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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Hi Laura! :) So does anyone else here have kids in THC??
  2. I don't start having clients do stuff until 38 weeks. And even then, babies can turn right before labor or in labor.
  3. I always have to hang my head and chuckle a little when scientists act like they have found something they think is new information and is some amazing discovery. If you are questioning if your child is reacting to food dyes, food additives, etc. read this book to get started: The N.D.D. Book
  4. I've been doing the same! I posted before/after pictures on my blog so you can see how much was done. It was NOT fun after about two minutes on my hands/knees or squatting trying to dig out all of the wild strawberries and grass but it was a great workout!!! http://littlemamamidwife.blogspot.com/2011/03/front-garden-ta-daaaaahhhh.html
  5. One of my pet peeves that care providers tell women. You CAN be that dilated and go for WEEKS. :grouphug: Prodromal labor can last for several weeks as well. Sometimes it's due to a slight malpresentation with the baby (i.e. asynclitic head). :grouphug:
  6. I have no idea about the hotel. I do know that you must stop at Pizza Shuttle!!! :)
  7. Thanks!! Putting things on my amazon wish list and bookmarking! :)
  8. I switched my oldest to CLE from RS. LOVE it!!! My tip would be to use the Scope and Sequence to place your child, not the placement tests. The test was not at all accurate in placing my dd.
  9. My re-evaluating began this winter with the Snowpocalypse we had. People were going NUTS about getting groceries (stores were low on supplies because delivery trucks couldn't get to town due to closed highways). And it was just. a. snow. storm!!!! I kept telling dh, "This was just snow. What are people going to do if it's a huge natural disaster or a biological attack and we are told to stay home?" So our minds are definitely turning towards being prepared! I already have a First Aid bag packed and ready to grab. I would like to add more to it (homeopaths, more bandages, etc) but it will work for a while as it is. I have a small food supply that I am working on building. For non-drinking water we are reusing the big jugs that cat litter comes in. I really like the plan/list at this blog: http://preparedldsfamily.blogspot.com/2009/05/food-storage-and-disaster-preparedness.html
  10. Twice now I've done the boxed Clariol color. It washes out for me in about three weeks. And I wash my hair every other day. I'm trying the stuff from the beauty supply and get the developer and a bottle of color. Hopefully it will last longer than three weeks!
  11. This is what I have so far: Bible: Whatever we are doing as a family. History: Unsure. I was going to stick with MOH but now I'm looking into Omnibus Science: Apologia Physical Science Geography: U.S. States Math: CLE 700 & 800 Literature: Excellence in Literature: English I Writing: MCT Essay Voyage Vocabulary: Finish Caesar's English II and then Within the Word I Foreign Language: I think she wants to do Spanish. We might do Sign too. Logic: ?? Extra: Choir, piano lessons, photography class (? maybe)
  12. I am not going to read through all seven pages of debating noise so if any of this is repeated information, my apologies. The very first thing I would tell you to do, if you haven't already, is have your husband meet with the midwives. Let him ask them his questions. I have found that many times when men (or the client's mother, or a MIL, or a sister, etc) are skeptical, having the chance to ask on their own really helps!! For most it's enough to reassure them. Have him write down what he is fearful of and have the midwives tell you exactly how they would handle that situation. I'm assuming you are in a freestanding birth center. Please keep in mind that the majority of complications can either be prevented or handled outside of the hospital. VERY rarely is there an emergent situation. IMO, no. Go with the decision that gives you the most peace.
  13. When Lent is approaching I prayerfully consider what He would have me do. I want Him to lead me, not just me saying, "Ok, this year I'll give up...um...hmm...how about meat...yeah that sounds like a great sacrifice!!!" I find that when I approach Lent in that way, it makes the time with Him much more sweet.
  14. When I have clients who go cold turkey with coffee in early pregnancy I tell them to have a cup a day. Many women who quit like that find they become quite constipated. Putting coffee back into their diet helps keep things moving along. :)
  15. Ask and you shall receive.... Pregnant and TTC Social Group
  16. :lurk5: Great topic! I just made my list of seeds to order for our gardens this year. I'm planning on doing more herbs this year and learning how to use them in this way. So far I have these on my list: Borage, Echinacea. I may get some Chamomile as well. I'm starting slowly with the medicinal herbs. lol I would really like to get seeds for Comfrey, Shepherd's Purse, and Uva Ursi. Those along with Rosemary make a healing postpartum bath. Being able to grow the herbs myself and prepare the baths for clients would be great! Eventually I'd also like to grow the herbs needed for making a Pregnancy Tea brew. The borage can be eaten (i.e. salads) and made into tea. There are several benefits to using borage. Echinacea has many wonderful benefits. And of course, it can be made into a tea as well. Chamomile has really pretty flowers but can also be made into tea. I signed up for an online herbal class that I really need to start. :blushing: These were some of the books for the course: Hygieia: A Woman's Herbal The Herbal Handbook Herbal Healing for Women Anything by Rosemary Gladstar is an excellent resource.
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