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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. I think it's good that she is admitting it and is doing something about it. The alternative could be her feeling forced to be a SAHM, hating every minute of it, and developing SEVERE PPD.
  2. My goal when teaching handwriting isn't that my children will make their writing look EXACTLY like the examples in the book. We use it as a guide to teach the mechanics of handwriting. ETA: And yes, we have used HWOT. And no, my children's cursive looks nothing like those examples. Yes, they have legible handwriting.
  3. How they introduce and explain things just does NOT make sense to me or my girls. We have been forcing our way through the declensions. For example, they introduce the cases and then several lessons later talk about what the nomitative case means and how to remember that. Why didn't they do that when they first introduced the cases???? They do the neuter and masculine declensions and several lessons later say, "Now is a good time to talk about gender....". I am having a horribly hard time teaching Latin! Is there a curriculum that is easier to follow and understand?? I think we'll just ditch this and work on the word root cards only. That seems to be more useful information (as far as understanding English words) than how to translate Latin and deline nouns. :confused:
  4. Oh...that infuriates me!!!!!!!! I get pretty pissy if someone talks to me like that. I called in for tech support a while back regarding our laptop and hung up on a guy who talked to me in a similar way after telling him that I did, in fact, have a brain. And again when I called the Sprint store last week. I had questions about our bill and he talked to me like I was a 6yo. I let him know that I did know how to read and why would I be calling about a question on the bill if I didn't have the bill in front of me? :confused:
  5. Somewhat. My son's birthday was Saturday and my Mom was here from out of town. Because of all that, my day yesterday wasn't a usual day (church, groceries, school planning, church, finish up school planning). So this morning I had to get groceries during our morning school time. We'll probably just get Bible Study and history done this afternoon. We do a 4-day school week so we have Friday that we can catch up a bit with their individual work.
  6. Will definitely be coming back! LOVE food blogs that use from scratch recipes!!
  7. Listen to your gut. There is reason you feel creeped out and scared. I highly suggest that you get a couple Gavin DeBecker books to read. The Gift of Fear is a great one. Protecting the Gift is a MUST read if you have kids.
  8. I have two. A 3qt and a 4qt. It's not too often that I use them both simultaneously. But when I do need two, I'm glad I have them. :) I have a crockpot creamed corn that is good with bbq chicken legs done in the crockpot. It's especially handy at holiday time. On Christmas morning I have them both going.
  9. SMART Board http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Board There are several other links on that come up with Google. :)
  10. I'll be able to take more clients each month and catch more babies. :)
  11. I am and so far, so good. :) At the beginning of a unit I make a list of the books used. Then I get online with the library and look up each title. If the library has it, I put the title/author in bold. About a week and a half before I need them, I go to the library website, look over the coming week's reading assignments, and the ones I know they have I put on hold. If it's something that is used 3+ weeks, I consider buying it. If it looks like a great book to own, I consider buying it. Substituting books hasn't been a big deal. If it's a book on a specific topic, say mummies, any library book about mummies will do. We have had to skip some of the student pages and discussion topics because the library didn't have a book and I didn't want to buy it. I just don't stress about it. My kids will be fine if we don't do a discussion about Tirzah. We do what we can and move on. :)
  12. Ditto Cindy Downe's curriculum. That is what we used. It has everything that you listed you are looking for.
  13. In addition to iron rich foods you might try: - Cooking with cast iron - Floradix. This is a liquid iron supplement that will absorb much better in the body and will not cause constipation. With any iron: - Take it with something that has Vit C. - Do not take it with dairy. That will inhibit the absorption.
  14. My Mom has been a foster parent for about 16 years. She started after I left for college and I'm VERY glad she did. As the child of a foster parent my biggest piece of advice is NEVER take a child that is older than your youngest child. I have just seen and heard enough and know that there are too many behaviors with acting out that you probably don't want your children exposed to. I always feel bad sounding so negative. Yes, foster parents are so very needed. Yes, there are kids in the system who don't act out or have other issues. But sadly there are and you may not know what the issues are before it's too late. There is no way I would even consider the thought until my own children were all over the age of 16 or out of the house.
  15. I don't like that there is SO much to choose from that I can't possibly get it all done!! ;) We're almost done with Y1 U1 and I'm still tweaking a bit to find the best groove for getting through the material. Starting out I had grand visions of my kids learning the vocabulary, completing ALL of the reading assignments (at least the ones I could get from our library, which is most of them), doing writing assignments, and completing all of the student pages. During the first week it was quite obvious that we would not have time for the vocabulary. For the most part we get the reading done. And not all of the student pages have been completed. There was also no time to get writing assignments done. But...my kids are still learning about history. :)
  16. Here's mine: http://doulaheather.blogspot.com/ (And also if you scroll down, you can see our tabernacle model. :) )
  17. We use it here too, and have for a while. No issues have developed since we switched.
  18. I've never come across a site cheaper than that. If there is one out there I'd love to know about it!
  19. My Mom has had that exact situation with children placed in her home. In the state she is in, ultimately it is the decision of the birth parents whether or not they want the child's hair cut or not. If they don't give permission....no hair cut. It's going to depend on the state regulations. If the birth parents have to consent to it, then the answer to that question is yes. And I agree, it is VERY confusing and in some cases absurd. But they do still have parental rights.
  20. I highly doubt the amount of RRL in the Rainbow Light (ingredients list here) is enough to be the cause of a miscarriage.
  21. Prenatals - Anything whole foods based. And please, for the love of Pete, do NOT take Flintstones as prenatals. I prefer this for clients over the RRL only tea. A pregnancy tea is going to contain other beneficial herbs in addition to RRL.
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