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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Another yes. My older two girls are using CLE Reading (500 and 600). They both adore reading and read above grade level. Like another has said, the reading curriculum teaches more about comprehension, analysis, terms, etc.
  2. Is this what you are thinking of: http://www.americanpregnancy.org/labornbirth/pudendalblock.htm But that intense moment is quite short and if you simply push through it, it will be over. Having a warm compress also helps some women. The baby's head helps numb that tissue naturally so if you are to tear or have an episiotomy done, the chances of you feeling it are very small. It can also help pushing in a different position other than on your back but I know in the hospital that is near impossible. There are SO many things that are routine but not medically advisable when it comes to childbirth. ;)
  3. Love my $30 Swiffer Sweeper Vac. :) It plugs in to charge. If you have a large area of hardwood and/or tile it might loose charge while you are sweeping. For those with smaller areas, like myself, it does just fine.
  4. What would one use for Logic? And how funny that yours are exactly opposite of mine. I have three girls and a boy.
  5. I will have 7th, 5th, 3rd, and K. Together we will do (of course my youngest won't be doing all of this): Bible Study First Form Latin + Word Roots flash cards Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Art in Story (using what might go along with TOG) Music of the Hemisphere finish Galloping the Globe 7th Science - Apologia General Science Wordly Wise Math, Reading, LA - CLE typing 5th Science - Christian Kids Explore Earth & Space Wordly Wise Math - R&S or CLE Reading and LA - CLE typing 3rd Science - Christian Kids Explore Earth & Space Wordly Wise Math - R&S or CLE LA and Reading - CLE K Science - listen in to CKE E&S (I think he'll enjoy being a part of that) HWT Math - together with some R&S or CLE thrown in Phonics - with me + library books
  6. There are two other families that I know of. And I've tried reaching out to both suggesting maybe we could get our kids together. Neither seemed interested at all. And I've tried chatting with them more (even a simple "Hi") and they just don't seem interested in even talking. *shrug* Maybe I should shower more?
  7. Zero doubt. Questions, yes. But are they hindering my relationship with Him, no. Just things I want answered when we chat face-to-face. :)
  8. And a lot of it starts in the public schools. http://fedupwithschoollunch.blogspot.com/ She had a guest blogger from Japan who shared what he and the school children there eat.
  9. Cool! Gerard Butler gets my vote. :lol: But then again, I'd be perfectly happy if he starred in ever movie made. :tongue_smilie:
  10. Not from FL so you may get a better response from someone here who is. If not, try Mothering.com. You can ask in the Tribal Area for Florida and/or in the Homebirth forum. There will for sure be ladies there who know the specific details.
  11. Sounds like labor doula and midwifery work. LOL!!! Sounds like a good plan! Even with the minimum and if you have personal experience, that's a great start. Then you can mention on your website and in information that you plan on pursuing the higher level (IBCLC?). Regarding CAPPA, I just wasn't happy with the training. At. All. It was a waste of my time and money. Everything I learned there (which wasn't much on top of what I already knew) could have been taught by my friend and now midwifery partner via hands-on learning. I had to travel to TX in order to do it. Which in itself was fine and a lot of fun (met up with some friends down there)! I thought the training was done poorly, other attendees weren't prepared which took up A LOT of time for those of us who were (i.e. asking questions that they should have known the answer to had they done the pre-workshop reading), we weren't AT ALL trained on the business end of being a doula or CBE (other CAPPA trainings have, I think and I know DONA does), etc. Even though I was listed on their website as CBE, I never got referrals from it. Perhaps now that some time has passed they are a little more known and prospective students/clients are looking there. Word of mouth really is the best advertisement! But...that was my experience with one trainer. Perhaps the trainers in your area are much better at what they do. I would ask at Mothering.com in either the Tribal Area or Birth Professionals if anyone in your area has done a CAPPA or DONA training. And ask other doulas in your area what their experience was. You may find it to be beneficial and the right choice for you. It just wasn't the case for me. If I were to do it all over again (and I probably will for my CBE)and didn't have to pick a specific organization , I would, hands-down, go with CBI. I think it's an excellent choice for those who can self-study and who have someone they can mentor with. Now I'm jealous. That's an awesome opportunity!!!
  12. Betwetting :thumbdown: Haven't had much luck with Calms Forte either. Homeopathic Valerian tincture works MUCH better for us!!!!
  13. And he had his shirt off finally. :tongue_smilie: Anyway.... My new theory is this. In each alternate reality they seem to be linking more and more losties together. So I'm thinking by the end, they will ALL be linked in that new reality somehow.
  14. We watched it. I thought it was great!! I saw Band of Brothers too but don't remember it enough to compare the two. My dh did say, before watching The Pacific last night, "I don't think anything will ever be as good as Band of Brothers." We'll see if he still thinks that after this miniseries is over. :)
  15. :001_wub: Precious!!! Wonderful!! What school are you going to study through?
  16. Too cute!! I tried commenting on your blog but I'm not sure if it went through. Never got a confirmation message. So if there are two from Heather, my apologies!!
  17. I don't understand the big deal with telling kids the truth at their level. And I really don't understand why people make stuff up that isn't true about anatomy. Especially for our girls. They need to know and understand that this is a normal, natural process and that their bodies were created to birth babies (yes, I realize infertility exists..I'm not ignoring that heartache..just discussing the fact that girls in our society really need to hear this message). *stepping off that soapbox* ;) I agree with the others who have said be honest. Apparently your dc already know the differences in anatomy. If there are diagrams of the anatomy in those books, show them where and how the baby comes out. Most kids are satisfied with simple answers. Explaining the "full she-bang" doesn't have to be difficult. Then if you want to also explain a c-section birth it can be just as simple. There are some great birth videos on YouTube if you want to show them an actual birth.
  18. I'm not familiar with NAPS but DONA and CAPPA aren't the only two who certify. They may be the largest (and I wouldn't recommend CAPPA) but they aren't the only ones. So if you fill in part-time work, will you be able to take new clients? Or will you just clear your schedule for 5-6 months for a few clients and then take new clients after that? Yeah, if there is a demand for what you offer, you may make that much $. But birth work isn't really something many people do to depend on bringing in a lot of income. Trust me. I've been a birth doula, I am a childbirth educator and midwife. I teach two sets of classes and take 3-4 clients a month. I'm not rolling in $. ;) Not trying to discourage you. It's just that I see a lot of ladies new to birth work and they think they'll make a good bit of money. It's just not always the case. Another thing to think about is adding lactation consultant certification. That could be something you can do separate from doula work (in-home consultation but also teaching breastfeeding classes) but also be a benefit to it. Ditto.
  19. You might try the Alldoulas.com and mothering.com forums. Alldoulas should have several PP Doulas who could answer your questions. Mothering has a forum specifically for birth professionals so you might get some answers there as well. One thing to consider if you are already doing nanny care, you will need the freedom from the nanny work to be able to work as a doula. Even though you will have some idea when client's babies are arriving, you won't always have exact dates. So those families you are nanny for will have to find someone else to work for them during the time you are tending to new Mamas. I also wouldn't consider it a career right away. If there aren't many PP Doulas in your area, once your name and reputation for great care gets out you could be quite busy!! But doula work in general isn't something one can live off of to support a family. Do you have a certifying organization picked out yet? Each organization has their required reading lists online. Once you decide that (personally, I'd recommend Childbirth International since I've heard great things about them and they offer lifetime certification) or even just while you are still considering the profession, you can start on the reading. That way when you do register and start working on requirements, you have the reading portion out of the way.
  20. The Alex story line annoyed me as well. So it appears in the alternate universe Ben and his father were on the island. For how long they didn't say. If it was into Ben's adulthood then I guess he could have had a connection with Rousseau. If not, how did Alex come into existence? There has to be a connection with Ben and Rousseau for her to have been born. All of the answers are great but I'm not that impressed this season. So far at least.
  21. Nature's Plus Children's Parade Nothing artificial. Some of the Flintstone's vitamins have transfats in them. Not to mention the food dyes. Not much of a nutritional benefit there.
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