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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Do a google search for "gestational diabetes gentlebirth". The Gentle Birth website has some suggestions on there for alternative testing, including the jelly bean test. Another option is to ask your care provider to compromise. Get a glucometer and test your sugars at home. Yes.
  2. I haven't been offended by it. Nor do I care if people do it or not. :) Just wondering what the reasoning was behind it. Thanks.
  3. But with that logic any posts with "secular" content need to be noted. Right? I guess I just don't get it. If one opens a post and it offends, close it and go on. *shrug* Again, just trying to understand why it seems to ONLY be Christians who are doing this.
  4. Why? Do those of other religions put a disclaimer in their post titles too? I'm not trying to be snarky, just honestly wondering why it's the Christians who seem to be the only ones putting a disclaimer to posts.
  5. That. Exactly. And I hate the Staples commercial with the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" song. .
  6. :grouphug: I'm so sorry you're dealing with this! Especially with your dh out of town! It sounds like you're doing trying to get them to subside. Did your OB suggest bedrest along with the meds? Do you have family and/or friends close by that can help with your other children and meals until your dh is home? I'd suggest as much bedrest as possible in your situation. One tip midwives use (you'd have to stop the meds though) is a small amount of wine. It will relax the uterine muscles and can stop preterm labor. If it's switching gears into true labor, the wine won't stop it.
  7. Anyone in Tulsa have your kids in the Homeschool Choir? Is it worth it? Do they require parents to volunteer?
  8. My dh's work has had them before at appreciation dinners. Sorry to say but I despise those things. When we put stuff in the chocolate it splatters everywhere.
  9. Exactly. If she's smelling it in her underarms and from other places that would most likely rule out a vaginal infection. I remember a few years ago seeing a story on tv about mystery conditions (not Mystery Diagnosis). This girl they had on there had the same issue. She would even walk into a room and other people could smell it. If I recall correctly it ended up being due to foods she was eating. Almost like an allergic reaction, her body reacted to certain things by releasing this fish smell. I wish I remembered more about the condition to help more.
  10. Long story short... I have nodules on both sides of my thyroid and all of my labs came back with normal levels and the biopsy was benign. I decided against a thyroidectomy and started seeing a herbalist. What she had me on helped my symptoms (i.e. lack of energy) but never really touched the nodule swelling. Then I switched to a naturopath. The homeopath she has me on is great!!!! It helps both my symptoms and the swelling. I started in March taking a dose 2x/day and now I'm down to just needing it every other day. So here in a few months I should be able to wean off of it a bit more.
  11. Ditto. The other day someone here posted this link: http://www.d-maps.com/
  12. This is why I don't plan bookwork for longer than a week. ;) Life happens and if I plan longer than that it just stresses me out and adds more work.
  13. Wonderful!! Just in time for our world geography study!!
  14. CKE Chemistry is a good introduction to terms, equipment, the elements, molecules, different types of bonds, etc. You won't be exploding anything. There are some hands-on activities to do but they are really simple. I probably wouldn't use it with a 12yo. And from what you describe of your dd, she would probably be very bored with CKE.
  15. B and C I look over the sale ads and if there are things we can use I plan any meals I can from that. Otherwise I make a menu and buy what's needed.
  16. Handwriting Without Tears (you don't really need the TE or extra things they sell) Getty/Dubay Italic I go back and forth between the two. My kids start out with HWT. I've moved to the Italic with a couple of them for extra practice in neatness. But then we switch back to HWT because I do not like Italic Cursive.
  17. :lol: My first thought was that maybe you were pregnant and experiencing PICA. LOL!!
  18. Oh wonderful! I didn't know they sold the same books at R&S site! Thanks ladies! Great things to consider!
  19. My head is spinning. Help!! I'm sitting here looking over CLEs website again, desperately needing to get curriculum ordered and I can't decide what to do. A little background: My girls are 6th, 4th and 2nd grades. I have been looking at CLE for a while now. My oldest daughter is burned out on R&S Math and English. We've been trying to find a good fit for LA for her as well (tried FFL and Abeka...hated both). So I saw CLE mentioned here many months ago and when we looked over the books, she was interested. So my plan was (is??) to switch my 6th grader to CLE Math and LA. Then I was also going to switch my 4th grader to CLE LA (she still enjoys R&S Math). Then I started looking at their Reading curriculum and thought I would start my older two dd's doing that. They LOVE to read but we've never done any comprehension or analysis exercises. Should we???? Their Reading seems to have more than just those type of exercises, for example Grade 3 (where I thought my 4th grader would place) seems to have some LA topics in it such as alphabetizing, prefixes, parts of speech, etc. But perhaps it would be a good review since with the placement test she placed in LA 5. Am I making this decision harder than it needs to be? :lol: Also...I have an almost 4yo ds who for weeks, as we have been gathering other curriculum and supplies, has been begging to "do school". I have a couple things for him (coloring, cutting/paste, numbers) but I'm wondering if he would enjoy the CLE Beginner's Activity Set..? There aren't any examples and the used bookstore here doesn't have any of these so I have no idea what the activities are like. I'm thinking that maybe it would be something he could do to learn (duh..lol) but also just feel included in school time. TIA!
  20. There are some banana cake recipes over at Food Gawker that look super yummy!! There is a recipe for breakfast cookies that uses bananas in the "Feed Me, I'm Yours" cookbook. They also have oatmeal in them. My kids LOVE when I make them b/c they think they are getting away with eating cookies for breakfast. LOL! If you're interested I can post it.
  21. Your cervical changes have absolutely NOTHING to do with when you'll go into labor. A woman can go for weeks being dilated much more than you are. And women can be "high, tight, and closed" at a prenatal and be in labor later that day.
  22. The dramatic, unrealistic scenes draw the most attention. What fun would it be to see a normal, physiological birth on TV??? *insert sarcasm here* It's just like being in a room of women and hearing the horrific birth stories. No one wants to hear the stories of normal birth. Being unprepared and mental/emotional issues are huge factors.
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