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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Yes, I do. If I don't, the sauce makes the dough really soggy and doesn't bake all the way through.
  2. First, just to be clear, it's RED Raspberry Leaf Tea that is used as a supplement in pregnancy. Here is some info from Susan Weed. She is an expert in herbs and the author of Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year. At the Mothering message boards they have a tribe (aka group) for ladies using RRL. I haven't been through all 82 pages but there might be links to the kind of information you are looking for. You can find that group HERE. Personally I've never come across much information on it in relation to VBAC success. It certainly won't guarantee a successful VBAC (in birth, VBAC or not, there are no guarantees ;) ). The premise behind RRL Tea is just that it will help tone the uterine muscles. Professionally, I haven't seen much difference in those who have used it and those who have not. I still recommend it though to clients (usually in the form of Pregnancy Tea because there are other herbs in that tea that are very beneficial) as it is a good/helpful herb to take.
  3. How far along is she? If she is earlier than 36wks I would tell her to not worry about it. If she is that far along or more then she needs to think about being proactive in getting the baby to turn. After 36wks if a baby is still breech then I recommend finding a chiro who can do the Webster (not all chiros can). It has an 82% success rate in turning them. Ditto the Spinning Babies website. Also, a simple Google search for "turning breech babies" will give many websites that have tips/tricks. Then I would also gently remind her that if the baby doesn't turn, to trust the baby. Babies are smart. This little one may have turned b/c she knows it's the safest way for her to be born.
  4. Right now a PC. Someday (hopefully sooner than later) a Mac.
  5. Yes, most definitely due to the BCP. And yes, it happened to me too. It's the main reason I didn't go back on them after my second dd was born. You might check out the book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.
  6. :iagree: And you wouldn't have to buy an O kit. You can chart for free and get the same (I'd be willing to say..better) information. ;)
  7. The only one we (for me and my girls) subscribe to is Crochet Today!. I don't have a subscription to them but soon I'll be sending in for Clean Eating and Taste of Home. Both for the recipes. :)
  8. I really need one and want one like THIS. But...it won't fit in my car when I have all the kids with me (which I do every time we go to the library). :(
  9. Some women find that when stopping cold turkey, they get VERY constipated! If you have just one cup in the morning I would say keep drinking it. If you refill your cup throughout the day I would say back off to one or two cups. Your main source of fluids must be pure water.
  10. Yes, it is. However, when someone comes up with an abusive parenting technique (and yes, I believe what the Pearls teach in regards to discipline IS abuse) and put the information out there, someone is going to follow it. If the information wasn't out there then we wouldn't make the connection. Yes, children are still abused and horribly mistreated by people who have never heard of this family. But the fact that this family has this information out there, IMO, makes them partly responsible for the deaths and abuse of children.
  11. This is us too. Tomorrow is my oldest dd's birthday so they'll get a day off this week anyway. :)
  12. Today is our 100th day! :) We're supposed to have 180 also but there are no requirements to turn that in to anyone.
  13. They fit small. I would order one size larger than you need. We had some made a year ago. I wear a large, had a larger ordered, and it was T-I-G-H-T!! Yes, they are fairly thin.
  14. $600 for 6 people and 3 pets. That also includes household needs like toilet paper, light bulbs, etc.
  15. Yes, some Drs are like that. But that doesn't mean they are right. ;) Most Drs have NO breastfeeding education whatsoever. Stacey ~ Ditto the suggestions for a blood test.
  16. SCM - Am I missing something about this one? All I see under History is through Ancient Rome. If so then after next year, my hunt starts all over again. Well, yeah. But I'm kind of getting tired of it. LOL That's why I've been drawn to TOG. I don't mind gathering some books and materials. I just need something with more meat. What is HOD?
  17. I don't mind using SOTW for the littles I guess, which would be great for them to understand and have things to do. That would be easy to incorporate since I've used it before. I just don't see how it will work with my oldest two. We're doing world geo. this year and next (Galloping the Globe). So can we start with Year Two? I'll go check them out. :) Thanks! ** Looking at their site: I really don't need science or word roots. It seems like a really expensive curriculum when I'm simply looking for history. Any other suggestions? Keep them coming! :)
  18. I'm trying to muddle my way around to find something for next year. And I'm getting frustrated. When my oldest two were young we used SOTW 1 & 2. They enjoyed it. However, I don't see how it will stimulate learning and be challenging to them now that they are 10 and 12 (in 4 days :) ) . Then we moved to TQ AHYS 1 & 2 (I wasn't pleased with how SOTW 3 laid things out). They did pretty well with it, I felt like they were learning, and we all enjoyed it. This year we've been doing TQ AHYS 3. And we hate it. I do not like how the history is just all clumped together from 1920s on. We're going to muddle through it and my wonderful, history-buff husband is helping. So here we are, ready to go through the cycle again next year with the Ancients. I will have all four children participating. They will be 7th, 5th, 3rd, and K. Ideally I would like: - a multi-level curriculum. - something I can re-use when we go through the cycle again (and that would provide High School credits). - something that will challenge the older ones, cause them to really think about and consider the events of history. - something that leans towards a Christian world view. I've been leaning towards TOG since it seems to fit these wishes. That and I showed it to my dh and he was impressed. Since we all have children with different learning needs and our own preferences I'm finding it's hard to read reviews. For every raving review I find, I read three more that dislike it. Of course I don't expect to find something that everyone just adores. I'm just wondering if there are other options out there that I am missing. Thanks!
  19. I am glad that I'm not alone. I am absolutely appalled. It was horribly disrespectful to his family and teammates. Thank goodness for DVR. If that were my son I would be raising hell that it was shown. I would not want anyone, especially the whole the world, watching the accident that took his life. :crying:
  20. The way I understand it though, I can still print it all if I want to, right. I know, a lot of printing but it's still an option. And if I'm looking at all the right things DE is MUCH cheaper! Thanks for the help. I'm sure I'll have more questions down the road. There is just SO much at their website and so many options. Maybe their website will make more sense when I haven't been up since 4am at a birth with one more to head out to at any moment.
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