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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. I know two other families, besides the friend I talked to yesterday, who are in this house church. This is NOT how this group is. The people I know who are involved are in different walks of life. It's not a Gothard-type group either. *shiver* Again, I know this group isn't like this. At. All. And there is some accountability with the pastor of the church we are currently attending. While this is a house church and they meet regularly, I know at least four (the fourth would be my friend's mother..who I also chatted with yesterday who attends the house church but I don't know her like I know the other three couples) of the families sometimes attend corporate worship. So they aren't a group of people cut off from the rest of church society and reality just doing their own thing. :)
  2. Thanks for your input! This is how the groups (they have grown so that they have four separate groups now) were explained to me by my friend. I guess my dh and I are just needing the simplicity, the closeness, and worshipful atmosphere of it all at this point in our lives. This group is in a small way a part of the church we are currently attending (which I didn't know until I was talking to her yesterday) in that the pastor is fully supportive of the home church. She said once a month they attend the larger church, mostly for the leaders to have a chance to have a weekend off and worship corporately. We would still stay a little involved in the church as far as our oldest dd and the youth group and their Sunday night kids' group (when it is meeting...it's not a year-round thing) for the other three.
  3. How do you like it? For a variety of reasons my dh and I are considering making the change to a house church. We have some friends who are involved in one and I talked to her a bit yesterday. It sounds like it is what we are looking for at this stage of our lives.
  4. Not serious, "I'm going out today to get my Christmas shopping done!" shopping. I have bought a few things here and there. Got some Wii games when they were on sale, a few things on Black Friday, and some stocking stuffers. Waiting on $$$. *sigh*
  5. Yeah, lots of carbs and sugar (sweetened oatmeal and the rootbeer). She MUST have protein with her breakfast. MUST. And each time she eats (which should be ever 2-3 hours) it needs to include protein. Also a before bed snack should have protein. A great way to get that in the morning and before bed is a protein shake (I can give you a couple recipe ideas if she needs them). Jay Robb is a great brand that isn't gritty. She needs to aim for 70-90 grams of protein a day. She can do some complex carbs. So the oatmeal is a good choice for breakfast but not artificially sweetened. She could sweeten it with some plain yogurt or keifer. That would be a way to sneak in some more protein and probiotics. Steer clear of hospital classes. There isn't time for her to do Bradley but perhaps there is another option where you live. Ditto the doula suggestion. Some doulas will do some childbirth prep. and relaxation practice during prenatal visits so that might be an option for her. It needs to be magnesium AND calcium. Best of luck to her!! :)
  6. What did she eat that morning? How long had it been after she ate that they pricked her finger? You don't have to eat a junky diet to spill glucose and/or run high. Her weight gain doesn't mean she has GD. That gain at 32 weeks isn't horrible. Was she underweight at all pre-pregnancy? No, the anxiety doesn't mean she'll have to have a section. I would encourage her to look into Hypnobirthing techniques. That or really start studying relaxation (maybe take a prenatal yoga class?).
  7. Off to find the Sting/Elf video! Michele ~ ITA with you. Love the nativity idea! :)
  8. I made a new thread instead of crashing yours. :lol: The link I had up (and it's in the thread I started) is a TV commercial, not a YouTube video. ;)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ78McxRI6w I know what you're supposed to do with it and all...but...I just don't get it. It's all just really creepy and weird to me. *shrug*
  10. *SIGH* Yes yes yes, I know that. When we are just using a few of the features it's just not worth the $$. Especially since it can't be resold. I thought it would work for us and we would get a good deal out of it. We are not. So I no longer want to pay for the units. And no, we aren't stuck in a rut. TOG just isn't working for our family. Ah yes...thank you for the Biblioplan reminder! I'm going to look into that one too. I have looked at MOH in the past. Actually I have eyed it for several years but I'm just turned off with the fact that it's not a complete program yet. I'm still considering HO but am not sure how it would work using two levels. A few reviews I have read aren't that positive about that aspect of it.
  11. We are looking to get our kids telescopes. This one has been highly recommended: https://www.galileoscope.org/gs/
  12. That's because you can only see my head in my profile pic and that pic was taken about four years ago. :lol: I am about 35lbs overweight. I would be happy to loose 25lbs though. I will probably be starting the homeopathic drops in January. There's NO way I could do this over Christmas. lol
  13. Christina ~ Thank you! HO looks very interesting! Simple, straight-forward, and covers quite a bit. It's just SO much (which is a good thing). We were only using the reading lists, part of the map work (not the overlays), some of the discussion questions, and some of the student pages. I just don't want to pay for a curriculum if I'm not going to use it all.
  14. Yeah, we've used SOTW before. Not really interested in using it again as our main text. Thanks for throwing out some ideas! I looked a bit more today at TOG and am considering just keeping on with it. I just don't see anything else that would work for us.
  15. Ok...first let me say I'm very glad their baby is safe and they were able to fight off the carjacker. However, putting an infant in a running car, in a parking lot, and turning your back on the car???? :confused: Just doesn't seem like a wise thing to do.
  16. I don't have a copy of WTM so I'm not sure what those recs are. I should add, another preference is that it's somewhat laid out and doesn't require much teacher-planning. As much as I love putting units together and plan, I just do not have the time.
  17. Just wondering if anyone else has done this and how it worked for you. I'd really like to hear from those who have followed Dr. Simeon's protocol.
  18. I'm feeling very lost. We started this year doing TOG and it just wasn't a good fit. I was going to do unit studies (and still may with my younger ones) but that makes me feel like we're skipping and missing events. With next year being our last before high school I want to have a course laid out for her so we don't miss anything credit-wise. I guess I would like something that: - isn't VERY Christian (i.e. MFW, ) - is literature based - is affordable - has the ability to be used with younger grades (but that's not vital..it would just be nice) What else is out there?????
  19. 3 medium sweet potatoes 4 T butter 1/2 C sugar 2 eggs 1 can (14oz) sweetened condensed milk 1 T cinnamon 1 T nutmeg 1 t vanilla 2 9" pie shells Preheat oven to 400. Bake potatoes for 50 minutes or until soft [i boil them]. Turn oven down to 350. Peel the skin away from the potatoes. Add butter & sugar, mash together. Add eggs & keep mashing. Stir in sweetened condensed milk. Add spices and vanilla. Stir until smooth. Pour into pie shells. Bake 45 minutes or until center is set. Cool at least 30 minutes.
  20. Which option do YOU feel at peace with? I'm not sure I agree 100% with the placenta comment. Placentas implant in all areas of the uterus, including where yours is, and the majority of babies are born vertex. But I'm not a "breech specialist", just going by what I have seen, what the stats are, and what logically makes sense. Typically what I see is babies who are persistently in one position or another will stay in that position (whether it be vertex or breech). Babies who flip around a lot might go breech at 38wks but they will get back to vertex. So if your baby has been breech the majority of the pregnancy, she's probably staying there. Have you seen a chrio who does Webster?
  21. I want to go SO badly!!!! I just don't think I can swing the cost coming from OK. That and I really don't want to fly with all the TSA junk going on.
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