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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. I do, sort of. The majority of the day-to-day of my job I do from home. We see clients at an office once a week (neither my partner and I want to office out of our house..too stressful with kids and trying to keep it spotless all the time lol). Then the births are at the client's home. If I am in the middle of a lesson I don't answer the phone, unless it's a client I am on-call for. When there are emails to respond to I do it at a time when the kids aren't needing my one-on-one instruction. We do appointments on Friday because our school week is Monday thru Thursday. That way I don't have to miss a day away from their school work every week. We used to do appointments two days a week which meant I was gone and that was hard to juggle it all!! I'm very grateful for the flexibility. When I am gone to a birth they proceed just as if I am here. Their lessons are planned out each week so they know to look in their assignment book and do that day's lessons. My dh also works from home so if they need help they can go in and ask him. If they have something they absolutely need my help on, we just wait and cover it the next day. As far as dh working from home, our new house is great because there is a small office off of our master bedroom that my dh uses. He can have his space away from the daily household noises. On his busy days we rarely see him out of the bedroom until dinner time! It's much better than our other house that was smaller and impossible to get away from the noise when he needed to talk to a customer or phone tech.
  2. I usually say Kev or honey when I need his attention. Most of the time he uses my name. Our nicknames for each other are Big Daddy and Little Mama. :)
  3. For a straight acidiphilus, I like this one. It's not too bad straight. It does taste yeasty but the blueberry gives it a sweetness. I haven't tried the other flavors. I also like to use keifer which is pretty affordable. It's great in protein smoothies. Everyone has their own preferences for making those, which is nice because you can do it to taste. My favorite is to use Jay Robb egg white protein powder, keifer, a banana, a few frozen strawberries, handful of spinach, and ice (I like the ice b/c it makes it thick, like ice cream which makes me think I'm drinking a milkshake...lol).
  4. We met September 19, 1995. October 1, 1995 was our first date (which now makes me chuckle because our last child was born almost exactly 10 years later on October 2, 2005). I got pregnant with our first dd in June 1997. We planned our wedding in six weeks and were married in August 1997. :) So, all that to say, almost two years.
  5. :grouphug: Praise God for His protection over your life and the lives of that couple! Tell yourself, "The worst is over. I am home safe and it is over."
  6. Yes!! I got Blokus as a family gift. It's one I have been wanting to get but didn't want to spend $25 on it. So when it was in Target's Black Friday sale, I snagged one!!! We also got the kids some new Wii games. The one I'm excited to try is Kirby's Epic Yarn.
  7. Sorry, not for me. Just trying to gather anecdotal input. :)
  8. Yes, I do know how stress, abx, and illness can affect the cycle. Just wanting some anecdotal input. :)
  9. A few this year. I always have grand plans to do more but time moves so quickly when Christmas is approaching that I don't get it all done! I made: -A granny mandala for my MIL's living room -A hot pad for my Mom to wrap with the new cookie sheet she wanted. I did it in blue and white to match the dishes she has. -A pillow for my Mom's bed....still working on this one actually. It's blocking right now. -A scarf for my Mom...still working on this one too. Thankfully we don't see her until next week so I have plenty of time. My 10yo dd made: - 4 doilies for my MIL
  10. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/23/holiday-google-doodle-logo_n_800817.html
  11. I make coffee cake. My Mom made it every Christmas morning so I carry on the tradition. The gooey goodness poured over Rhoades dinner rolls is made of butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, butterscotch pudding, and nuts. :)
  12. Oh so many..... - Really taking the time to think about Christ's birth. The birth junkie in me can not wait to talk to Mary and hear her birth story!! Not only that but just what His birth meant for us. - Making Christmas candy with my kids. - The gift giving and making people smile. - The Christmas tree sparkling in the living room in the evenings. - Getting up on Christmas morning, turning on the tree lights, turning on Christmas music, and watching the kids file into the living room. - Making a big Christmas dinner for my dh and kids.
  13. Just giving us a bump! :) Hope everyone is doing well!
  14. We go to my Mom's and have Christmas with her. We are usually there from the 30th until the 2nd, so we also celebrate NYE with her. Our tradition is to have snack foods, watch movies, and see if we can all stay up to watch the ball drop. :)
  15. Praying!! I'm glad that you took her in and that her dr is checking her liver. My first thought when reading your post was cholestasis.
  16. Jennifer ~ Your post was SO refreshing to read!! :grouphug: My dh and I are in a similar place right now. We're going to try visiting a house church in a few weeks but something in me isn't sure that's the answer for us right now. I hope you don't mind me jumping in here. I just have a lot of questions and am searching myself. Like you, there is no one to talk to other than my dh so this is such a wonderful chance to "talk" everything through and get it out there. I'll apologize in advance for the overuse of quotes...but like I said, it's so refreshing to read that there are others who have been in or who are in this place. Many of you have expressed what I have been muddling through but can't quite put into eloquent words. Speaking for myself, it's not a matter of not following Jesus. It's trying to find a church that we are comfortable in, that has the beliefs we do (the Apostle's Creed pretty much sums it up for me), and isn't "out there". I'm tired of sitting through a church service being talked to and watching people try to drum up emotion during worship. I don't want to continue to sit thru simply because God hasn't changed and I am uncomfortable in the service but I want to muddle through not being influenced by fallible people. Which copy? The memoir or On the Path to a Spiritual Life? Thank you so much for the book suggestions!!! And I think the first part of that statement sums up where I am right now. I've explored the Orthodox church but it's not of interest to my dh. However I feel there is a draw to a different branch, as you said. Yes! ITA with your points about being separated from those things and evaluating what is left in you. I'll put it out there (this is something that only my dh and I can discuss with each other) that I have questions about the Bible itself. One thing about church and some followers that I have a hard time with is the emphasis put on the Bible. Yes, it is sacred. Yes, it is The Word. Yes, I believe it is important and should be studied. However, what we read is what was chosen by man to be included. There are portions of the Scripture that were not included. With that in mind, I think a more important point to consider is who are we with Jesus? It's about relationship. It's not about how often I have read my Bible, how many Scriptures I have memorized, etc. While knowing Scripture can help me know Christ, it's not the most important thing. Yes, me too! YES!!! And a church that shows a respect for these things. One that realizes all of this really means something (i.e. on the topic of communion...it's not just something you usher through a line on the 4th Sunday of the month because the Bible says to do it) and recognizes the holiness of God. And yes, I know Catholic and/or Orthodox would fit that bill but as I said above, it's not where my dh and I feel we should be right now. Maybe with more reading and searching we'll get there eventually. I don't know. We're just starting our journey. Jennifer ~ I'll be confused right along with you. It all seems so daunting and scary to be taking this step. But also very exciting! I would love to see a social group here on this topic!!
  17. coffee cake turkey mashed potatoes green bean casserole (NOT the kind with the nasty soup in it) crock-pot creamed corn applesauce salad (applesauce, lemon j-ello, red hots) frozen fruit salad honey muffins hawaiian cocktail sausages homemade candy peanut butter crunch bars
  18. Monday: Sweet & Sour Chicken with rice Tuesday: Homemade mac/cheese, sweet potato fries, sliced apples Wednesday: Chili Thursday: Ground Turkey/Tomato bake, steamed broccoli Friday: Taco Salad Saturday: Turkey, mashed potatoes, crockpot creamed corn, applesauce salad (applesauce, lemon jello, red hots), frozen fruit salad, honey muffins. Munchies: Hawaiian Cocktail Sausages, homemade candy, Peanut Butter Crunch bars.
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