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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. :grouphug: That's how my family is too. My Mom found out that her brother had been in the hospital in very critical condition via some posts by his kids on FB. No one bothered to call and tell her. :banghead:
  2. Well, considering LD brings in the majority (I think it's around 66%?) of income for hospitals, that doesn't surprise me. ;)
  3. Yay babies!!!! :) May you all have wonderful, blessed births!! Looking forward to reading their arrival announcements!!
  4. My ILs are great! Ditto here!! I am also blessed with a MIL who fully supports my midwifery practice. She is available to watch the kids if I need it. Even in the middle of the night! My dh was working out of town for a weekend when I had a client due and I told her I might need her if it happened during the day. She told me to also call if it was 2am that she would come over. She is always telling me that she knows how important this work is to me. They were also the main reason we were able to move this summer. MIL is a realtor so she helped us in that way. But also, they were so very generous in helping us financially.
  5. Oh dear....1/2 price books!!! We would be in heaven!!! :lol: Is the "mother store" the one I see on NW Highway? Is this it? http://www.natureandscience.org/ Thanks so much!! I'm getting so excited about our trip! :)
  6. Sooo...I'll get a bill at my home in another state? wow. How big brother of them. lol
  7. Thanks Amy! Great suggestions! McKinney looks like a lot of fun! Is the aquarium in Dallas worth the expense?? Also...if we are using the tollway, how much is the toll charge?
  8. I am planning a trip with my oldest dd for her 13th birthday. :) I've been to the area several times before but never with kids. Share the must-see places, shopping (we will be making a stop in Allen and at IKEA ;)), and restaurants. Then what good hotels would be in a somewhat general area of those things. I know we won't be in the heart of it all b/c of the metroplex size but I always like to get hotel recommendations so I don't end up somewhere weird. lol Thanks!!!
  9. There are some great patterns at Ravelry.com. If you go to the advanced pattern browser and scroll down, you can search the difficulty level.
  10. Ditto the others. All good herbs. Unless you are a herbalist or have VERY extensive knowledge with herbs, I would stick with buying the tinctures from your naturopath.
  11. Well, I don't know a lot about it as I am not a herbalist. I know quite a bit about some herbs but not so much about others, this is one I know a little about. So there is my disclaimer. lol We had one client early in my apprenticeship who started having some itching and her UA showed a small amount some liver stress. My partner (then preceptor) started her on the dandelion tincture and also had her see an OB. The dandelion helped and the OB didn't find anything to risk her out. If they haven't said, I would ask at your next appointment if your UA is showing bilirubin or urobilinogen. I did find this: http://www.gentlebirth.org/archives/puppp.html Dandelion also listed on the website you posted, under treatment. They also mention milk thistle but I have read some conflicting information about that one so I wouldn't recommend it without talking to a herbalist (but great for lactation). I looked in my Wise Woman Herbal book and she says (p102 under preventing jaundice): 10 drops of tincture several times a week The tea would probably be effective. A tincture might be a little stronger though. The dandelion might actually help with the reflux.
  12. Yep...it's putting them in for regular price for me too. I emailed as well.
  13. Do you have a naturopath or herbalist you could consult with? Dandelion is healing to the liver and can sometimes help.
  14. Nope, you're not. :) Mostly it's the cost. But another part of it is the time. I don't want to be the Mom in the car all the time running kids four different direction every night of the week!! My kids aren't interested in organized sports. And honestly, I'm glad. When I am on-call obviously I have no idea when I will be gone or for how long. So there is a good chance that they will miss a practice or game (we only have one car). The school district we are in offers evening classes to the community, which include those for kids. Our ds took a little sports class this fall (it introduced the littles to different sports). He enjoyed it while it lasted but hasn't asked to go back. When those flyers come I always look through it to see if there is something my girls would enjoy (i.e. photography). So far they haven't seen anything. We will be doing a P.E. class the next couple of months. The younger two are excited about it and for once, it's something being offered that is really affordable!! :iagree:
  15. That is actually one thing I wondered about. Thanks!!
  16. So I have read that when they are older they slow down in egg production (don't we all..lol). I don't particularly want to use them for meat after they stop laying....so what would I do with them?? Oh yes, I meant to link to that as well. Someone mentioned it to me and I have it on hold at the library. :)
  17. :lurk5: Researching here too. I came across this website yesterday that was pretty helpful: http://www.backyardchickens.com/
  18. Ah..ok..gotcha. :) I'm reading differing things about how long. I would wait 2-3 cycles. If it doesn't lengthen the LP and if you keep spotting (which can be normal around ovulation) mid-cycle, I would look into progesterone. Yes, your body may be trying to adjust from all of that and now coming off the bc again.
  19. :grouphug: I would give the B6 at least another cycle or two. Three days isn't long enough for it to be taking effect. The RRL might be a reason for the higher temps. I've seen some things saying it will help with progesterone levels, which would show higher temps. I'd have to do more research. It seems though that it wouldn't cause super-high temps that would interfere with the cycle. And if it were doing that, it makes sense (to me..lol..again, I need to do more research) that your LP would also be getting longer due to increased progesterone in your system. :confused: And there are no interferences with the temps, in particular this past Sunday? If not, I would just disregard it and watch what happens over the next few days to week. You'll have to wait a day or two to see if you did ovulate yesterday. Wait to see what your cm does and if your temps go up anymore than that. If the LP doesn't lengthen then you might look into doing something more aggressive with progesterone. Even though after your last removal it didn't take long to straighten out, that was then. You've had a baby since then, right? Your body may have changed a bit and after this removal needs a little more time.
  20. I got through the first chapter and took it back to the library. The writing seemed so....blah.
  21. We're liking it so far. The only downside is you can't watch the new releases. They are only available via DVD.
  22. I use notebook paper (I used to copy the pages from Larry Burkett's book) and keep it in a 3-ring binder. My categories are: Tithe/Giving Bills Misc. Groceries Auto (Gas, payment, insurance) Dh's work expenses Surplus I simply take all of dh's pay (he has a full-time + two freelance jobs) and work them out for each category. Each has a number and I put a circle around it (just my little thing..lol). When I balance the checkbook I list each transaction on the appropriate page. After I do that, I put the number w/ a circle around it on the same line in the checkbook. That way I don't miss a transaction and I can see where each went. At the top of each category page I write: Date, Transaction, Deposit, Withdrawl, Balance. When you add up the money in each category, it matches what the checkbook and bank say we have. Our bills are around the same amount each month. Our utilities are on the average monthly payment plan so it doesn't fluctuate, making it easy to budget for. HTH!
  23. At least once a week. We do a 4-day school week because I see clients on Fridays. If I'm feeling exceptionally stressed and need some time out and alone, I just let dh know that I'm leaving. :lol:
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