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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. We chose a dark stain for our floors. I love the way it makes the room look. However, dirt, pet fur, crumbs, etc. all show up really well. ;) I just have to stay on top of the vacuuming and it's not a big deal.
  2. Nope..haven't seen a correlation there. I didn't have any of those yesterday but I did have A LOT of bread.
  3. If you have joint pain have you tried going gluten free? Did it help? I have had some pain in my right shoulder, elbow, and arm for a few weeks now. I do need to be adjusted so I think the shoulder pain will be helped by that. However, my elbow and forearm muscles bother me. Sometimes it hurts more than others. I was doing some reading on arthritis and joint pain and found that gluten can sometimes be the cause. Which is interesting because yesterday I made coffeecake for breakfast (and didn't have just one piece..lol) and my arm is VERY sore today.
  4. The chiro care can help relieve that and also keep you aligned. And you being aligned helps babe be in an optimal position for delivery. ;)
  5. Such a wonderful movie!! Firth did a great job sounding almost identical to the King when he did the speech.
  6. I don't think giving up coffee is necessary. If you are a usual drinker you might find that stopping your intake will constipate you. Regarding the ibuprofen, I would talk to your OB and follow their recommendation. For my clients, I recommend they do not take it during pregnancy. There is varying information about taking it in the first and second trimester. Here is one info sheet that sites some studies: http://www.otispregnancy.org/files/ibuprofen.pdf Do you see a chiropractor?
  7. Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a great book on charting. You need to wait and see if your temp stays up above the cover line. It is possible to have a temp jump but not ovulate. Yes. The egg lives for approx. 24 hours. So yes, the chances are very high that if you wait, it will be too late since you don't know the exact moment the egg was released.
  8. Congratulations to your daughter and to you!! He is adorable!!! Love the pictures on your blog. :)
  9. We haven't had service since Monday. I'm really hoping they are able to deliver mail today.
  10. Dd 1 - Loves to read. Is very precise in her school work. She is pretty easy going and can go with the flow. Dd 2 - VERY creative (makes up her own crochet patterns!). Musically inclined. Is very tenderhearted and sensitive. Dd3 - The nut. lol I have to work with her on focusing with her school work more than the others. She is my most girly one. Ds - A typical 5yo boy. He LOVES math and is very good at it! Most days he doesn't really care about doing Phonics/Language Arts, he'd rather do Math. Right now he pretty much loves the Wii.
  11. How very exciting!!! :) With the weather we've had this week here in Oklahoma I expect to have a full client load come Fall. *snicker* Just FYI...there is a social group for pregnant and TTC mamas: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/group.php?groupid=128
  12. It is a PITA to drive around on but....I love it!!!!!! Love being snowed in!! Exactly. Hopefully they will learn something from this storm and be more prepared the next time.
  13. :grouphug: Yes, sometimes Cytotec works TOO well. *shaking my head* Praying that the baby recovered from that + the Pitocin. Hopefully she is enjoying snuggles from her sweet baby by now though!! :)
  14. How cute is she?!? Praying for a beautiful, uneventful labor and birth!!!
  15. I do not tell my kids when they can or can not eat. They are perfectly capable of listening to their bodies to know when they need to eat. I do, however, only allow healthy foods. But then again, I don't keep junk in the house.
  16. EPO can be helpful but there is already effacement and ripening going on. It is usually taken to help the cervix do those two things. EPO won't bring the cervix anterior or dilate you. It's still good to do to help soften the perineal skin. ;)
  17. Looking forward to it!!! :) I love being snowed in. Of course, we don't already have a foot or more on the ground with more coming. That would probably change my outlook some.
  18. Prayer and patience. :) :iagree: Praying for a wonderful and uneventful birth! :grouphug:
  19. Babies come when they are ready. :) Doing things to rush it along only wears one out, can be frustrating, and takes energy that should be saved for hard labor. There. The midwife has spoken. :tongue_smilie: :lol:
  20. Congratulations!!!!! Never heard of that TTC plan. Interesting. Of course, charting your cycles could achieve similar results. OPKs can be useful but also unreliable (you can have a LH surge w/o ovulation).
  21. It did that to me the first time and after refreshing the page it worked just fine. :)
  22. Angelbee ~ Praying for a wonderful birth when it does happen!! Prelabor is no fun sometimes! I'm over at MDC too but I don't post very much. :) Cytotec is potentially dangerous when used as a labor inducer. Google it. You'll find the warnings from the manufacturer telling care providers not to use it for labor induction. Black and Blue Cohosh should be used with your midwife's guidance. They can raise blood pressure. The main bad thing about it is that it is overused. It is not necessarily "bad" in itself, there is a place for it. Many times what happens is the baby is stressed. Pitocin causes strong, unnatural contractions that some babies can't keep up with (when the uterus contracts, the flow of oxygen and blood is restricted some). Their heart rates start falling and don't recover well. Some care providers will simply turn down the pitocin which helps the baby and the woman's body will continue a natural contraction pattern on its own. But what most do when they see those decelerations is do a c/s. Being induced raises your chance of ending up with a c/s. A uterine rupture from Pitocin is rare. IIRC, there have been more ruptures, maternal, and fetal deaths from Cytotec. Mainly in the sense that they can become stressed. It doesn't effect their respiratory system like Nubain or other narcotics can. That is not an absolute. There is some speculation and some studies have been done but nothing has been proven yet. http://www.newautismcure.com/pitocin-and-autism-a-link/574/ http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/display/article/10168/57071 I share that not to make you worry and feel guilt. :grouphug:
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