime! :confused: Subjects that we all do together (i.e. Bible Study, History, Science, etc.) are done in the morning. We break for lunch from 11:30-12:30. Then 12:30-3:30 is for individual book work.
  15. Yes, we have that one. My dh's boss bought it so dh would have a fax line here at the house. We've had it since October and so far it's been great. I just had to get new ink last week. And that was after dh using it along with using it to print/copy pages for school work.
  16. The only CLE I have my girls to in the book is LA. They do Math and Reading on notebook paper. You could also use page protectors and wipe off markers. ;) I haven't found the guides to be helpful. The answer key is going to depend on the subject, level, and if you think you need it. For example, I don't need the answer key for LA 100 but I need it for Math 500. No, they don't have sales. I was also just reading on the yahoogroup that they don't sell seconds anymore either. But you may be able to find some items on sale/swap boards. I've found things too at our used homeschool bookstore (http://www.bibliomaniatulsa.com You can order from them and they'll ship), including unused workbooks.
  17. My oldest is in 6th grade this year. We do the following with my 9yo in the mornings: TruthQuest American History III Christian Kids Explore Physics Galloping the Globe Oklahoma History Human Body study (the older two are using The Body Book and the younger two are using My Body) Then for her own work she does: CLE Math 500 CLE LA 600 CLE Reading 600 Wordly Wise 7 She (and my 9yo) has a required reading chapter book list. I keep it on my iPod so when we're at the library and they are ready for a new book they can look and choose one.
  18. Brandy ~ :grouphug: Of course it's all important! And in the grand scheme of things, that little boy you have taken the time with will remember that forever!!!
  19. Nothing's on my mind right now. I'm sitting here eating some chocolate ice cream (SSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!) while my kids are all content.
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