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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. The iPod app I have has an option to load in music from your library. When you need to change from walking to running there is a short pause, the person says, "run", and then the music starts again. I have to have music when I run which means the ear buds. Because I am focused on what I'm doing to keep going (the distraction Lynn mentioned) I can't engage with them if they come along. I also use the time for just me. Maybe it's because I'm an only child..lol..I MUST have a bit of time in the morning to myself before I get going.
  2. :hurray: Congratulations!!! :hurray: I'm on Week 3. And have been for about two weeks. :lol: Will be back on the pavement tomorrow morning!! I originally started in late Spring. Then it started getting hot and since I HATE the summer heat, I stopped the program. I am definitely a cold weather runner!!! Lynn ~ I've always hated running too but the Ct5K really eases you into it. And I totally agree with Karen, there is a total "high" after I finish the walk/run!! It's also MY time. There's something about putting on some music and taking off. It's hard to describe but when I do the jog intervals it's almost like as I jog, I'm running away from it all and feel powerful.
  3. What a sweet kitty!!! And how wonderful to have a beautiful photo to remember him by! :grouphug:
  4. Ditto a wrap! And if you or someone you know sews, you can make one very inexpensively! I bought a VERY(!!!) thin cotton blend from the WalMart $1/yd table and made my wraps. It eliminates this problem: She won't be able to use a Mei Tei until the baby is bigger. But it is a very nice option! It was my fav for wearing my 2yo on my back. Ring slings are nice too but some tend to droop.
  5. OOoooohhh...they have those here at Whole Foods!! It helps me not buy that many because they are $7.99/lb!
  6. :lol: I've had several clients apologize for the condition of their unshaved legs when I'm getting ready to do a vaginal exam.
  7. No one in our family has had it. We will not be vaccinated for it. I am absolutely comfortable with that decision!
  8. Jennifer ~ No, you are not the only one. But it's important for women to know that it is an option to help manage the pain. If it (or another pain management technique) doesn't work, try something else. This. Exactly. But what is essential is that every woman is educated about her options. It's important to know there are options on where to birth. It's important to know that during labor and birth there are options for every aspect. And when choosing an option every woman needs to know the risks and benefits of those, then make a decision based on that knowledge. No birth is exactly the same. Every woman is different.
  9. I did one after posting for today. LOL So not quite a wordless Wednesday. doulaheather.blogspot.com
  10. http://eatingcleanworks.com/what-is-eating-clean.html
  11. We try. :) Pollan's books would be good. Tosca Reno's book The Eat-Clean Diet is also excellent. One of my favorites is Clean Eating magazine.
  12. Oh...there are SOOO many options!!! :) - Hire a doula. The research speaks for itself. - Read everything you can get your hands on!! I have a book/website recommendation list I can email you if you like. - Take a class that teaches about natural birth (don't take a hospital class!). There have been some great suggestions here already (i.e. Bradley). See what's in your area, research the different types and decide what's best for you. Most out there that teach natural birth are excellent! - Hydrotherapy. You'll have to ask your dr or doula about this as you may only have the option of the shower. And if you have that, you probably won't be able to be in there long b/c they will want you on the fetal monitor. Most hospitals don't have tubs to labor in, but yours might. And if they do it's very likely you will not be able to birth there. - Be active during labor. Even if you are on the fetal monitor you CAN be active..it doesn't mean you'll be tied to the bed. - Learn about comfort measures. This includes your husband. If/When you hire a doula she can help teach you these things. - Learn about and practice relaxation methods now. Practice very day. Again, this is something a doula can help you with. - Make sure you spend time during your pregnancy surrounding yourself with the positive. The mind-body connection is VERY strong during pregnancy, labor, and birth. Making sure you are prepared mentally/emotionally will be a huge help in achieving a natural birth. - If you want meds but don't want an epidural, many women choose Stadol. You can't have it when you are very close to delivery (it's a narcotic and will cause respiratory distress in the baby). It will not take all of the pain away but may help take the edge off. It only lasts about 45mins-1hr. Beware though, some women don't handle it well and feel very odd. HTH!
  13. :lurk5: We're thinking of getting one as well for a family gift. :) Looking forward to the responses! I get dizzy also looking at all the games!!
  14. We're going to try Kiran's Typing Tutor. It's a free download.
  15. This is what finally worked for me: Fruit Fly Trap Similar to Abbeyj's idea.
  16. All of the suggestions your care providers have given you are :thumbup1:. If you were my client I would talk to you also about any added stress in your life recently...? Any worries?
  17. For one who can't sleep due to the mind wandering (feeling like you can't turn your brain off), give Valerian. One of my dd's has problems getting to sleep sometimes and Valerian does the trick. I've tried it a few times myself and it's great stuff! A few minutes after taking it that racing feeling in your brain slowly stops and you're able to drift off to sleep. For RLS you might give chiropractic care a try. There is a specific technique that can help that.
  18. You can add a playlist through playlist.com. I use CutestBlogontheBlock for my blog.
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