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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Hi Grace, I considered doing something like this as well. What do you plan to call this class on your transcript and how much credit are you giving? Thanks so much! Melissa
  2. Great! I'm glad you are still on here K-FL! I haven't had a chance to speak directly to anyone, but the FKCC website says that sophomores and juniors can only take 6 credit hours per semester and seniors can take up to 12 credit hours per semester. Did you find this to be true for homeschooled students as well? The county we are in now allows the students to take 12-15 credit hours per semester during any school year and is very open to high school students earning an A.A. while still in high school. Are there many dual enrolled students at FKCC? Also, are dual enrolled students allowed to pursue an A.S. degree? I told my dds I wasn't sure they would be allowed to do many of the seaman, diving, environmental classes while they were minors. If you don't mind, I will likely have a few more questions soon. Thanks!
  3. Wasn't there someone on this board whose children attend Florida Keys CC as dual enrolled students? If anyone can remember the member's name (here on the board) and would share it, I would really appreciate it. Or if the member reads this - so sorry I can't remember your board name. :blush: could I ask a few questions? We may be moving there and I have a couple questions about the school. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the suggestions! We checked the CC and there are no linguistics classes offered, but there is a Graphic Design class. I don't know whether dual enrolled students can take the class though. She will check. She has said she would like to take English grammar classes through high school - I'm just not sure what to have her work through. I will certainly look at AG.
  5. Paula, What is your planned math sequence that you are doing AoPS Number Theory and Counting & Probability for 8th? Are you having your child take the classes online or working through the books on your own at home? I'm currently reading through Number Theory and trying to work out our math plan using AoPS. Thanks!
  6. I have a dd that is interested in becoming an editor. What would be the best English program for someone with such an interest? Honestly, I had planned to not even do English through high school. She takes Latin, so my plan was to simply do a half credit of literature and a half credit of composition each year of high school (and that is all I have planned for this year.) The only English classes I had planned to have her take at the CC were Comp. I, Comp. II and Speech. I'm not certain I want her taking any Literature classes at the CC and there isn't much else in the English department. My dd would like an English program to work through or suggestions on other things she could do through high school if becoming an editor was her ambition. (Lots of reading is already covered. :)) I would appreciate any suggestions!
  7. Congratulations! In my family, I have two sisters named Amy and Amanda as both mean loving, loved.
  8. I am looking for music lessons for my dd 11 and in searching the web a website for Musika Music Lessons came up repeatedly. They claim to have instructors in my area, but I am not familiar with the company although they seem to be nationwide. I have sent them an email, but haven't heard back yet. The website really doesn't give much information. Has anyone used them that can give me more information?
  9. My K plans for ds this fall. Math - Singapore 1A English - Hooked on Phonics, Aesop study, CW Primer: Fall (spread throughout the year) History - Paths of Exploration - Vol. 2 Latin - online Typing Memory work
  10. The local high schools in our area would issue one credit each for the math and science classes and a half credit for one semester of World Civ. :)
  11. Upcoming 6th grade dd: Science - So You Really Want to Learn Science 2 (Galore Park) and sitting in on elder sister's Teaching Company DVDs on Geology Ancient History - So You Really Want to Learn History 1 with additional reading and an online Chronology class American History - Geomatters' Paths of Exploration: Volume 2 (with younger sister)
  12. We just received ours yesterday and it was $475. We've never, ever had a bill that high and always set our heat at 68 degrees downstairs and 66 upstairs. I wonder what's up? I can't imagine we actually used that much electricity!
  13. Julia, What makes Hicks' book list different from Ambleside or other classical/CM book lists? I've not yet found his book at a cost effective enough price to purchase. How are his ideas different from Mason's?
  14. I know it is a bit weird, but I have a 13 year plan for each of my kids that I update once or twice a year as needed, so I can write out our entire plan for each of the girls. :) I have the two ends of the spectrum in my older girls. The eldest plans to major in Marine Science and the next has no real interest in science at all. science focus 5th - Chemistry (RS4K) 6th - Environmental Science (Oak Meadow) 7th - Physical Science (Kolbe) and Astronomy (Teaching Company) 8th - Biology (Oak Meadow) and Geology (Teaching Company) 9th - Chemistry (Oak Meadow) and Anatomy (Teaching Company and misc.) 10th - Chemistry I (Comm. College) 11th - Chemistry II and Organic Chemistry (CC) 12th - Physics I and Physics II (CC) non-science focus 5th - So You Really Want to Learn Science 1 (Galore Park) 6th - finish SYRWTL Science 1 and begin SYRWTL Science 2 7th - finish SYRWTL Science 2 and Oak Meadow Physical Science 8th - Oak Meadow Environmental Science 9th - Oak Meadow Biology 10th - Oak Meadow Chemistry 11th - Biology I (Comm. College) 12th - Biology II (CC)
  15. My middle grade children spend about 9 hours per day on school work and I spend approximately 3 hours per child directly instructing or discussing with each.
  16. Thanks for the suggestions thus far. I'm making a list for her CC file and have also added working on unit conversions to her schedule next year. She could certainly use some work there!
  17. How did your student do in Comm. College Chemistry I and II? What classes were most beneficial in preparing your student? What leve of math did you feel was needed? My dd plans to take CC Chem I and II her junior year. These are the classes that most concern me as far as preparing her ahead of time. The listed math requirement is basic algebra (the class below college algebra) and high school Chemistry which I have scheduled for her to do at home in 9th grade. Other than continuing in math, what should I focus on in preparing her specifically for Chemistry I and II (and CC Organic Chem I her senior year)? The only thing I remember from Chem I (which was all I took) is calculating formulas. Are there other sciences I should focus on, specific skills, a high school chemistry program that is especially good? Or perhaps other CC classes she should be sure and take first? Thanks!
  18. We will use the guide put out by our community college as well. Very generally it is one full credit for math and science classes, one full credit for the first two levels of a foreign language, one half credit for most English and humanities classes, and one half credit for the third and fourth levels of a foreign language. Unfortunately, our CC doesn't allow dual enrolled students to take any classes in the music department. But it does allow students to enroll any time after graduating 8th grade, so long as they can pass the common entrance exam.
  19. Our plans for next year - dd 13, 8th grade Math - Singapore Discovering Math 2 with LOF Algebra I to reinforce OR she may jump into the Art of Problem Solving online classes this summer and continue with those through high school English - Classical Writing Herodotus (first half of book only) - which also schedules Traditional Logic I, online writing class, Classical Writing Intermediate Poetry, MCT Magic Lens II w/ 4Practice II Science - (2 credits) #1 - Oak Meadow Biology (Holt) with some additional material #2 - Geology using Teaching Company's Earth at a Crossroads and How Nature Works DVDs and texts and some additional material History - TRISMS Discovering Ancient Worlds with Kolbe's Greek History and Greek Literature syllabi and Teaching Company CDs Humanities - (.5 credit) online Geography/Chronology class and continuing Mapping the World with Art French - So You Really Want to Learn French 2 Latin - online class Greek - (.5 credit) online class Religion - (probably No Credit - haven't decided) online class
  20. I've finished planning and have moved on to scheduling. :hurray: I'll have children in 8th, 6th, 2nd and K. Math: Singapore, Life of Fred, Art of Problem Solving English: Galore Park, Classical Writing, Michael Clay Thompson, Memoria Press, Hooked on Phonics, handwriting workbooks Latin: online classes Greek: online classes French: Galore Park Science: Galore Park, Oak Meadow, Teaching Company (maybe For Sea) History/Lit: Trail Guides to Learning, TRISMS, Teaching Company, Kolbe, Excellence in Literature Humanities: Galore Park, Mapping the World with Art, online classes Religion: online classes
  21. 7th grade: Math Latin Writing English Lunch French Religion Science History Humanities My only suggestion for fitting more in is to start earlier in the morning. :D My dd starts at 6:30 sharp. If we don't stick to our start time, we don't get everything done.
  22. Paths of Exploration (Geomatters Trail Guides to Learning)
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