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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Something other than..... A hotel. With a/c and no bugs. :tongue_smilie:
  2. My older two have completed Prima Latina. I was going to start them on First Form this year but $ is an issue so I haven't ordered it yet. Then I was sitting here and remembered that I have Latina Christiana I (after our move, I completely forgot I had it!!!). Because I am a planner and like to know where we are going....... Should they do Latina Christiana II or First Form I after LC I? Or should they do LC II, then FFL I, and then FFL II? Or does it really matter???
  3. I bought them in the doll making department of the craft store (Hobby Lobby).
  4. I'm going to assume you meant to say "a woman having her uterus and/or ovaries removed would be 100%. Yes, that is true. But....if you don't have sex.....you have zero chance of getting pregnant. Therefore only abstinence (as a form of bc) is 100%.
  5. I make my own similar to what is on Donna Young's website.
  6. Only abstinence is 100%. :tongue_smilie: NO birth control method, chemical or physical (i.e. vasectomy) is 100%. Yes, sometimes it can be from user error but not always, as many have already noted here.
  7. Good question. I'm not sure what the rule is for that. I just figure if we've been outside and are sweating, a glass of water is in order to replace lost fluids.
  8. It's only been the last two years that I have scheduled times for each subject. We used to do the subjects done all together (i.e. Bible study, history, science, etc) in the morning, no blocked time, and then individual work in the afternoon. When I started schooling three (and now this year, all four) it helped my sanity to schedule the morning subjects. But I'm not strict about it. If Poetry takes less time than I have blocked off, we just move on to the next subject. If History takes longer we keep working a little while longer. If we decide to do Science earlier in the morning, we do it. I just needed to block off time to keep it all organized, to make sure we didn't forget anything, and to keep us on task somewhat. We do everything except Poetry every day. Yes and no. I plan out History, Science, Poetry, and Latin books. It gives me an idea of when we'll be studying what, what supplies we'll need, what library books to put on hold, and when we'll be done with the book. I do not plan out their individual work. But when life happens (i.e. we just need day off, I am gone at a birth or resting from being up all night at a birth, or if something just comes up) I don't let myself get stressed about missing a day. We find the time later to make up the lesson and get caught up.
  9. Congratulations!! Children are a blessing from the Lord! I'm a little late coming to this thread so I may be repeating something but a few things stood out to me in your OP. You can not control the reactions of other people. What you can control is your trust in God, choosing to move through this time with grace, and welcoming this little one into your family. What do you represent? Do you represent a God who turns away from His children when they do not follow His plan for their lives? Do you represent a God who looks at you and says, "Oh gee. How will I ever be able to bring another soul into My Kingdom when you are living this way? I can't believe you did this to Me." Do you represent a God who looks at the choices you make and gives judgement instead of grace. I certainly hope not. God still loves her, is standing right next to her through this, and is going to use her story (and your family's story) to minister to someone someday. She needs the same grace and love from her Daddy. It's great your pastors are supporting her. But...who gives a flying flip what other people think??? Honestly, it's none of their business what goes on with your family. I certainly hope your pastors will stand up to any backlash and be an example of the grace given to us. Congratulations!!!! I pray that you have a wonderful and healthy pregnancy and delivery!
  10. Ah-ha! I had totally forgotten that those samples are the very first three weeks! I should be able to make a great book list from that and bookshelf central. Thanks!
  11. Yes, I know. And I don't even have an extra $45 to do that either.
  12. *shrug* Guess things have changed. When we were in CHEER it was quite $$$ for a family our size to do their co-op.
  13. I was planning on being able to buy Y1 this month. However, after our move, I don't have the money for it right now and we are set to start school in two weeks. :( I have SOTW1 to use along with TOG. Will I be ok for a while (it will probably be at least another month before I can buy it) to follow the topics in SOTW1 until I can purchase TOG? I see most of the topics are similar starting out, I just didn't know if we would be missing anything important, especially for my older two girls (7th and 5th).
  14. We do school at the dining room table. Sometimes my older girls will take Math or something to their bedroom to work.
  15. http://store.doverpublications.com/0486249859.html Dover has several horse-related coloring books.
  16. Jen ~ We are in the same situation regarding finding a group. We went to a TAHS meeting once. The kids enjoyed it I think. However, my work schedule just hasn't worked out so we can go. As much as I've made an effort to get involved there, it just hasn't happened. So I'm beginning to wonder if it's just not the group for us. I would really like to get my kids involved somewhere but I'm just not sure where. Last I heard, you have to be a member of the group for at least a year (or is it two?) before you can join the co-op. And it. is. expensive. Hi Lisa! Nice to meet you! :)
  17. Me too!!!! We moved last week and our new house has a lot of hard surface floor. The hardwood is stained dark and REALLY shows dirt! I wasn't sure how to efficiently clean it all and decided today to try the steam mop. LOVE it!!!!! I can use my vacuum to pick up the pet hair, grass, dirt, etc. Then use the steam mop to clean. My floors are shining and feel clean!! Granted I've only used mine once, but no, I didn't. I was able to clean quite a bit of area on one tank (I didn't clean the entire dining room or bathrooms). When I turned it on for the first time, it took less than a minute for it to be ready to use.
  18. In the middle of it here too! All of the clutter is driving me mad.
  19. Me!! I would LOVE to have another baby. Or two. ;) But dh's had that taken care of so it won't happen again. Thankfully I can live vicariously through my clients, snuggle babies....then give them back to Mama when they cry. :tongue_smilie:
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