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Heather in OK

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Everything posted by Heather in OK

  1. Just another recommendation for the marshmallow fondant. It's so easy to make and easy to use. Whenever I make it my kids all stand around the table waiting for the extra, unused pieces. LOL
  2. Are you looking for recipes like this? http://www.amnh.org/education/resources/rfl/web/earthmag/peek/pages/edible.htm
  3. We do a four day school week. Our day looks something like this: Bible Study - daily Latin - M, W, Th; Word Roots T History - daily Poetry - T, W, Th Science - daily quiet reading lunch Individual Work (i.e. Math, LA, Reading Comp, Vocab.) - daily I do long-term planning for History and Science only. That way I can see what library books and materials we will be needing so I can be ready. I try to stick to my plans for these two subjects. For Latin and Poetry I do plan it out some but we have a little more flexibility with that. I do not plan long-term for their individual work. As they do assignments and I grade tests I see how they are doing. If I see assignments and/or tests where something needs to be retaught, then we slow down and master it. If they are ready to move ahead, we do. And I should add....this daily schedule took me a couple years to refine and make work for us. I haven't been doing a schedule like this for all seven years. It's been just in the last two years that I've used this and I tweak it as we go along.
  4. How sweet!! She could have a future in baby portraits like Anne Geddes!
  5. He spoke this year at the commencement ceremony of a college here in town. Such an amazing man of God and a great role model for young people!
  6. * Anything pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding * Homesteading * Natural living
  7. Another here who has them separated. My oldest two will be doing CLI and my 3rd grader is starting PL. I have 30 minutes, 3x/week scheduled for Latin. I am going to try PL on one day, CLI on another, and the third day for review and catching up. When it's not their day for Latin they can use it to catch up on other work or read quietly.
  8. :thumbup: I bought Y1 U1 the other day (we're doing the entire year but $$ I need to buy it a unit at a time). I'm loving it so far and can't wait to get started!!
  9. We have ceramic tile. The stone look to the tile is great because it doesn't show dirt. And it's very easy to clean. There are six of us, two cats and a dog. I am also VERY picky about the floors being clean. I just don't like walking on even the thinest layer of dust or crumbs. I use a vacuum to pick up pet hair, crumbs, dust, etc. (on that floor and on my hardwoods). Then I use a Shark steam mop to clean it.
  10. Get a scale that can measure pounds and ounces, such a postal scale. Weigh him before you nurse and after. You should notice a change in the ounces. I have a friend who's son had a heart issue. I'm sorry..I don't remember what exactly he had other than it was very easily fixed via surgery. After his procedure he was a completely different baby! He started gaining weight, was eating better, and his development was back on track. So while you have received some excellent advice regarding the breastfeeding, do follow up with the cardiologist. Sometimes it can be a simple nursing issue but there are times when a physical issue is interfering with the weight gain. Praying for you and your little one!!
  11. My dh and I watch. I haven't been to pleased with this season so far though.
  12. :lurk5: We have a digger too. Raw bones....she digs and buries them. Make a border along the fence....she digs UNDER it and still gets out. I do NOT want her turning our new yard into the lunarscape she had going on at our old house.
  13. My dh had one about four years ago. The procedure went really well (he slept through it). He was stuck on the couch with the cold pack for one day. After that he felt fairly normal but took it easy since there was A LOT of swelling. The only thing he's ever said negative is that there is less sensation when finishing.
  14. Bible Study - He'll listen in to what we are doing. History (TOG Y1) - He'll listen along and do some activities with us. Science (CKE Earth/Space) - He'll listen along and do some activities. Handwriting - HWT Math - R&S Grade 1 Phonics - Reading books with me, playing games, etc. And lots and lots of play!!!!!
  15. Thanks!! :) I tried to get him to check that one out this morning when we were at the library!
  16. Up until now I've put together little unit studies for my girls. You know, things like gardens, weather, etc. Things I know a good bit about. My youngest is all about dinosaurs right now so I want to seize the opportunity. I know a little about dinosaurs but not enough to put together a unit (i.e. topics, activities). What links and resources can you share?? It doesn't have to be anything real in depth. Just enough for me to organize my thoughts and put a few (easy) activities together for him. Thanks!!
  17. My older two switched to WW from another spelling workbook about two years ago...I think. This year my 7yo (3rd grade) will be starting WW. I wanted to make sure she was confident in her reading ability before we started it.
  18. Wonderful!! :) I'm loving your huge chalkboard! Is it an actual board or did you frame the wall and use chalkboard paint?
  19. Another vote for Jay Robb. I use the vanilla egg white powder.
  20. I guess ours is a little of both. I have blocks of time planned out but I don't let it dictate how our morning goes. For example, I estimate that it will take us 15 minutes to do Bible Study, 30 minutes to do Latin, 45 minutes for History, etc. If Bible Study takes 10 minutes, we move on. If we need an hour for History, we'll take an hour. If we spend more time in one area and run out of time for another, say Latin, the next day we'll just double up on Latin or make more time later in the week. Part of what helps us stay caught up is doing 4-day weeks. That way we have Friday that we can use to finish up a project or a missed lesson. You may not find your groove right away. You'll probably evolve into what works for your family and then you may find a completely different flow a year from now. We will be starting our seventh year in a couple of weeks and it's only been the last two years that I've been happy with the flow of our days.
  21. Homeopathic Valerian (we use the one made by Energetix) works for my 10yo when she can't sleep due to her mind racing. I've taken it a few times too when my mind won't shut down and it works wonders!! Not sure if that is your dd's reason for insomnia but just thought I'd throw that out there.
  22. Welcome! :) This is my philosophy. I am a firm believer that before the age of 5 a formal curriculum should not be used. Fun learning activities...yes!! Working through a curriculum...NO! She's only 3. Enjoy her!! :) Play, read, make crafts, read, cook together, read, play, etc. There is plenty of time for formal learning and curriculum later. I would wait.
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