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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. I also look over assignments as they are finished with them. I point out what mistakes were made and we go over how to correct it.
  2. I completely respect your opinion and respectfully disagree. You must not know about NARM.
  3. You don't know yet where you are moving to, right? Where you move will dictate what type of path you'll need to take if you choose the CPM route. Even with a CNM there are some states where CNMs can't attend home births. Or they can but it's very hard to do so. If you were interested in a course that will give you some good knowledge and is affordable, Midwife To Be is one I'd recommend. It's very self-directed, not a lot of feedback. But you would have great units to follow for reading and learning. I'm hearing lots of great things about Via Vita too. http://www.viavitamidwiferyschool.org If you'll be anywhere near Texas, they have an excellent program.
  4. When it's the right time, things will fall into place. If the area you move to has a birth community, get involved. You'll make connections that way and will get to know the midwives in the area. IMO it's important to develop a relationship with a potential preceptor(s) which can then move into an apprenticeship. There is a trust that MUST be developed before you start attending births with other people. It also gives you a chance to kind of prove yourself. Midwives like potential apprentices who are motivated, know basic information before starting, etc. Have you done any doula work? That's a great place to start too. I always recommend anyone interested in midwifery start there. You'll get used to life on-call, can attend births and learn from them, and get your name out in the community. It's really not so bad. And in a way it makes it easier b/c I don't have to worry about getting kids to/from school. ;) My situation right now is that my dh works from home. He does have some freelance work out of town at different times of the year but it's not an everyday thing and I have my ILs close and able to babysit. I think in five years I've had two clients need me while he was working out of town for the evening. I plan out the week's lessons on Sunday evening so if I'm gone or catching up on sleep, they can get their individual work done. Any lessons we do together that we miss we just catch up the next day. They also have dh here to help if they need it. They know that it's still expected of them to get their school work done if I'm gone at a birth.
  5. Certified Professional Midwife http://mana.org/definitions.html
  6. Yes!!!! I thought I was going to have to push our start date back a week due to some books not coming in time. But they came today!! So we WILL be starting on Monday. Of course since those books came today I have a TON of planning that needs to be done. So naturally I'm here checking the boards. :lol:
  7. Too hot for tomatoes around here this year. The extreme heat is keeping them from even setting fruit.
  8. Thanks!!! As much as I'd love to try some frozen items, I'll have no way to keep them frozen on the drive across the country. ;) We will have a small cooler so I can do some cold items (looks like I need to try the cheese ;)).
  9. I could search but this is more fun. :tongue_smilie: We'll be traveling across the country...don't need fresh produce. Or frozen items. ;)
  10. What should I not leave the store without???? We are going on vacation in September and I'll have a chance to FINALLY see what all the fuss is about. :)
  11. I ordered school books today too! :) Got the bulk of it at CBD.
  12. My last two were home water births. It still cools down in the kiddie pools if you labor for a long time. I used the kiddie pool. My third was eight hours and we had to dump and refill with hot water a couple of times. At births we use the Birth Pool in a Box. Same scenario as with the kiddie pool if labor goes long. It's really not a big deal to have to bail water and refill. Plus, the hot water being dumped into the pool feels REALLY good.
  13. We moved into a house last year that has an aerobic septic system. Monthly we use FizzyTabs and Bio Green.
  14. Not in pregnancy. Greater than 12 is for non-pregnant women. http://www.anemia.org/patients/faq/ Women feel different at different levels. I've seen clients running around 10 and are VERY energetic. And on the other hand I've had clients not drop that much and feel "off".
  15. 11.3 and above is usually considered "normal" for pregnancy. I don't have clients supplement unless it's under 11. And if it's under 10 then we bring out the big guns (Floradix or Hemaplex AND liquid chlorophyll...more about those below). Some care providers don't begin focusing on bringing it up until it's under 9. I'm not sure how far along you are but it is normal and good for your hemoglobin to drop a bit. It's a good sign that your blood supply has expanded (there is also a jump in weight around the time this happens, around the beginning of the third trimester). Of course when it does, many women will feel it like you described which isn't fun. The risk of it getting and staying too low is that if you end up with more bleeding than normal at delivery, low hemoglobin may cause a higher risk of PPH. Before supplementing add more iron rich foods into your diet. If you still need a supplement I recommend Floradix, Hemaplex (not as $$ as Floradix), or liquid chlorophyll. The body will assimilate more of the nutrients and iron. They also will not constipate you. If you use the Floradix or Hemaplex your pee will turn yellow due to your body eliminating any B vitamins it doesn't need. ;) http://www.gentlebirth.org/archives/nutrition.html#Anemia http://www.marchofdimes.com/complications_anemia.html
  16. I've had it done twice. It wasn't too bad other then having to lay REALLY still!! And honestly, I had SO much fluid in my nodules the FNA felt good! The swelling went down at least for a few days. ETA: The second time I had it done I did have some soreness in my neck for about 24hrs or so. Just felt bruised. My endo wanted to remove my thyroid as well and it just didn't feel like the right option. I ended up going the herbal and homeopathic route to remedy my nodules with the guidance of a certified herbalist and clinical nutritionalist. The alternate route helped tremendously!!! I have a homeopathic that I take now only when I need it (which is very very rare) and I have hardly any swelling.
  17. Yes. We have Bibliomania which is a consignment store. Great place!! And she'll ship. ;) Mardel is also in town. It is a Christian book store (owned by the family that has Hobby Lobby) but they also sell Sunday School and teaching materials, including homeschool curriculum.
  18. I :001_wub: that my dh works from home!!!!!! He has an office off of our bedroom, away from the noise of the house. The kids know that if they have a question or just want to talk they can go back to his office but if he's in the middle of working they are to not disturb him. It's also great if we are doing a lesson and he walks through the room, he'll chime in. Or I can go in and say, "Could you come explain ____ to them?" (it's usually a history question..lol). That's going to depend on the couple. I love having us all together. My dh also has some freelance jobs he does outside the home at different times throughout the year. So that gives us some separate time. It's also good for him so that he can get out of the house and interact with other professionals (he has vision issues and can't drive so just taking the car and going to the bookstore or something isn't an option for him). I see clients on Fridays and when babies are due I'm gone for births so that's my "me" time. Being at home together has been really great for our family. We can share the parenting, do things as a family during the day, he isn't missing out on the kids growing up and doing new things, etc.
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