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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. We school in our dining room. When we were selling our house this spring I didn't take down the posters and dry erase board. The kids' school books were in their bedroom so I just made sure it was tidy. The only things I took down in our house during the house showing phase was family pictures.
  2. We had two teens in costume walk up our driveway. They were walking up the street when we pulled into the drive. As we were getting out of our car they started coming up our driveway. :confused: :001_huh: I looked at the kid and told him we didn't have anything and that we don't celebrate Halloween. He seemed pretty bummed as he walked away with shoulders slumped. But seriously, even if we did celebrate I am not going to be handing out candy as I am quite obviously just getting home and have four children piling out of my car. No one else came to our door. Which is just how I wanted it. There are a couple families nearby but the neighborhood is mostly retired folks.
  3. :grouphug: I am so very sorry. Was it very unexpected? Will be praying for you.
  4. Breech is simply a variation of normal. Some babies need to be born vaginally this way. The problem is there aren't many care providers who are trained or who are able to do vaginal breech so the only option for many women is c/s. But that said, sometimes babies go breech because c/s is the safest way he/she needs to be born. Like Ellen said, cord issues are usually the culprit. Other times it's unexplainable but we just have to trust that the baby knows why.
  5. I don't recall it being mentioned but....talk to your little one. :) Spend some quiet time each day relaxing and talking to her. If she doesn't turn try not to be discouraged. Babies are smart. Sometimes being breech is the safest way for them to be born (whether vaginal breech or arriving via c/s) and they know it.
  6. I got the recipe from a friend. I'm not sure where she got it to be able to give credit to the creator. Elderberry Syrup 1/2 dried elderberries 1 cinnamon stick 5 whole cloves 1 Tbsp grated ginger 2 cups water Put all ingredients into a saucepan, cover and bring to a boil. Once it begins to boil, bring down the heat and simmer covered for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and stir in 1 cup honey. Store syrup in a closed jar int he refrigerator. Just 1 tsp a day to prevent coughs and flu.
  7. - Elderberry syrup (homemade) - Elderberry capsules and melts (for the kids) - in case I don't have any fresh syrup on hand - Emergen-C -Viru-Chord by Energetix (it's a homeopath tincture) - Clear liquids
  8. Look into Elderberry. You can very easily make a syrup that is great! It helps cut the duration of illness and also lessen the chance you'll get the flu. You can buy it in capsules but if you can get a hold of the berries (locally or online from somewhere like Rose Mountain Herbs) you can make the syrup (it has honey, ginger...both good for fighting bugs). And ditto Wendy. Those who get the vax can still get the flu.
  9. One would have to try it to know. Similar to how Benedryl makes some kids sleep but others go nuts! lol My 10yo dd and I use valerian root for getting to sleep sometimes. It really helps when you have that "I can't shut my brain off!!!!" feeling. My favorite is a homeopathic version by Energetix but I found Tazo Rest tea has it and works like a charm!
  10. It can also make you very sleepy. I'd suggest looking into Rescue Remedy instead.
  11. I am a DEM. :) How much it might possibly move up will have a lot to do with how much of it is actually covering the cervix. I have had clients who had placentas very close and almost covering the cervix early in pregnancy. In follow-up ultrasounds the placenta had moved. However, I haven't had a client who was dxd with a complete previa. Was it dxd as a complete previa? According to this study, a complete previa remains so. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11978274?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Unfortunately the majority of women who have a previa (partial or complete) will be delivered via c/s. And possibly prior to your EDD. Even when the placenta is close to the cervix and not covering it, a c/s needs to be done. As the cervix dilates, the opening becomes closer to the placenta site risking an abruption. There is an illustration here that shows what I'm talking about: http://www.moondragon.org/obgyn/pregnancy/placentaprevia.html
  12. I tried this one last week and it was pretty good. http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/2009/06/crockpot-baked-potato-soup-recipe.html
  13. The best way to learn is from someone who is deaf or hearing impaired. Books and/or lessons are great (that's how I learned and started interpreting..way back when). But to really know and learn the language, learn it from someone IRL who uses it to communicate.
  14. The one my youth pastor always used is the illustration of an egg. The shell The egg white The yolk Three parts....one egg.
  15. I've tried ACV before. Never works. The trap works every. single. time.
  16. This: http://www.theidearoom.net/2009/09/fruit-fly-trap.html
  17. That was so weird and cool all at the same time! The epicenter was about an hour and a half from us, but we felt it. http://www.ktul.com/Global/story.asp?S=13315425
  18. Have your cycles come back yet? For some women, when it's time for her period to start, the milk supply goes down a bit.
  19. I LOVE running to that one!!!! Black Eyed Peas' I Gotta Feeling is another favorite of mine. It's the one I skip ahead to when I do my last Cto5K run interval. Others I have on my playlist are: Addison Road Caleb (Steven Curtis Chapman's son)
  20. :lurk5: Just came home with 1/2 a bushel myself. All I had planned was caramel apples and apple butter. Thanks for the apple pie filling recipe!!!
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