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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Not at all. I am more terrified of something tragic happening to my dh. A lot of that stems from stuff in my past though. Even though my parents were divorced, it needed to happen and I was too young to really remember them much together. Their divorce and the events surrounding it did have some impact on me but I don't fear divorce for my dh and I. I've had other men in my life (including my dad) die tragically so that's what I fear.
  2. EmergenC When we know we've been exposed to something or if one of us is fighting something, we all start drinking it. I also have it available in the cabinet whenever they think it sounds good. They think it's a fun drink. :)
  3. As a midwife, I do not recommend any diet program while pregnant. Eat a healthy diet and the chances are very high that you will prevent a lot of issues. What I recommend to all clients is: - WATER!!!! You need 1/2 your body weight in oz each day. Milk, juice, and pop do not count! Tea can count if it is a Pregnancy Tea, starting in the second trimester. Two cups a day then and in the third trimester drink three cups. I prefer a Pregnancy Tea because it has other beneficial herbs in it besides Red Raspberry Leaf. - Eat something every 2-3 hours. This doesn't mean make a full meal that often. Smaller meals will digest better (digestion slows during pregnancy). It will also help keep your blood sugar stable thru the day. - 70-90 grams of protein daily. - LOTS of fresh (or frozen...just avoid canned foods) fruits and veggies!! - It's fine to splurge and have a Coke or some ice cream every now and then! You just can't have donuts every morning for breakfast and a pint of ice cream in the evening and expect to feel well and have a healthy pregnancy. ;) Yes, it's possible but if you don't make a point to have the nutritious foods you will feel run down and are at a higher risk for other issues. I have had clients come to me for subsequent pregnancies who gained way too much (50-60lbs) in a previous pregnancy. Some also had health issues due to their weight gain and poor nutrition (i.e. PIH, PreE, GD). When they follow our diet recommendations for their current pregnancy we don't see those recurring issues.
  4. :grouphug: I am so sorry. I, too, love that song! Can you imagine hearing that on Earth as you go into Glory seeing His face!! Wow.
  5. Chestal here too. Vicks rub on the feet with socks on is supposed to work too.
  6. Just posted mine. :) http://littlemamamidwife.blogspot.com LOVE those roses!!!
  7. Mine is: 15-16oz chicken broth (I save this and freeze after I boil chickens) 1 1/2 C milk 3/4 C flour 1 t lawry's pinch, salt pinch, pepper Mix the broth, 1/2 C milk, and seasonings. Bring to a boil. While waiting mix the 1 C milk with 3/4 C flour. Add to the boiling mix, turn off the heat, and stir until thick. This equals 2 cans of cream of chicken.
  8. Target has (had?) one that is quite annoying! It yells stuff like, "IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!!!!" :lol:
  9. We use just a couple components. We finished Music of the Hemispheres a few weeks ago and my oldest dd uses Caesar's English I. It's ok. It does the job. I wouldn't go head over heels to recommend it to anyone.
  10. I would encourage them that this dx doesn't mean he will have it forever. My FIL is in his early 70s and was dx'd earlier this year. He and MIL changed their diet (not drastically...but FIL did have to lay off the candy bars ;)). Your description of you dad sounds just like my FIL...always on the go. A couple months ago he had a recheck and his numbers were perfectly normal.
  11. Praying!! There is a newly formed social group here for those ttc and currently expecting. We'd love to have you join!
  12. It's not January yet but we're already making a switch. We are dropping TOG. Love the curriculum but there is SO much that we aren't getting all done, feeling like we need to stay on task to get it done (yes, I know that's my own Type A personality fault there), and the kids aren't retaining or enjoying it. So we're going to do our own thing. I am going to let them pick topics and we will study them until we are ready to move on. I already have a Thanksgiving unit study written that we'll start on Monday. Then we'll probably break from history altogether until January. That will give me time to put some more units together. We have also flipped our school day around. What's worked up until now was to do our "together work" (i.e. Bible Study, history, science) in the morning and individual book work after lunch. I found that we would get done 1-1.5 hours before lunch and everyone would just wander. So I thought, why not spend the morning doing individual work? Then our other things take 1-1.5 hours in the afternoon and we are done for the day! So far it's working ok. My youngest needs some time to play (read: jump, climb, yell...lol) before sitting down to do his stuff. But he's only 5 so it's not a big deal.
  13. Our Yukon XL has middle seat shoulder belts and seats 8. Love how it drives (we just got it last Saturday) and how much room we have!
  14. I would just tell them, "Thank you so much for the invitation. However, we homeschool and have no need for private schooling for our children so we will pass."
  15. Cook with cast iron. Floradix Chlorophyll Floradix + Cholorphyll
  16. 10x in one day is bordering on abuse. You need to step back, take a deep breath, and stop spanking her. She's 3. I have yet to meet a 3yo who isn't stubborn. They are gaining independence, are learning to verbalize their needs/desires/protests, and it can be a confusing time for them. She needs gentleness and instruction on what the boundaries are. God doesn't teach me obedience and boundaries by breaking my will. He is patient. He gently speaks to me. At times He is firm in what He is asking me to do, but all the while he is patient and gentle. He doesn't physically hurt me because I don't obey the very first time He asks something of me. Why should I be any different with my children? Why is it ok for someone to hit their child when the child doesn't obey? Would you slap an adult because he/she didn't do what you asked him/her to do? Why is it ok to do that to a child? :iagree: :iagree: When you can, give her a "heads up" that something is about to happen. Take nap time for example. Buy a timer. Set the timer for five minutes and tell her what you are doing. "You have five more minutes to play before nap time. When this timer beeps let's go pick out a book together and I will read to you before nap time!"
  17. What are some of your favorite online resources? :lurk5:
  18. Yes. I'm hosting for our family for the first time ever. :scared: :lol: And I have a client due on the 23rd. So of course, by Murphy's Law, I will be hosting at my house and I will be called to a birth. :tongue_smilie:
  19. My vote is to get organized. What we do: We go every Monday afternoon. So there is never a question about what day of the week something is due. And if everything is returned the following week we don't have late books b/c books are loaned out for two weeks at a time. If they want to keep a book another week they can. Each of my kids has their own bag. I have a bag. They are responsible for keeping track of their books. They know that when they are done reading it, put it back in their bag. In addition they know that if they take it out of my bag, it goes back in my bag. I have a shelf in our school area specifically for school related items (i.e. History, Science). When we bring books home those books go on that shelf. When they are due they go from the shelf into my bag. Before we go to the library on Mondays they each check their record online to make sure they have all of their books. If they can't find one and it's due, they renew it for another two weeks to give themselves a chance to find it. When we check books out they get a receipt showing the items they have but those are usually a pain to keep track of so we just use the online record. My ds dropped a couple books in the fish tank when he was about 2yrs old. :lol:
  20. Yeah, that. I had that one recommended by an avid astronomer. We are planning on getting our kids one for Christmas. :)
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