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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. I might fit in this category. :) - Nothing electronic is on during the school day (tv, Wii, computer games, iPod) with the exception of watching something during lunch. - When school work is done their freetime can include electronic games. - HP is not allowed in our home. - No tween Disney shows are allowed. Neither is SpongeBob. - We LOVE Narnia. - My older two girls are allowed to visit and post at Ravelry. - FB is not an option (and hasn't been brought up either so it's not an issue) - They may have an email address when they turn 8.
  2. Angela ~ Congrats! Great pic!! :) He is absolutely adorable!!
  3. Thanks again! I just found some links to past threads here. Reading about Lightening Literature. Maybe something like that would work since it would carry them into High School...? I really like that it uses literature to teach the concepts. That's my only beef about CLE.
  4. Thanks! I can't find any samples online of Figuratively Speaking. Does it cover basic poetry? *Nevermind...I found what I was looking for at Rainbow Resource. :) * I see the other covers both and looks great, but it's way above grade level for my girls.
  5. My older two girls (5th grade and 3rd) have been doing CLEs reading. They both hate it. It's the only lesson they complain about having to do. My reason for choosing their reading was I saw the figurative lang. was covered as well as a little bit of poetry. I have scanned over the CLE S&S for LA (which we use) and see one reference to figurative lang. in LA506. So it doesn't appear that these things will be covered in LA. Is there something different/better and similar in price (or free)? Should I just have them tough it out with CLE and stick with it, knowing it covers a good deal of information?
  6. And mine: http://doulaheather.blogspot.com
  7. This movie has done SO much for women in our country. It's not about making them choose homebirth, it's about informing them so they know there are options! Since the movie has come out we have had quite a number of clients come to us saying things like, "I saw the movie BoBB and decided this was the best option for me." Many of them have been first time parents. And it's also very helpful for the skeptical family members. Those who just don't get why their loved one is choosing to birth out of the hospital. After they watch it, even if they don't agree, they understand the decision little better. Another great one to watch is "Pregnant in America".
  8. The Moby or SleepyWrap is nice until baby gets heavy. The fabric tends to stretch. I made my own out of a VERY light cotton-blend, almost gauze-like fabric. Sometimes you can find great fabric at the $1/yd table at WalMart. You need about 5.5-6yds. Then if you have a sewing machine (serger is best) or if you know someone, just sew up the edges. It does have quite the learning curve and you have to fold the fabric when you're done with it. But there are how-to videos on YouTube that can help. Once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy to manage.
  9. Do you have any fun plans to do a study during the Olympics? :) Things that aren't too time consuming? I am going to have my older two girls plan a trip as if they are going. They will have to find a flight, a hotel, and tickets to events they would like to attend. Then figure up the expenses. Any other ideas???
  10. FWIW, I'm "doulaheather" over there. I don't knit though, just crochet. :)
  11. I was just thinking about that the other day! I can't believe it's been 10 years!! We celebrated, like always, at my Mom's house. Didn't get involved in the Y2K craze at all.
  12. Aside from the stressful situation, what a blessing for your son! :) I freaking LOVE goodwill but for some reason the employees are pretty nasty sometimes!! We were there once when they had mentally challenged (what's PC these days??) volunteers helping out. One gentleman was trying to get in to clean one of the bathrooms when a Goodwill employee YELLED at him! Asking what he was doing, why was he wasting time, go do something else. Then another employee rudely jumped all over another volunteer. I said something to the manager about it all. It was horrible!!! Regardless of a person's ability, there's no reason to speak to someone like that!
  13. Page protector (just slide the page into it...also helps to be a bookmark) and a wipe-off or over-head marker.
  14. We switched from R&S to CLE this year. We've used R&S since we started HSing six years ago. So far my girls are enjoying CLE much more. This. I have found the S&S much more helpful and accurate than the placement tests. I bought the placement tests for my girls and they were somewhat accurate. One of my dd's tested for one level and I bought it...it turned out to be WAY TOO EASY for her. I'm getting ready to switch my 3dd to CLE for LA and Math and I'm not bothering with the placement tests.
  15. The kids and I (my dh always has to be here to work at least one day that we're gone) go to my Mom's over New Years. :) We open gifts from her the night we get there (usually the 30th) and then have a fun little NYE party.
  16. We bought one as an "everyone" gift. :) (Oh..and I'm really sore today from playing Wii Sports last night with dh :p)
  17. Bambam ~ That sounds YUMMY!! HomeschoolCarol ~ I want to come to your party!! lol I'd love to see the recipe for Pineapple Meatballs please! We love Hawaiian Cocktail Sausages 2 packages of Lil' Smokies 1 C green pepper, chopped 1 jar marishino cherries (I cut them in 1/2) 1 can pineapple tidbits (save the juice..see below) 1 T cornstarch 1/4 C white vinegar 1/4 C water 1/2 C brown sugar 1/2 C pineapple juice - drained from the can Put the first four ingredients in the crockpot. Mix the last five ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour the liquid over the ingredients in the crockpot and set on low to keep warm.
  18. Just curious. :) I didn't know they had this until I was looking for something in the Scope and Sequence. :thumbup1:? :thumbdown:?
  19. Turkey, mashed potatoes, crock-pot creamed corn, green bean casserole (NOT the nasty kind with the soup!!), applesauce salad, frozen fruit salad, and honey muffins. To snack on today we had: Hawaiian cocktail sausages, spinach-artichoke dip, apple brickle dip, and Christmas candy.
  20. Mine haven't opened gifts from my ILs yet. ;) They NEVER ask what the kids would like or simply what they could use. They just go buy crap. For example, when my oldest two were about 2yrs and 4 years they got PORCELAIN dolls. :glare: So I may very well have something to add to this thread later....
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