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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. 1. It's expensive. 2. They have pets/animals/farms. 3. They have to work. 4. They fear break-ins/looting. (This is a real fear in many communities.) 5. They are stubborn. 6. They really just don't care/ hold a fatalistic view of life. 7. They don't have transportation. 8. They are overwhelmed/ have nowhere else to go. 9. They won't leave others behind - family, neighbors, etc. 10. They have a condition that makes staying at a shelter difficult - medical issue, elderly, homebound, mental issue.
  2. Around here most public school students use the community college which is more accommodating. Those that choose the university generally have two options. They can register for college classes that fall before or after the normal school hours or they can go to the high school half-day and the university half-day and make up any missing credits needed for graduation using the state-wide virtual school program. In other areas I have heard that high school students can take university classes online. Our local university does not allow this option.
  3. 7th and 8th were my favorite years, not counting kindergarten and preschool.
  4. I have a similar 16 year old. She does have the diagnosis. The most effective strategy I have found is to have her repeat information I give her back to me. Usually, at least twice. I will ask her what I just said, wait a couple minutes and then ask her to repeat it again. I have also gotten her into the habit of entering all important information into her phone. All dates, times, classrooms, etc. I tried having her write it down, but she would forget/lose the paper, notebook. If she is pressed for time she will write information on her arm. If she asks again about a ride, etc. I will ask her to check her phone and see if the information is already in there. It often is. I'm so glad there are smart phones now. She also sets alarms for all important events. Even things like ten minutes before she has to leave for the bus every day. She sets the alarms to repeat daily/weekly. Otherwise she would always be late. :) I have no suggestions for misplacing items. Things my dd needs daily she gets into a habit of putting in the same place every day. When I see things similar to the tie on the couch, I ask her to put it back immediately. If I notice the flashlight is still missing I ask her to immediately stop what she is doing and find and replace the flashlight.
  5. Yes, this is all true. The flex program is for homeschool students. It is called FVS part-time, but students can use it as a full, full-time curriculum. A student can register for six classes at a time. The work at your own pace is not really true. A student can work at the accepted pace or faster. But, when a student works at a slower pace (without an IEP in place) it begins to cause issues. I do have one child that always works slower. It requires me to field on-going emails and phone calls to encourage her to speed up and mild threats that she could be dropped from the class. This has never actually happened though. They are very happy to have students working faster than the scheduled pace. There are optional group classes daily for most classes. The student can log in and have a live class with the teacher and other students and get an assignment done that way. Only one of these classes is required per semester, but many students prefer to do many/most of their assignments that way. There are optional scheduled study classes for unit and semester exams. Most classes also provide study sheets. Assignments can generally be resubmitted twice for better grades. Tests can usually not be retaken. It does take a bit of time to learn to maneuver through all of the online information for each class. And there are required phone calls between the teacher and student every unit or two. You can register for classes at any time. She could choose to only take one or two classes at a time and finish those before registering for a couple more. She could register for six classes next week and move through each at a different pace. I would not recommend taking six classes to begin. Most kids would find that overwhelming. There is no daily time requirement. Most classes have a general rule of three assignments to be turned in per week. My slower moving daughter generally only works on FLVS on the weekends. As a homeschool student, one does not have to take any EOCs but also will not receive a diploma at the end of high school. In Florida (and in most other states) the FLVS classes alone are enough. A student can print a final transcript of FLVS classes to send to colleges. Also as a homeschool student, the parent decides whether or not the student has met any pre-requisite requirements so she could register for any classes. There are honors levels to most of the classes as well as AP classes. There is a window at the beginning of each class (two weeks maybe?) where a student can drop the class without any penalty. After that though, the student must finish the class or a failing grade will be recorded and to my knowledge that F cannot be removed. If you try to drop the class after the window you must contact the teacher. I believe the teacher has the ability to give the student a WP (withdrawn passing) if there are acceptable circumstances, otherwise the grade will be WF - withdrawn failing. The classes themselves I would consider average. They are not wonderful or in-depth, but they do cover all of the necessary information and allow for a good deal of flexibility. Though I have heard many of the AP classes are quite good, we have no experience with them beyond my eldest dropping one during the first two week window. It appeared more time consuming than she had anticipated.
  6. We have lots of personal experience. What type of information are they looking for?
  7. Just an FYI. That is a busy weekend at Disney. It's the weekend of the Disney Cross Country Classic open to elementary, middle school, high school and college runners.
  8. You could always just take the FLVS second semester of the classes he is in now. Not ideal, but it would work for classes that you can't get into midstream other places.
  9. Monday Night Football. Not a great game tonight, but I have a really close fantasy matchup. I'm up by one point and we each have one player still to play. :)
  10. I think it will depend on the professor. My dd took Japanese I and Chinese I. They were very rigorous classes. My dd studied at least an hour per day. The time in class was well spent and speaking was definitely mandatory. She was very happy with the classes. I have another dd taking Latin I now. That class doesn't seem quite as rigorous (though we are only a few weeks in.) She studies at least 30 minutes daily. She is also very happy with her class.
  11. We don't have vo-tech high schools. We have different academies inside each standard high school. Each high school has several academies. Our county has seven high schools; one has the Academy of Animal Sciences & Services and another has the Academy of Agriscience. Students have to apply, but they aren't that hard to get into.
  12. Russian Blue Cat Slytherin (from the original Pottermore, I carried it over to the new site)
  13. Can they go to school part time? That is what my dd did for 9th and 10th grade. She was feeling isolated and so took two elective classes at the local high school. It does help to be around the same people all dealing with the same situations day after day. Now she is dual enrolled full time and has a group of friends on campus, some from the high school and some new.
  14. We had to send two to each college as well, including one from the records department to admissions at the same university - at least they didn't charge me for that one. :)
  15. I didn't even realize public schools could charge for sports programs. Here they are free other than special equipment like cleats, etc. Admission fees and paid parking at sporting events are still required. Club sports usually run around $70-$150 dollars per month plus equipment. Dance and gymnastics are more $$.
  16. I use plus/minus grading because the university and community college where my kids do DE use plus/minus grading. I do not want their homeschool transcripts to differ from the transcripts sent directly from the colleges. Will you be having PA Homeschoolers sending an additional direct transcript? If not, it won't matter which you choose so long as you are consistent.
  17. I start giving credits in 7th grade and give two credits - one for literature and one for grammar & writing. If I was only wanting to give one credit I would only do one of the classes.
  18. We eat after, between 7:30 and 8:30. If a child is going to be home after 8:30 (theater) that child eats something before and a light snack after. I have late bedtimes. My younger kids have to be in bed by 10 and by high school there is no "bedtime." They don't get up until at least 7 in the morning. The all usually read in bed for a while before going to sleep.
  19. I'd have son use Uber or have him give his girlfriend gas money to take on some of the driving. If he's working two jobs he can be responsible for paying for his own transportation.
  20. Thanks everyone. It sounds like there will be no shortcuts for her. She's trying the recommended links. I think she is going to need to start a spreadsheet. There are areas of the country where she doesn't really want to live, so that should help reduce the number of schools she has to research.
  21. What online sites do you use to research colleges? My dd tried College Confidential and it only found six colleges nationwide where she could double major in Chinese and American Sign Language. I think there must be others. Is there a good site to use so she doesn't have to look at each college website individually?
  22. Our power just came on. :hurray: It was out for about 8 hours. Quite a few trees are down around town, but very little flooding! Of course we are far inland. My sil lost her car - tree fell on it. Thankfully, no major damages or injuries have been reported.
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