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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Ditto the Mei Tai. I used that (a homemade version) until my ds was about 2.5. :)
  2. Monday - shrimp scampi, baked potatoes, salad Tuesday - tortellini salad (aka: pasta salad made with tortellini), fresh fruit Wednesday - BLT & jello (100% juice + gelatin) Thursday - Sweet & Sour Chicken, rice Friday - Quesadillas Saturday - Our house church has dinner together before worship. I am taking Scalloped Potatoes (aka Funeral Potatoes) and Cheesecake Cookie Bars
  3. This is the plan so far. Bible: ? History: Mystery of History - finish Vol. 1 and start Vol 2. Science: Apologia Physical Science Language Arts: CLE 800 (this is subject to change b/c she is almost ready for LU 709) Vocabulary: Caesar's English II (maybe) Literature: Excellence in Literature English I Math: CLE 700 (I'm really hoping to get her caught up a bit more with Math before we are done this year) Writing: Essay Voyage (maybe) Foreign Language: I need to discuss this with her. :) Music: Piano lessons
  4. Thanks!! Yeah. We broke that one too. Oh how I'd LOVE to find one at my Goodwill!!! I'll have to scope out Office Depot this week and see what they have in-store. Manual is fine (that's what we are using now). BUT I get really tired of the lids coming off while they are sharpening and pencil stuff going everywhere. Then they have to stop their school work and clean up the mess.
  5. http://littlemamamidwife.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html Scroll down to August 2.
  6. For some reason in our house we have always had issues with pencil sharpeners. They NEVER work. They break after a day. I don't want to mount an old fashioned one on the wall. My kids have decided they are tired of mechanical pencils so I'm back on the hunt for a reliable pencil sharpener. Discuss. :lurk5:
  7. Just wanted to pop in and say :seeya: I'm also in Oklahoma. :)
  8. Our new, almost 2000sq ft house is hard flooring except for our master bedroom. We have a dog and two white cats. Our living room is dark hardwood floor. Every day I use my $20 (Black Friday special..lol) Dirt Devil Versa Power Vac for the living room, kitchen, and dining rooms. Never have issues with it spitting stuff back out. I also have a Shark cordless vacuum but I don't like it. The spinning brush gets clogged up with hair way too easily. Which really stinks b/c it was much more $$$ than my Dirt Devil! I try to use the Shark Steam Mop on it once a week. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my steam mop!!!!!!!! I had a Swiffer vac at our old house. I hated it. After a while it stopped having good suction.
  9. Not everyone goes triphasic. ;) In fact, with my last two babies, I had a normal shift (never was triphasic) and a temp drop a couple days before I was expecting af. I also had some light spotting and cramping. Then I think it was the day af was due or the day after, my temp shot back up!! Everyone has their own unique chart pattern. :) TCOYF has a cycle gallery page and you can see there that no one chart is the same. http://www.tcoyf.com/media/21/default.aspx
  10. But it's not true for everyone. I also vote for the 25th, at the earliest. Typically you wait until your longest cycle length and then count yourself "late" if you haven't started. So if you have had a 35 day cycle and you haven't started on day 36, test that day. However, if that 35 day cycle was off for some reason (i.e. illness, stress, medication), don't figure that cycle. Another suggestion for charting if this isn't your month. You'll be able to see those temp shifts and also know your typical leutal phase (LP). If you can see the day of ovulation and you know your LP then it's much easier to see if you are pregnant.
  11. Yes! I've used it before (I'm out and haven't had the extra $ to get more). Love it!!! We've also used it for clients who have had swelling and/or a bit more amniotic fluid (which we can tell via palpation). Rehydration really helps get the fluids moving to reduce swelling and cause the amniotic fluid levels to feel normal. I've used other Energetix products and have been very pleased. I use Thyropath for my thyroid nodules. In fact, it's helped so much that I can't recall the last time I took it. My thyroid has been normal for quite a while now. If I ever feel swelling or the run-down feeling I get when things are out of balance, I take it. Another favorite of mine is Core Valerian. Great stuff if you have trouble sleeping b/c your mind is noisy. I don't really care for tea so the tincture is a great option for me. As far as the ingredients go, you'll have to talk to your naturopath.
  12. Oh my!! Congratulations!!!!! What a story you have to tell her! :) Yes, do share details because "bootstring" and "safety pin" totally have me wondering what in the world 911 was telling you! :lol: Bootstring for the cord of course but a safety pin??? As a side, I really wish 911 ops and EMS workers had more training in childbirth, specifically that the cord does NOT need to be tied off!
  13. Call the hospital first. Some will not let you plug in electronics (other than cell phone chargers). Yes and no. Part of this job is learning to read the client and what her specific needs are. Some women need that. But others don't (if someone had been authoritative with me during labor I would have told them to leave). Some need gentleness instead of authority. Some women just need you to be quiet. To just be present.
  14. Congrats on your first client!! My bit of advice: Confidence. Even if you don't feel it. You'll do great!
  15. She's already working on two blankets. LOL I think I'll have dh start researching a camera for her. :)
  16. Our children get an engraved Bible for their 6th birthday. :) I did think about a keepsake copy of a book. I'd have to find out which is her favorite. She likes so many! She does have a basket for her yarn and she keeps her hooks/needles in pretty glass bottles on her dresser. I'll have to check out the baking supplies. She does like to cook/bake. A camera is actually a good idea! She takes great pictures!
  17. Congratulations Hannah!!!! And Congratulations Grandma!!
  18. My oldest will be 13 next week. Originally I had planned on taking her to Dallas this week. Weather and $ have called that plan off. :( She only has three things on her birthday wish list (toe socks, yarn, and book store gift card). I want to do something really special for her. One idea I had was to take her for a mani/pedi and to lunch on her birthday. But I'd like to give her something, from dh and I, that will be meaningful and a keepsake for her. I'm just at a loss for ideas. She's my studious one. Loves to read. Does crochet. We moved this summer and has her own room now. Her ears are not pierced and she doesn't wear other pieces of jewelry. For her 5th I made her a name/birthstone bracelet and for her 10th she got a necklace with a real amethyst. She never wears them. :lol: I feel just horrible that I can't think of something for her. :( Help!!!!
  19. No, not really. I vacuum every day or every other day (we have a dog and two white cats). Then I use my steam mop at least once a week to just freshen them up. We've lived here since July and haven't had any scratches in the floor.
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