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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. FoodGawker Is similar to TasteSpotting. In fact, I see some of the same recipes. :)
  2. Prince Poppycock!! His performance tonight wasn't that great (not sure why he picked an opera when he was up against someone who sings that style) but the ideas in his head are amazing!!! Very creative! For a Vegas show though, I think it will be between Prince Poppycock and Fighting Gravity. I like Michael but he sounds way TOO much like Michael Bolton. Jackie is amazing but I just don't see her doing a Vegas show.
  3. Very rarely. And it really bugs me. I LOVE hymns!!! What I don't love is services that do hymns only without any joy.
  4. I quarter it, scoop out the seeds (to roast!), put it on a baking sheet, and cook at about 350-400 until it's soft. When it's done it will come away from the skin. I just put it in my food processor (you could use a blender too) with a little water and puree it. That's it. :)
  5. I just gloss over it. Sure, it's nice to see right away what people use. But if I'm wondering about a certain curriculum there is no way I'm going to remember, "Oh yeah, I remember seeing _______'s siggy and that she uses Teaching Textbooks. I'll send her a pm and ask about it."
  6. I've tried doing this two other times and lacked all motivation to keep going. lol Now that the weather is cooling down and because I really need to loose about 20-25lbs, I'm committed and I am going to get thru the whole thing!! We're pretty close in our progress. :) Tonight is my Week 3 Day 1 run.
  7. About the same result here. Ours didn't form stalactites but we got some very tiny stalagmites.
  8. No. I haven't scanned all five pages so my apologies if this is repeated information. If you are looking for stats, this information came out not long ago: U.S. Circumcision Rates on the Decline
  9. This is our first year to use TOG and I bought the DE version. I really struggled with what version I wanted. So far I'm happy with DE.
  10. Your midwife did absolutely none of your prenatal care? And you had an unassisted birth? The midwife wasn't there at all in the capacity of midwife? If she was there, acting at any way as a midwife, she could be held responsible. I would venture to guess that this form you signed twice was a CYA form for the doctor. He wasn't going to be there acting as the responsible care provider at the actual birth. Thus signing a form saying you were the one "in charge of your birth". Should you have transported and called him in, then at that point he would have been your PCP and would be responsible. Does this make any sense??? I'm not trying to argue but simply point out that when you have an OOH birth, if you have an attendant there who has provided care for you during pregnancy and during labor, they can be held responsible. It doesn't matter what the regulations are or who is at that birth (even a doula simply present at a birth could be called to testify if a situation went to trial). When the sh*t hits the fan, someone is going to be called upon as the responsible party. Unfortunately in our society this is how it is with midwifery and OOH birth (and yes, birth in the hospital too but when things go wrong OOH, it is scrutinized so very much). I agree, the relationship is important. For both you and your midwife. But it's not a guarantee that if something were to happen, it will keep things from getting nasty. I know of one situation where the family had a poor outcome and at first chatted with the mw and everything was cool, same great relationship that they had prior to the birth. A few months later their story changed (saying things happened at the birth that did not happen) and they were seeking to have her certification revoked.
  11. WalMart. I had picked dh up from work (he worked 11pm-7am) and needed to get a few things before we went home. The lady who checked us out asked if we had heard about the planes that crashed into WTC. We thought she was joking or had heard something that was totally false information. When we got into the van we turned on the radio. She wasn't passing on false information. :(
  12. I'm already doing it. :) Midwifery. We do a 4-day school week so I see clients on our off day, Friday. When a birth happens my dh works from home so I have the freedom to leave when I need to and not worry about getting home at a certain time. I also teach childbirth classes which allows me to set my own schedule and teach in the evenings and one Saturday a month.
  13. No, it doesn't. Regardless of what the regulations are, this midwife has assumed the care of this woman. SHE is responsible for the woman's care (ETA: and the baby). If she is practicing legally, if something happens to Mama or baby, it's her hide. If she is practicing illegally, if something happens to Mama and baby, and it's found out she provided care, it's her hide. Even a good mw who crosses every "t" and dots every "i', who has been practicing for YEARS, who follows the regulations for the state (if there are any), who follows her own protocol exactly, if caught in a situation where something goes sour, it's her hide. Back-up doctor available or not, it doesn't matter. Even if your dh caught your baby (whether in her presence or not), your mw did your prenatal care right? You sought her to be your primary care provider during your pregnancy/labor/birth/postpartum? If so, SHE was responsible regardless of who is listed as "attendant" on the birth certificate. Sorry....as a homebirth midwife this is something I am pretty passionate about. ;)
  14. This is one reason I said what I did in my post about this midwife taking on her care. Because she hasn't had a chance to develop a relationship with this Mama to build the trust that is vital to a homebirth. Which means if the mw says they need to transfer, the trust isn't there and the client isn't going to listen. Add onto that the fact that this girl obviously isn't trusting of the medical system, if you tell her she needs to transport, she's not going. As a result, because the midwife has been her primary care giver, SHE is the one who will take the blame if anything happens to the Mama or baby. Like I said...this mw is just asking for trouble with this situation. The fact that you say the mw is nervous is a HUGE red flag. Praying that all ends well for all parties involved.
  15. - If she can't afford one u/s to do a biophysical profile, how is she paying the midwife?? if that midwife is doing this birth for a greatly reduced fee or for free, she's nuts. - If she can't afford the u/s, how is she going to pay for a hospital birth when she has to transfer there during labor b/c she's stalled out?? With that family history I wouldn't be surprised if she follows suit. In addition, with all of her issues (emotional, mental, physical) I would be *shocked* if she made it through a labor at home. Also, women who TRULY want a homebirth will do what it takes to make that successful (which in her case would be following her mw's direction to get an u/s). - It's quite possible she is lying about her dates. - I wondered this as well. All of that said..... As hard as it is, you're just going to have to tell yourself, "Not my baby. Not my birth." Worrying about it will not change the outcome. This is her body, her baby, and her birth. As much as it is hard to watch from the outside, she is the one who has to live with her decisions. It was her choice to stop prenatal care. She knows how to get the care she needs to have the best chance at getting baby here safely. And fwiw, the mw who has taken over her care is asking for trouble.
  16. We skip it. We use Wordly Wise for vocabulary + spelling.
  17. I've seen an endo. Then he recommended a thyroidectomy. So I got a second opinion. Now I see a herbalist/nutritionalist. She was able to get the nodules under control and I no longer have symptoms. I would also consider seeing a naturopathic doctor.
  18. I don't get that detailed with my meal planning. I simply take into consideration what we have going on that week and plan accordingly. If it's a night we don't have anywhere to go, I can plan a meal that takes more prep. If I have a meeting or if the kids have something going on, I do a quick dinner or use the crock-pot. Usually each week we have dishes with pasta, chicken, and ground turkey. The only set night that has a theme (I guess you could call it..lol) is Friday. That's our Fun Food night. It's always Taco Salad, burritos, quesadillas, or homemade pizzas. It's similar for breakfast. On Monday I do something simple that doesn't require much prep. Then I just go from there. We have things like: Toast, eggs, bacon Homemade breakfast sandwiches (english muffin, bacon, scrambled eggs) Homemade granola bars Homemade waffles & eggs Homemade banana & mini-chocolate chip muffins Breakfast burritos Oatmeal French toast & eggs It's VERY important that we have a protein source with breakfast (it helps stableize blood sugar levels). If we have something that doesn't include it (i.e. muffins, granola bars) I make a protein smoothie. It has powder (Jay Robb brand), organic yogurt or keifer, banana, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, a handful of spinach, water, and ice. I allow the kids to each pick a box of sugary cereal every so often. That is allowed on Saturday only. They may have one bowl of it and if they are still hungry they can prepare something else on their own. That way I can sleep in. ;) I do not plan for lunches, I just have stuff available for them to decide what they want.
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