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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. I think I have changed mine since the last thread as well. :) 6th grade dd: English Galore Park SYRWTL English 2 MCT Grammar Voyage/Practice Voyage CW Intermediate Poetry French Galore Park SYRWTL French 1 Science Galore Park SYRWTL Science 1 Teaching Company Geology Math Singapore Primary 5A/5B Life of Fred Fractions Life of Fred Decimals History Kolbe Ancient Greek History (with sister) Kolbe Ancient Greek Literature (with sister) Online classes: Latin Composition Geography Music Theory/Piano Religion Extras: guitar volleyball?
  2. Singapore math - 8 years, still using Hooked on Phonics - 8 years, still using MCT grammar - 6 years, still using
  3. We will be starting 2nd grade the second week of May. morning work English- Galore Park Junior English 1 MCT Grammar Island / Practice Island Pentime Cursive Hooked on Phonics/SRA reading lots of independent reading/read alouds French - Skoldo French Book 1 Latin - online Religion - online afternoon work Math - Singapore Math 2A/2B Science - Galore Park Junior Science 1 Ancient History - Galore Park Junior History 1 American History - Paths of Exploration Vol. 2 Geography - online
  4. Our family has long school days, but we only school five days per week. 2nd grade 8:30am - 12pm Latin - 1 hr French - 20 min Handwriting - 10 min English - 30 min Literature/Reading - 1 hr Religion - 30min 1:30pm - 4:30pm Math - 45 min Ancient History or Science - 45 min American History - 1 hr Independent Reading - 30 min
  5. I use it with just the student book. I buy the answer keys for the 2nd level books (So You Really Want to Learn......)
  6. Fall plans for my last K'er :sad: Hooked on Phonics Reading Copywork Latin: Letters, Numbers, Reading, Writing (online) Religion (online) Typing Paths of Exploration (sitting in with sister as he chooses) Hooked on Phonics 1st & 2nd grade Super Workbooks (Reading, Spelling, Word Games, Puzzles & Mazes, Addition & Subtraction, Time & Money) Read Alouds
  7. Ray at Horrible Books is great! And his next order date is tomorrow, March 13th. You receive 20% off the list price and free shipping. ETA: He also sells Life of Fred at 20% off, free shipping.
  8. 8th grade plans for the fall: Math: AOPS Algebra, AOPS Number Theory Science: 1)Biology - Kolbe, 2)Geology - TC DVDs and text Latin II: online class History: Kolbe Ancient Greek History Literature: Kolbe Ancient Greek Literature English: Galore Park Year 9 English MCT Magic Lens II/4Practice II CW Herodotus (first half) Traditional Logic I (first half) Composition - online class Extras: Sea Scouts volleyball team SAT prep
  9. Harry Stottlemeier is part of a series of philosophy books that runs from K-12. I'm not sure whether this link will work. The organization is called Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children. http://cehs.montclair.edu/academic/iapc/docs/Curriculum_Brochure.pdf
  10. My dd 11 is currently working through So You Really Want to Learn Science 1. My younger two will work through all five books (Jr. Science 1-3 and SYRWTL Science 1-2.) Dd 7 will begin Jr. Science 1 in the fall.
  11. Galore Park is my favorite secular publisher and we use their books for science, history, English and French. They also have Latin and Spanish. I also really like Singapore math.
  12. Dd 11 - plans for this fall: Singapore Primary math 5 LOF Decimals Galore Park (So You Really Want to Learn): English 2 French 1 Science 1 History 2 MCT Grammar Voyage/Practice Voyage CW Beginning Poetry B Online classes (CLAA): Composition Latin Geography Music Theory Religion Extras: Guitar Piano Volleyball (maybe :))
  13. I believe Kolbe considers Physical Science 8th/9th and generally recommends taking Physical in 8th and Biology in 9th if the student is college bound. The biology book they use is Prentice Hall. My dd is using Kolbe's Physical science now and plans to start Biology in January. I will say she is finding the Physical Science course challenging. :)
  14. My dd is going to start with Microcomputer Skills. I remember it being very easy when I was in school. I think solid computer skills will help her in her other classes, there is very little reading, writing or discussion and it is required for her AA degree.
  15. Classical Writing Poetry Classical Writing Herodotus This is especially funny because of our past experiences. :) CW Aesop - didn't love it, but used it with first two kids before selling CW Homer - really didn't care for it, used it with eldest for a few weeks CW Diogenes - really, really didn't care for either level, read through both and sold without using And NOW - I am loving CW poetry with my dd 11 - she is enjoying it too, and I couldn't resist buying and reading through Herodotus and it looks great! I'm planning to begin it this fall with my eldest. Things we have loved for years: Singapore math MCT grammar Hooked on Phonics
  16. All my kids go to a pediatric dentist's office. Our visits are free with insurance, but without it is $59 per visit. My cousin from out of state takes her daughter to our office as they don't have insurance. We love our dentists!
  17. Has anyone heard whether or not this timeline will be offered as a download? I tried emailing the author, but haven't heard anything back.
  18. We used Put That in Writing this year. It does a good job of covering short essays, both timed and untimed. I assigned topics based on history and science rather than their suggested topics and that worked fine. Next year I'm thinking about using the first half of Classical Writing's Herodotus along with a half credit online composition class.
  19. I'm having a really hard time putting together next year's plan. Here it is so far: Biology - 1cr (Kolbe plan which uses the Miller and Levine text) Geology - 1cr (Teaching company DVDs and text) Algebra 1 - 1cr (Art of Problem Solving Algebra 1 and Algebra 2) Ancient Greek History - 1 cr (Kolbe history with TC cds and additional resources) Ancient Greek Literature - 1cr (Kolbe lit with TC cds and additional resources) Composition - .5 cr (online) Latin II - 1 cr (online) Geography - .5 cr (online) Religion - no credit (online) SAT prep/review - no credit (prep books of some sort) extra-curriculars - Sea Scouts, YMCA volunteer
  20. Florida Our local CC requires that you have completed the 8th grade. You cannot take remedial classes, PE classes or music classes. You cannot take classes (as a high school student) once you have turned 19.
  21. If you used the Teaching Company high school American history series did you finish the second half of U.S. history? If so what did you use?
  22. If you used the Teaching Company high school American history series did you finish the second half of U.S. history? If so what did you use?
  23. I sometimes look at the Roxbury Latin School website. They usally make the top ten (or so) schools in America, offer some classical classes (six levels of Latin, etc.) and list online all the books they use.
  24. At our FL CC, high school students cannot take Intermediate Algebra because it is considered a remedial class. So the sequence goes: College Algebra - 3 credits / 1 high school credit Pre-Calc/Trig - 5 credits / 1 high school credit Calc 1 w/Geometry - 5 credits / 1 high school credit Calc 2 w/Geometry - 5 credits / 1 high school credit Calc 3 w/Geometry - 4 credits / 1 high school credit Calc without geometry and College Geometry by itself are two other course options. I was also looking at the CC in the Keys last week, as we may move there and there the sequence is: College Algebra - 3 credits / 1 high school credit Trig - 3 credits / 1 high school credit Calc 1 w/Geometry - 4 credits / 1 high school credit Calc 2 w/Geometry - 4 credits / 1 high school credit
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