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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. I'd do both. I have a son that needs that much exercise. I keep him in three programs. Together they total about 15-18 hours weekly plus games/meets. When even one program ends for a while his behavior noticeably dips.
  2. My dd's transcript showed 24.5 credits. I did not include any of the extras or any of her 8th grade classes even though they were high school credits. It did not seem to make a difference. She was accepted to every college and awarded high merit aid at two of them.
  3. This is four days per week, we have co-op and a half school day on the fifth day. Literature - 2 hrs History - 1.5 hrs Science - 1 hr Math - 1 hr English - 30 min Art/Latin - 30 min
  4. $340 That is with a one year old, energy efficient air conditioner.
  5. If you do not dual enroll and your dd does want to attend UF be sure and schedule in SAT II tests for math, science, social science and foreign language. It's a crazy number of tests, however, it is the primary reason homeschooled students are not accepted to UF.
  6. If you dual enroll, your student will still enter UF (or any other college in FL) with freshman status. My dd just entered UF as a freshman with 112 credit hours of accepted dual enrollment and three credit hours denied.
  7. My eldest dd took poetry through DE in 10th grade. She had to attend poetry and short story readings at coffee houses as part of her class. She found both those readings and the reading aloud of student work VERY eye-opening. Creative writing classes seem to allow a very wide spectrum of subject matter. :eek: That said she has now declared English (poetry) as one of her majors, so it didn't scar her for life or anything.
  8. The local university track is open to all students as well as the public for several hours per day. My ds 11 is in a program that meets there once per week. The upper track and stairs to the football stadium are also open to the public for free. The weight/fitness rooms are free and open to all students but closed to the public. Student athletes have separate facilities.
  9. Do you usually list them on high school transcripts in some states? If so, I would follow the lead of the local school district. We didn't put it on the transcript.
  10. Florida schools don't have to start then, though most are. It is decided by each school board. I know my county and at least two others close to us have chosen to buck the system and start on August 15th/16th. :001_smile: I like the earlier start date. However, our city pools stay open until at least Halloween, if not all year. Having them close in early August would change my opinion.
  11. FLVS You do not have to take six classes at one time. You could start with four (I don't allow my kids to take more than three) at a time. Try for two heavy and two light classes and then sign up for a new class once you finish one. Some classes take my kids much more than an hour per day, however, some are very short and easy - Information Technology, Driver's Ed and Theater come to mind. :) Trying to juggle six teachers would cause a great deal of anxiety. There is a lot of pressure to stay on pace (much easier to do if you only have three or four classes going.) What tends to throw my kids off are all of the required phone calls and collaborations and needing to obtain a password for every test.
  12. A knowledge of geometry is necessary for both the ACT and GRE. My dd self studied for the exams.
  13. I have a 5th grader this year. Here's the plan. 7:30-11:00 English, Math, History 11:00-12:30 Lunch 12:30-3:30 Science, Latin, Art, Literature + Reading 3 nights per week before bed One day per week we have co-op all morning. Every afternoon we have one sport or another.
  14. They might have a class together. I would not say my daughter is excited about the classes. She is more a math/science kid. But, she took WWS I last year and preferred it to writing papers for me. She is very social and enjoys the discussion portions of her online classes. To her, the best part about short stories is that they are not long stories. :001_rolleyes:
  15. Monday through Friday I block out 3:30 - 7:00 for outside activities. We have multiple activities each day. Outside those hours: Ds has co-op one morning per week. We are out from 8:30-1:30. Dd 16 has to be picked up from local theaters around 10 PM quite regularly (20 minutes round trip) though she tends to catch rides home occasionally now that she is older. ETA: We also have sporting events on the weekends. Mostly soccer games and regattas.
  16. I'm going to go with Lori's original plan. WWS will be about 140 hours add the grammar, spelling, handwriting for an additional 60 hours. I'll max that class at 200 hours and call it Grammar & Writing. Then the Socratic Discussion class will run around 40 hours plus the additional literature at 150 hours and I'll call that class Literature (again maxed at 200 hours.) Literature is a fairly painless class at our house and takes place in the hour before bedtime Monday - Thursday. My son will read for his full hour and continue long into the night if I don't check on him. However, dd usually has her light out and is asleep before the hour is even up. :D I'll add three or four literature analysis papers to make sure she has a handle on them and to add to her portfolio and call it done. We generally school 200 days so that works out to an average of one hour per day per credit for the year. ETA: I love this board! It seems simple now, but I couldn't wrap my head around it yesterday.
  17. Thanks for mentioning this!! I just looked at our county school website and that is what the middle schools here have as well. I just assumed they would all have one credit of Language Arts. So I definitely want two English credits as that is what most of the kids applying are likely to have! That's a relief, as it fits better with our plans.
  18. Thanks, Lori. I like this plan! I need the transcript because dd plans to apply to a selective/competitive high school program and applications with transcripts have to be submitted mid-8th grade. They do not admit many homeschoolers. So 7th grade documentation is important. Otherwise I definitely wouldn't bother. :) She doesn't need two credits of English. I just feel like this is much more than 1 credit of 7th grade language arts work and want it accurately documented to show what she has done. The two WTMA classes will run at least 180 hours with the outside class work. Grammar/spelling/handwriting will add another 60+ hours and the additional literature at least 150 hours. I like the layout of a Grammar & Composition credit and a Literature credit. Should I separate the Literature credit into two half credits - Socratic Discussion and Literature or lump it all together? Middle school transcripts seem more difficult to pull together than high school.
  19. Would you attempt to grade all of the things that would be listed under writing (Hake grammar, Megawords, Pentime) or just take the grade from the WTMA class, call it Writing and be done?
  20. I need to prepare a transcript with grades for my dd going into 7th grade. This is what she is doing for English this coming year. I need to combine it into two clear credits - how would you do this? What would you combine and what would you title the credits? Should I give one credit for Composition and use the WTMA grade and one credit for Literature using a combination of the WTMA grade and a home grade for additional literature and just ignore the grammar, handwriting and spelling studies? WTMA - Writing with Skill Level 2 (all year) WTMA - Socratic Discussion (one semester) Hake Grammar 8 (first half of book) Megawords (two maybe three levels if continued over summer) Literature (currently have a list of 30 books - I need to reduce this to how many ????) Pentime 7 (her choice, she writes all of her school notes in cursive and wants to improve her penmanship)
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