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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Do you have the first editon or the second edition? I do remember that HO Ancients Level 2 is one of the only books to have two editions and the only major change in the second edition is that all of the maps are new.
  2. Kindergarten/1st grade/2nd grade Dance Mat Typing, Timon and Pumba typing, Typing Instructor for Kids
  3. Both my older girls are starting them this year, but they are keeping them on the computer. That way it is easy to sort the information into the proper file and even put the same information in more than one file. It isn't beautiful like a commonplace book, but it is more useful. I've never gotten used to using the computer the way they have. I keep all of my notes in a standard file cabinet. But I will photocopy some of my notes in order to place them in more than one file folder. I thought about having them also keep a written commonplace book, maybe of quotes or something. That way they could continue to work on their handwriting and also have something concrete and beautiful - but they really aren't interested, so I won't likely pursue it. :glare:
  4. No, it is a computer program that scours the web and provides a company with daily lists of links to webboard threads and blogs with relevant keywords. Then someone is paid to simply reply to every link provided that day.
  5. I've always wondered if in Florida the counties sell/give away their homeschooling lists. My girls have been invited several times (always only one or the other - never both) and we've lived in three different counties. I am certain there is no actual person offering up our name each time. We received one last week for a summer trip to Ireland.
  6. Mrs. Mike - It was given to me as a young teen (tween?) and I read it every few years to remind me of what is and is not important in my family life. I will be giving copies to my sister and my daughter this year for their 13th birthdays. Antigone - I had to read this for 9th grade English. I loved this book. I'm sure due to age/situation, but that started a love of Greek literature that led me to study in Greece as a college student and has endured to this day. Nicomachean Ethics and Seneca's Moral Epistles - my 'go-tos' on how to live a good life How to Read a Book and Milton's Of Education - my 'go-tos' for educational structure Pride and Prejudice - my favorite beach reading
  7. I didn't like them. I didn't like the translations used for the Aesop's fables. And the books felt unorganized and seemed to be primarily busy work.
  8. Here are some sample pages: http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1284323197-254351&subject=4&category=727
  9. Thanks for this recommendation! I hadn't heard of these books before and the Florida guide looks great. I'm going to get it for my dh for Christmas and then we can use it for our geology studies next year. :D Florida geology is something my dh really enjoys studying with the kids.
  10. Grammar - Grammar Town/Practice Town Spelling - Sequential Spelling Writing - online class Literature - done as part of history
  11. Or perhaps The Kite Rider? http://www.amazon.com/Kite-Rider-Geraldine-Mccaughrean/dp/0064410919/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1284079368&sr=1-1
  12. My ten year old daughter will be participating. She is trying to get her Christmas presents made now so she can dedicate as much time as possible to writing in November. She plans to make writing her career, so NaNoWriMo is right up her alley. The rest of the family (me included) prefer to be on the sidelines cheering her on. :)
  13. Plan for eldest dd - 8th: AOPS Algebra II - online AOPS Number Theory - online Latin II - online Greek I - online Geography - online Composition - online Magic Lens II (grammar) First Start French II Geology Marine Science Middle Ages w/Lit U.S. History II w/Lit PE - Crew 9th: AOPS Geometry - online (1 cr) AOPS Probability - online (.5 cr) Latin III - online (1 cr) Greek II - online (1 cr) First Start French II (nc) Composition - online (.5 cr) Geography - online (.5 cr) Physical Science (1 cr) Botany (.5 cr) US/World History w/Lit (1 cr) Ancient History w/Lit (1 cr) PE - Crew (nc) 10th: AOPS Algebra III - online (1 cr) AOPS Intermediate Number Theory - online (.5 cr) Latin IV - online (1 cr) Greek III - online (1 cr) French or Spanish I - comm. college (1 cr) French or Spanish II - comm. college (1 cr) Biology - comm. college (1 cr) Marine Biology - comm. college (1 cr) Composition - online (.5 cr) US/World History w/Lit: 1700 - mid 1800's (1 cr) Ancient History w/Lit: Greece (1 cr) PE - crew (nc) 11th: AOPS Precalculus - online (1 cr) AOPS Intermediate Probability - online (.5 cr) Latin V - online (1 cr) Greek IV - online (1 cr) French or Spanish III - comm college (1 cr) French or Spanish IV - comm college (1 cr) Chemistry - comm college (1 cr) Organic Chemistry - comm college (1 cr) Computer Applications - comm college (.5 cr) Composition - online (.5 cr) US/World history w/Lit: 1800 - early 1900's (1 cr) Ancient History w/Lit (Rome/Middle Ages) (1 cr) PE - crew (nc) Driver's Ed (nc) 12th: AOPS Calculus - online (1 cr) AOPS Group Theory - online (.5 cr) Latin VI - online (1 cr) Greek V - online (1 cr) Physics - comm college (1 cr) elective science - comm college (1 cr) fine arts elective(s) - comm college (1 cr) Speech - comm college (.5 cr) Composition - online (.5 cr) Modern US/World history w/Lit (1 cr) Ancient Far Eastern history w/Lit (1 cr) PE - crew (nc) OR 12th: finish community college classes for an AA degree (9 classes/5.5 cr) Latin VI - online (1 cr) Greek V - online (1 cr) Composition - online (.5 cr) PE - crew (nc)
  14. My aunt is 4'10". She comes from a family of shorter women. She drives. I think she has a sort of seat cushion custom fit to the back of the seat so she sits further up and her legs/feet can reach the pedals and has a car with an adjustable steering wheel. I'm sure she keeps the driver front air bag turned off. Her husband is 6'2". Their girls are around 5'4" each and their son taller - maybe 5'10". Other than the difficulty getting in her upper cupboards :) she has never minded her height. She learned to tailor her own clothing and is very good at it. She will also tailor formal wear for other family members when needed.
  15. If you want a one year program before going into BJU or Apologia or ??? that would work with your other child's science, my dds 12 and 10 are working through Signs and Seasons (Astronomy) and are enjoying it. The book says 13 and up or younger with parental supervision. But, my girls aren't having any trouble with it and I'm not doing much supervising. http://www.classicalastronomy.com/On_line_Ordering.asp
  16. Latitudes guide http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Johnny+Tremain/022644/1283267405-1166792
  17. My dd 10 really enjoyed MP Robin Hood last year. This year I am using the Iliad/Odyssey guide with dd12, but it doesn't have all of that because it is a history guide as opposed to a literature guide. I hope to do the Hobbit with dd 10 this coming spring or summer. For older children I like the Excellence in Literature series. It does a good job of combining the art/music/poetry of the time period surrounding the literature and is written to the student (but I still read the books for discussion.) If you like to combine History and Literature I like the Latitudes literature guides. There aren't really activities, but they are full of primary sources and historical information that connects the novel to the historical time period. DD 12 and I are working through Scarlet Letter right now and it makes reading the novel so much more interesting.
  18. Castle NCIS: LA and FOOTBALL!! (not a series, I know - but I equate it with fall programming and only two weeks until the season begins!!!)
  19. We use this too and then move into First Start French.
  20. My stepmother became a grandma when she was about 34. My daughter was born 10 weeks after her first (and only) child. So she basically had to be a first time mother and first time grandmother the same year! :tongue_smilie: By the way, she's done an awesome job from the beginning. My dh's mother on the other hand told us she wasn't ready to be a grandmother. We have very little contact with her to this day.
  21. My favorite book for scheduling, educational philosophy and educationally focused motivation in the secondary level (6th grade and up) - Tractate of Education - John Milton. A book I've only read once, but must have made an impression as it often comes back to me when I'm mulling over our philosophy - Outliers: The Story of Success - Malcolm Galdwell.
  22. When you buy them individually do you only get the study guide student book and study guide teacher book? If so, these are going to look much like the MP guides - only even less material. The study guides have people and places to identify and comprehension questions. There are also a couple of reviews and one or two essay questions at the end of each guide. The Iliad study guide skips Books 12-15, 21 and 23. The Iliad guide is 17 pages and the Odyssey guide is 14 pages (and they are half pages - 9x6.) The schedule, key points, discussion notes, discussion questions and essay topics are all in the Ancient Greek Literature study guide. They cover the Iliad and Odyssey in 9 weeks each so there are nine essays for each work with example answers for each essay and there is an exam and answer key to wrap up each study. The primary literature guide is the part we will be utilizing. I don't think we will use the Kolbe individual study guides much. Good luck! We are beginning the Iliad on Monday!
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