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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. You can get Eldon cards from In His Hands birth supplies website. :)
  2. Vax'ing does not guarantee that your child will not contract a disease. And if your young child hasn't had the entire series, they are not "protected".
  3. LOVE wraps!! They have a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it they go on really easy. There are how-to videos online (thru BabyWearer.com and YouTube) showing how to do the different ties. The two babies of mine that I wore loved it!! And I loved it as well because I could wear/cuddle them but also get things done around the house or tend to the other children. If you have a warm-natured baby it can get a little sweaty but it's not horrible, especially now that the weather's turning cooler. The wrap is very comfortable! The way you wear it helps distribute the weight across your back/shoulders. They also don't droop like slings tend to do. The baby is held up nice and close to you. I also made my own. Many times WalMart has perfect material (almost gauze fabrics or very thin knits) on their $1/yd table. The downside to Moby's (or any wrap made of knit) is once the baby gets heavier, they sometimes loose their tautness. This is why I preferred to make my own with a cotton-blend almost gauze fabric.
  4. I just had this done today. And two others taken off two weeks ago. I had two on my tummy and two on my lower back. ITA with this: And the stitches are a PITA. One of mine he biopsied so he had to cut more than usual to send in. The other two today ended up needing stitches b/c the base was thick. I wasn't expecting stitches today (and I'm not happy about having them on my tummy...it HURTS) but whatever...the moles are finally gone.
  5. Exactly the reason this method won't work for us. Thanks for the ideas. I think I've found something to try.
  6. Yes, I realize what the point is. And no, it wouldn't work. I will not use seclusion from the family as a punishment.
  7. Great idea! We do a 4-day week so perhaps if I graded on Thursday evening anything not completed on Friday means loss of computer time on Saturday. Hmmm...don't mind me...just thinking. :)
  8. Wouldn't work in our house. That would mean in the evening if a sibling or the family is watching tv, the child who has lost tv privilege must spend that time in the bedroom. :( I agree. My OP wasn't asking about giving grades. ;) I think this is going to be our best option. I have done something similar when I find a lesson where many items were done wrong. We either go over those concepts more indepth together on Monday or I reassign that portion. But I think looking over lessons at the end of the school day or evening and then adding those things to the next day's work will be enforcement enough. This might work as well. They do love having computer time at the end of the day and evenings. If the above idea isn't incentive enough I could probably use this idea. Thanks!!
  9. Elizabeth - Ok...so how do you keep track of what privilege each child has lost? What is your system? B/c there is no way I could remember who lost what and for how long and.... thowell - In cases like that, if they are not done by 3:30, they finish work after dinner. I'm talking more about when I go to "grade" papers I find work left uncompleted. I go over their work on Sunday afternoons when I'm doing the weekly planning. I could do it daily I guess but I'm happy with my weekly system of going over things.
  10. If she's interested she should do it!! I took Sign in middle school and went on to do some interpreting at our church. I LOVED it!!! I also babysat several deaf/HH infants and children. One summer I helped tutor deaf/HH students at a summer school for deaf/HH and blind children. My goal was to become a Deaf Education teacher (life happened and I didn't go on to add that after I was done with my bachelors in Elementary Education). I glanced through the other responses and agree that there are many opportunities for your dd if she choses to pursue this.
  11. Enforce is probably a poor word choice in that title so I'll try to explain more about what I'm asking.... My girls are in 6th, 4th, and 2nd grades. The only thing I give a grade on is their Math tests. It really doesn't mean much other than having a gauge of how they are doing. When I go to grade their daily school work I will sometimes find questions or problems not completed. Sometimes I will make a note ("..please answer ALL of the questions..") or if they have left quite a bit left undone, I have them go back and do it. In your homeschool do you have any incentives or some kind of system to encourage all work to be completed? I know some families will do things like, "If your work isn't done you will not do this extra activity this week." The only extra activity they have right now is church and that's not something I'll use as a consequence. Does that make sense??
  12. Oh Stacey...I am so very very sorry. Help her do something special to remember this little one and remind her that a part of her heart will always grieve.
  13. FLL wasn't for us either. We are *finally* happy (meaning it took me a while before finding something I was pleased with) with the Christian Light Education LA.
  14. :grouphug: You're doing a great job Mama!! My only suggestion would be to make sure her care provider is experienced in gently caring for teen moms. I've heard many stories of doctors AND midwives doing or saying things to intentionally punish a girl for having become pregnant as a teen. But that said, with your experience with alternative birth options you probably know the excellent care providers in your area. :)
  15. Regardless of how Mom is feeling, she should have the sense to think, "My kids have been sick. I am currently sick. We'll stay home from CoOp until everyone is better."
  16. I used to. That's when I stopped planning long-term for most subjects. The only ones I plan out are history, science, geography, and art. And I only do that so I can be prepared for materials and library books.
  17. I've never used anything other than the student books.
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