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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. It's kind of a boring week here. We are going to visit Grandma on Wednesday so I only had to plan two days. lol Turkey Burgers, Crash Hot Potatoes (Pioneer Woman recipe), fruit Taco Salad
  2. What position is your baby in now? Just because you had back labor with one doesn't mean you will with all. You have already received some great tips here! Most ladies that I assist who have back labor gravitate towards the hands/knees position with counter-pressure. In the hospital you can easily get in that position up on the bed. If they will allow you off the monitor for a while (or if they have telemetry units) you can get in the shower to help as well. Stand with your back to the shower stream and lean over a portable toilet-chair (be careful taking a birth ball in there..you might plug up the drain) or lean against your dh (remind him to pack swim trunks ;) ). A HUGE ditto to the rebozo! I've had clients use that before with great success in repositioning baby. Unless baby's head is asynclitic. The slightest shift diagonally can cause Mama to have back pain. It makes me sad that you think you are a horrible mother because of that! :grouphug: You are absolutely not horrible!
  3. And I can't get past taking advice on breastfeeding from someone who has no clinical knowledge of it and whose advice has caused babies physical harm. Or taking parenting advice from someone whose own daughter apparently doesn't want to have anything to do with him. It's great some people are able to take some things from the books. To each her own. I just know that it caused much regret for me in my early parenting. I should have been smarter than just going along with it because my doctor recommended it. I wish with everything in me that I could go back and do it all over again without that wretched book. So I guess you could say I'm grateful to the Ezzo's for helping me see and realize the mistakes I was making because of their advice. And for realizing there were other ways to be attentive to my children's needs so I could be a better parent without their advice.
  4. :grouphug: That really stinks!!! For both of you!! My dd had her 12th birthday two weeks ago and had a sleepover. She invited three girls. One from church came and actually stayed the whole time. The other two live in our neighborhood. About thirty minutes after the party one neighbor girl's mom called to say that she had to come home. Her Girl Scout troop was leaving on a trip in the morning (they thought it would be cancelled due to weather but they changed their mind). The other neighbor girl had to leave at 8pm for a basketball game and came back over at almost 10pm. We were in the middle of the first party game when both girls had to leave so we had to rush through it. :( And that's after all three girls sent text messages while we ate pizza!!! I finally told them, "Put your cell phones on the entertainment center. If it rings and it's your parents, you can answer it. Otherwise it stays up here." :001_rolleyes: My dd was really bummed. Around 9:30 I asked if she wanted to have cake and ice cream. She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Oh, I don't know. I guess." :crying:
  5. My dh was! When our oldest was barely 5 he told me that if we didn't start doing lessons so he could see some progress (and she was doing perfectly fine for her age), we would put her in PS. *sigh* For him it took seeing that progress. Even the minimal, "Hey Daddy, look what I did today!!" was helpful for him.
  6. This is happening SO much faster than I thought it would! We've been talking for a while about being ready to move and financially we are (FINALLY) able to do so. I thought we'd look for a while, get our house ready to put on the market, put out a few offers, and then move. Riiiiiight. Sunday MIL (a realtor) found a great house in need of some TLC. But it's just perfect for us! An amazing price for triple the space we have now. I'm trying not to get my hopes up though. If it's not THE one, there's something just as good out there somewhere. I'm just stunned that things are happening quickly!! Posted that before I was done... Any tips on preparing to move and actually doing it with four kids and a house packed with all our stuff? lol Regardless of whether or not we get this particular house, we will be moving in the near future so I'm trying to do as much as I can in advance. Plus, we need to simplify so we're able to do some minor repairs and updates. I have already started packing away non-essential books. We've been cleaning through clothes and gathering things to donate.
  7. Yes, you can do the acidiphilous capsules. I just mention the liquid because you can use it orally, topically, and vaginally. If she doesn't find relief from natural remedies then her Dr. can Rx something. I had a client recently who tried everything and the only solution was a script. (Sorry about the double-post.)
  8. Yes, you can do the acidiphilous capsules. I just mention the liquid because you can use it orally, topically, and vaginally.
  9. If she wants a more natural approach... - Cut out sugars and yeast products. - Get some plain, organic yogurt (NO sugar added). She can add it into her diet and also use it topically. - Liquid acidiphilous. It can be taking orally, used as a topical creme, and/or used internally (dip a tampon in it and insert). - And ditto the garlic suggestion.
  10. Woah...you didn't mention the previa before. ;) Did it resolve? Is it still fairly close to the cervix? There is the possibility that if it's close to the cervix, the baby knows and won't stay vertex. Sometimes you have to trust the baby. They know the safest way that they need to be born.
  11. IIRC, the writers of the show have already said that won't be what happens. Yes, good point. Could be playing into the idea of the trinity. I also think they are going to start killing off major characters. It looks like Ben is wacked next week. And Claire has already said that if she found Kate and found out she had Aaron, she would kill Kate.
  12. Which eye cream is it? I looked on their site and see Revitalift and the Skin Genesis Eye Serum. A Sephora opened here not long ago. If I went in there would someone be able to help? I've never been in there and have never had someone help me with applying makeup so I really have no idea what I'm doing. :blushing:
  13. I've tried a concealer like that before. It just makes me look jaundiced. lol
  14. Is there anything that works?? I've tried concealers but they just don't work it seems. Maybe I'm buying the wrong thing?
  15. Artificial colors do it for a couple of my kids as well.
  16. Find a chiropractor who does the Webster Technique. It has an 82% success rate. :)
  17. It's also a good way to have your children taken away for "failure to protect". You may know your children are safe but if it gets out that you knew about the abuse and didn't turn him in IMMEDIATELY, you will be held responsible as well.
  18. That's not policy everywhere. What I've experienced here is that the dr. doing the VBAC needs to be able to to c/s. If he/she doesn't they must have someone who is able do back-up for him/her. Usually it is protocol for the Dr. to be on-site when he/she has a VBAC patient laboring. Which is one reason why they tell women, "Come to the hospital as soon as you are in labor."
  19. I would contact the VBAC dr's office and let them know the situation. Perhaps even make an appointment to meet him and talk to him personally about it. He may be open to taking you on later in your pregnancy if he knows you are getting prenatal care and can have records sent to him. It would be different if you haven't seen anyone at all for care, then move and want someone to take you on at 7mo.
  20. So what would you classify as "core" and "in-depth" history? **NEVERMIND!! I hadn't made it to the FAQ page before I asked that question. ;) ** I don't mind buying the books and spreading out the purchases won't be a problem. I just thought if there are books they reference quite a bit and have more reading assignments, I'd just buy those. Others that are thrown in as quicker reading assignments (we can have books for 4 weeks and if it's not needed by someone else my librarian will renew it for longer) we can just get from the library.
  21. I'm going through the book list at Bookshelf Central. Our library has the majority of the books. Of course I want to feed my book addiction and buy them all..LOL..but just starting out, which would be best to own? I will have lower-grammar, upper-grammar, and dialectic to teach.
  22. I didn't personally but I do sometimes for my clients. Looking back I can see that my body was preparing the day I delivered my second but I didn't know as much as I do now to put the pieces together. LOL This is your third? If so, third babies like to change things up. ;) I experienced it myself (#1 & #2 both 2 wks early..thought for SURE #3 would be too. Nope.) and SO many times with clients! So (don't hit me) it's very possible you can go to your EDD or beyond. And yes, you can have BH and pre-labor symptoms for a week or two. It WILL happen!!! :grouphug: I know it sucks. Just remind yourself that your body IS doing something. This is all good preparation for your uterus and for the baby. And this baby may just need a little more time inside to mature and be ready for life on the outside. :)
  23. Interesting. "Non-injurious corporal punishment"??? Are they serious? Have the authors of this article actually read what these people teach?? Ha. I would love to know what their definition of abuse is. wow. I will agree on the point that they do not teach or advocate beating a child to the point of extreme physical harm or death. However, the type of things they do teach are such that if someone has issues controlling the temper or has such a need for control, these teachings help them validate their response. As I said in the other thread, the ultimate fault is with the one causing the abuse/death but there is fault to be had with the Pearls for the teachings. I 125% agree with what is quoted here:
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