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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Oh yeah...I like that idea a lot! Thanks so much for the ideas ladies! I think I finally have a way to do this that will work! :)
  2. What a great blog!! Thanks!! Her idea plus gr8tcook's might be able to be meshed together.
  3. Thanks! Keep the ideas coming! That sounds like something that would work! How do you keep a record of what jobs they have done and what they have earned? Where I've struggled with allowance is that some things just need to be done because it's how a house is taken care of. But they also need to be taught about managing money and given the chance to save or spend it on things they want. I just haven't been sure how to determine what things can earn them money and how to keep track of what has been done and how much they have earned. No, not really since my post was specifically asking those who DO give allowances. :tongue_smilie: Re: Savings - It's not a requirement but our oldest two daughters opened a savings account all on their own motivation. And they have faithfully been depositing money into their account each month since. :thumbup: So I do try to encourage them along with that.
  4. I need some creative ideas from those who do allowance with their children. :) Ideally I'd like to incorporate teaching about giving, saving (my older two already have savings accounts), and a little for spending. But I don't want to go crazy every time we give allowance having to make sure I have enough change for all of them to divide up the money for each (i.e. "This $.80 is for giving, this $1 is for saving,...." X 4). Does that make sense?? I just want to KISS. ;)
  5. Ditto. As long as those women had similar ideas about parenting and raising children as I do. ;) I won't really listen to someone who's scheduled their babies or used the cry-it-out approach or someone who uses a more punitive approach with older children. That said, I think every parent should read Protecting the Gift. I recommend anything by Dr. Sears to new parents.
  6. It's definitely not for me either!! There's no way I could restock the bins every evening! Seems like way too much work. Julie's index card idea is a great one. That is also something that could be done at the beginning of the week (put dividers in the index box for Monday, Tuesday, etc) on your end. We do similar to what you mentioned. My girls just have binders with assignment pages. Every Sunday I write out the lessons they are to complete during the week. So all they have to do each day is look at lessons written down for the day, decide what order they want to do it in, and get it done.
  7. I think I was in 7th grade too. In choir our director had us sing it and do choreography with it. :lol:
  8. I would consider getting a small one but my dh is strongly opposed to them. I do however LOVE doing henna on myself! Usually in the summer I henna my feet and hands. :)
  9. If dh is home, he does. If he's at work and I need to get something cooked, I do it.
  10. Mine are 11, 9, 6, and 3. I didn't mention in the other thread but we did use spanking with our first two. After a while I came to the realization that it just didn't make sense to do it and wasn't really teaching anything. I 100% agree with you Jenny. Very well said. Joanne ~ I love your website! Great information you have there.
  11. Voice of dissent here. We switched to FLL from R&S and didn't care for it at all. Both of my girls (the oldest two) were quite bored.
  12. No, we do not. I can not wrap my head around how it makes any sense. How hitting a child can teach obedience boggles my mind. I also don't buy the whole, "..it works for some kids but not others." I also do not believe spanking is Biblical. My loving Father God does not cause me physical pain to help me learn obedience. I read something the other day from a friend of mine that is so absolutely true, "If God's kindness leads His children to repentance, why do people think the opposite will work on their own children?"
  13. Is Neihuis (sp) Park where they meet?? I took the kids to swim there on Monday. We had SO much fun!!!
  14. I may or may not be at the TAHS thing tomorrow. I was at a birth all day yesterday and got home at 1:30am. I didn't get a lot done today since I was running on not much sleep. Which means that I got behind here at home. Need to catch up on laundry, some school work, cleaning...ya know, all the fun stuff. I'll have to see how my morning goes.
  15. I got approved on the yahoogroup a little while ago. I'm just now getting back over there to look through the message history. I see one other lady on the list that I know. It's nice to see that there are some like-minded ladies in the group. :) We may try to go on Thursday. I have two clients due any day now so if I'm not there, I'm either asleep recovering or at a birth. :)
  16. WiseGal ~ Yeah, I know it's a great group. We've been members of it before. I was the leader for the New to CHEER team for a while. Erica ~ The only other group I've been a part of is FAITH. And we won't be re-joining in the Fall. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do. I'd really like to belong to a great HS group but so far my experience has been less than ideal. I have heard of TAHS (one of our clients is a member of that group if I remember correctly). Maybe they will have something we can visit sometime. I work on Fridays so I wouldn't be able to do that little playgroup. Maybe I'll check out the yahoogroup. A friend of mine has taken her kids there. Seems like a really fun place!
  17. Let me rephrase...lol For someone like me who dislikes and doesn't entirely understand poetry but wants her kids to learn and somewhat enjoy it, can I teach from the TE (which has the answers) like I am doing for the Primer? Or is the student book a must as well for the next level?
  18. Can I use just the TE to teach this like I've been doing with the Primer?
  19. We have the fractions book. I'll probably be selling it. :001_unsure: How it works totally depends on the student. At first my dd and I really loved it. But as we got further into it I just didn't care for the way he explained things. There didn't seem to be a lot of explanation as to why certain things were done to figure out the problem. I didn't feel like my dd was learning/absorbing much from it.
  20. You could probably get through two books in one year. It would all depend on how much you cover, how many library books you want to use, how fast your kids read, if you want to assign any additional work, etc. I only have experience with the AHYS 1 and 2. There are some selections that they have listed for the upper grades.
  21. We turned it off about five minutes into the movie and wish we had done so sooner. There was way too much violence IMO. A scene being filmed or not, it was far too much for children IMO. Bolt flips a car then goes around to show the person in the upside-down car. Bolt dashes through highway traffic while people on motorcycles crash. Then he catches a bomb, jumps up and over a helicopter...as they show the person sitting in the helicopter...and then the helicopter explodes. So I'll be the dissenting vote here and say :thumbdown:
  22. I don't have that kind of extra money laying around to buy more than two boxes (one per eye) at a time.
  23. Well that sucks. I really didn't want to have pay for an exam that I really don't need on top of ordering the contacts. :banghead:
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