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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. :iagree: This is NOT exciting news. This is scary. Retaliation is coming.
  2. If you had done that to my child, we would have had words. And they wouldn't have been nice. ;) You are right, you have NO idea what that child might be dealing with, what the mother may be dealing with, etc. Giving her some encouraging words probably would have been a more gentle approach.
  3. Dr Sears' books do not have that slant. Fathers at Birth and The Birth Partner do not have that slant. Ina May's Guide to Childbirth doesn't have as much as Spiritual Midwifery does.
  4. Giving you my congrats here too (I'm over at GCM ;) )!! And congrats on your first catch! It's quite the feeling isn't it!? You'll never forget the first catch. :) Mine was a sweet 9lb baby girl with a nuchal hand...no tearing!!
  5. This is the list I give to clients (ignore the * those just mean I have them available in my lending library): Books The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth – Sheila Kitzinger *Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn – Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley, and Ann Keppler *Ina May's Guide to Childbirth – Ina May Gaskin *Birth Matters – Ina May Gaskin *Spiritual Midwifery – Ina May Gaskin The Pregnancy Book – Dr. William Sears The Birth Book – Dr. William Sears *Fathers at Birth – Rose St. John *Pushed: The Painful Truth of Modern Maternity Care – Jennifer Block *Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth – Henci Goer *Mothering Magazine’s Having Your Baby Naturally - Peggy O’Mara *The Birth Partner – Penny Simkin *Gentle Birth Choices – Barbara Harper *Birthing From Within – Pam England Hearts and Hands – Elizabeth Davis Obstetric Myths Vs Research Realities – Henci Goer Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles & Practice of Natural Childbirth – Grantley Dick-Reed Immaculate Deception II: Myth, Magic and Birth – Suzanne Arms Journey Into Motherhood – Sherri Menelli *Nutrition For a Healthy Pregnancy – Elizabeth Somer Adventures in Natural Childbirth – Janet Schwegel *Homebirth – Sheila Kitzinger Rediscovering Birth - Sheila Kitzinger When Survivors Give Birth – Penny Simkin & Phyllis Klaus *The Doula Advantage – Rachel Gurevich The VBAC Companion – Diana Korte Cesarean Birth and VBAC – Elizabeth KaufmanBIRTH: The Surprising History of How We Are Born – Tina Cassidy Active Birth – Janet Balaskas Breastfeeding *The Breastfeeding Book – Dr William Sears Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding – Ina May Gaskin The Ultimate Book of Breastfeeding Answers – Dr. Jack Newman, Teresa Pitman *The Nursing Mother's Companion – Kathleen Huggins *The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding – Le Leche League Infant Care & Parenting Your Amazing Newborn – Marshall Klaus The Portable Pediatrician – Dr. William Sears, et al The Baby Book – Dr. William Sears The Attachment Parenting Book – Dr. William Sears The Discipline Book - Dr. William Sears *The Vaccine Book – Dr. Bob Sears *The N.D.D. Book – Dr. William Sears *Your Amazing Newborn – Marshall and Phyliss Klaus Protecting the Gift – Gavin DeBecker Websites Pregnancy and Birth http://www.askdrsears.com'>http://www.askdrsears.com'>http://www.askdrsears.com/html/1/T010000.asp'>http://www.askdrsears.com/html/1/T010000.asp'>http://www.askdrsears.com'>http://www.askdrsears.com/html/1/T010000.asp'>http://www.askdrsears.com/html/1/T010000.asp http://www.gentlebirth.org http://www.scienceandsensibility.org http://www.birthfaith.org http://midwifethinking.com http://www.birthingnaturally.net http://www.childbirth.com http://www.pushedbirth.com http://www.mothering.com'>http://www.mothering.com'>http://www.mothering.com'>http://www.mothering.com http://www.blueribbonbaby.org http://www.motherfriendly.org http://www.allaboutmoms.com http://www.hypnobirthing.com http://www.midwifemama.com/directory.html http://www.spinningbabies.com http://www.homebirth.org.uk/ofp.htm http://www.mother-care.ca http://www.breechbabies.com http://www.mybestbirth.com VBAC http://www.ican-online.org http://www.vbac.com http://www.storknet.com/cubbies/vbac/vbacplan.htm Breastfeeding http://www.kellymom.com http://www.lalecheleague.org http://bflrc.com/newman/articles.htm http://www.lansinoh.com http://www.promom.org http://www.askdrsears.com Postpartum http://www.postpartum.net http://www.depressionafterdelivery.com Parenting http://www.askdrsears.com http://www.mothering.com MOVIES Business of Being Born Birth With Gloria Lemay Born in the USA What Babies Want Other Side of the Glass (not yet released)
  6. I don't remember from the original thread but did you consult with her before the ER? Did she offer to come to you or have you come in to assess and listen with the doppler?? Honestly and with all compassion, if pregnancy is going to miscarry there really isn't a lot you can to do prevent it. Not always. Some babies are just little stinkers and are very busy. :) Sometimes it has a lot to do with the doppler waves. Some babies do. not. like. them. Because of that they are VERY active and try to move away from the waves.
  7. I have my DVR set for the 3am showing on BBCA plus a couple other specials they are doing on Friday. Since I have to work Friday from 11-3 and want to watch it with the kiddos so we're waiting until late afternoon/evening. :)
  8. I'm in Oklahoma. No basements (or very very few) here in our area. The water table is too high. So, no, we don't have one. You just go the innermost room in the house or a bathroom (usually the toilet and fixtures are left standing...so if all else fails, hug your toilet LOL!!). In our old house we had a bathroom in the very center of our house. We would sit the kids in there and had an old mattress handy to put over them, if needed. In our new house we don't really have a middle room. Which kind of sucks. We have a hallway we can use though. I've never heard of anyone being sucked out of a basement. It would be possible to be trapped under the rubble of a house that was destroyed. But that could happen even if you weren't in a basement. I grew up in Tornado Alley so it doesn't really phase me. I'd much rather live here then on a coast that gets hurricanes.
  9. Yes, I know midwifery regulations vary state-by-state. I'm a midwife. ;) I looked online and there were plenty CO midwives advertising HBAC. The ICAN information also indicated it was happening there.
  10. Cilantro Thyme Any mint you plant will spread like c.r.a.z.y! Chives will also come back. I planted some last year and it was ok. This year it has grown, has SO many blossoms...it's just beautiful!!
  11. :grouphug: I'm sorry you are in this situation. I'm curious why you don't think you can find a mw to do a HBAC? It's my understanding that midwives are able to attend VBAC at home. The leaders of the Colorado ICAN groups could probably put you in contact with a midwife. - Blood pressure cuff and stethoscope - urine sticks: make sure they check at least ketones, protein, and glucose. - weight (not totally essential) - You can rent dopplers at places like Stork Radio to check FHT or after 20 weeks you can use a fetoscope (AllHeart.com sells a good, inexpensive one) - If you haven't found a solution after 20 weeks your dh or can measure fundal height. He'll put the "0" end at your pubic bone then find the top of your uterus with his other hand and the other end of the measuring tape. You only need to do those things every four weeks until you are 28 weeks. Then every two weeks until 36 weeks. After that, every week until the baby comes. But hopefully you'll have a provider by the time you need to do things so often. :) - If you start seeing glucose on the urine sticks then start monitoring your blood sugars. Also eliminate processed sugar from your diet, eat carbs + protein at breakfast and exercise (a brisk walk can be enough to stablize sugars). Re: vitamins - Anything whole foods based. They will assimilate very well in your body. The suggestions for Rainbow Light are great ones. Re: m/s and aversion - Protein shakes are a great way to get some nutrition in but not be hard on the stomach. Also make sure you are nibbling on something every 2-3 hours. It can be as simple as a few almonds. Also a good idea to consider a calcium/magnesium supplement. If you have other questions I'm happy to help. :)
  12. We have two. One of them goes out occasionally. We only let her out when we are working in the garden or playing in the backyard. In the front she stays in the garden/patio/porch (it's a pretty big area). She ventures out a little more in the backyard though and loves to scratch on the tree. :)
  13. *shrug* Have used TTO on its own in the ear without any adverse effects. :)
  14. I have looked there a little bit. It's just hard to search for a picture when you have no idea what you are looking for. lol The one we think is a rooster is getting some black feathers. :) Today at the store the lady said the speckled ones might be Americaunas.
  15. :001_smile: We are on our first chicken farming adventure. :) We started with six a couple weeks ago. Today I stopped in to get a new heat lamp and they had a new batch with tagged wings (85-90% chance of it being a hen). When we got our six they weren't tagged and their boxes weren't marked "pullet" so we have no idea how many of those six are hens. I am pretty sure at least one of them is a rooster. Anyway, today we decided to get two more that have a high guarantee of being hens. I'm hoping that next weekend we can begin work on the coop. :) We have three Rhode Island Reds and five unknown. There are pictures on my blog if anyone wants to have a look to help identify the breeds. http://littlemamamidwife.blogspot.com/
  16. - Breastmilk - Tea Tree Oil - Garlic/Olive Oil - Ear oil (we have one that has garlic, arnica, mullein, st john wort)
  17. I use something similar to what Aunty Social posted. :) I add a little peppermint EO.
  18. :lurk5: Last year was our first Passover dinner. I made Matzo Ball soup but I don't remember what else. I'm toying with the idea of inviting our house church to join us this year. I hesitate because I don't know if I have room for everyone to have seats in the dining room.
  19. Well maybe we'll see each other then. :) I know my 11yo wants to continue and my other two girls might join as well.
  20. Yep. Just wondering if I've brushed by any other WTM Mamas. :) My dd joined this semester and is loving it!!
  21. I have never tipped at Sonic. It's a drive in restaurant. I am not asking them to go out of their way to bring out my food. It's their job. Their food and ice cream is nasty. But I'll take a Lemon Berry Slush any day!!!!
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