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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. I wouldn't consider a 7 year old/1st grader delayed. :) Mine were 8, 8, 9 and 10 when they could read independently.
  2. If there is a mandatory information session, I would go so that you aren't completely ruled out before you have time to make a decision. However, if she has no way to get there it really wouldn't be doable, unless they offer online classes.
  3. Math: Saxon 65, Beast Academy 4 Science: Oak Meadow 5 Environmental Science, Critical Thinking Co. Science Detective American/World History: Oak Meadow 5 US History, CNN Student News Classical History: Veritas Press Self-paced NTGR, Connect the Thoughts Greece and Rome, additional readings English: Spelling Power, Hake Grammar &Writing 5 Literature: VP Self-paced Omnibus I Secondary Art: Connect the Thoughts Animation II, Phonics of Drawing, Art Adventures in Narnia soccer, cross country, fitness/triathlon training
  4. How do they determine full time? Is it automatically four classes or 12 semester hours or something else?
  5. There is a 10% discount in March. I do not know whether that is for everyone or only families that were enrolled in classes this year.
  6. We don't separate by grade, as I do our transcripts by subject. We outsource most things. I just finished dd16's high school plan today. She is starting at the local CC in August and will take 20-24 classes there. There isn't much flexibility as she wants an AA in Theater. She still needs: finish Technical Theater (at the local high school) finish Chinese class with CLRC Florida Virtual School Biology (already started) English (already started) Economics with me (not outsourced) Algebra I Geometry Modern Literature U.S. History U.S. Government Astronomy all have been started except Astronomy
  7. My dd improved 7 points from 7th to 11th grade (fourth test) and chose not to test again as she had her desired score. My second dd dropped a point from 8th to 9th grade. We'll have to see what happens this year, before we get too concerned.
  8. Saxon Algebra I w/ Alcumus FLVS H Physical Science w/ TOPS CLRC Intermediate Latin I or MP online First Form Latin WTMA Story of Modern Times TC History of the United States WTMA Socratic Discussion (Fall) WTMA Geography (Spring) Hake Grammar 7 WTMA Writing With Skill 2 Lightning Literature 8 FLVS Intro to Information Technology Crew, triathlon team, fitness training
  9. University of Florida - dd of Melissa B Triple major - Advertising, English, Sustainability in the Built Environment Minor - Studio Arts: Creative Photography
  10. I tried to contact them by email, but my emails to them keep reading - Failed to send. I don't see ending times on any of the classes. Are they an hour long? Is the Socratic Discussion class at $299 longer than the Geography class at $249?
  11. We do a half day (three hour) co-op. Some of the kids eat lunch together at the end. No allergies here, but we leave and eat lunch at home. I find it so much easier than trying to bring lunch. And the kids are much better about leaving their friends when they know food is waiting for them at home. :)
  12. This fall, my dd is "officially" going to the university where she is currently a DE student. So, she isn't transferring the credits, they are just already there. A potential downside is that you keep the GPA you earned as a DE student. This isn't a problem for her, but something to consider.
  13. You could transfer to a university with an AA. I looked into our state unis and one offers a BFA in Lighting Design and accepts AA students. It would probably take three years to finish a BFA, but they would be all theater classes. Another state uni offers a BA in theater and will take AA students. A Bachelor of Arts would allow the transfer of many more classes than a BFA. Either way, you'll want to be building up a theater resume. My daughter is also going the theater route. She is a lighting tech and backstage tech at the local community theaters while in high school. The colleges will expect a good deal of experience, especially if the AA isn't in theater.
  14. Each college/university in Florida is also allowed to set its own additional stipulations. Most do not take middle school students.
  15. Thanks. We did look into that program. Sadly, it does not fall under our personal definition of 'reasonably priced.' :)
  16. Thanks. We've requested an application. Unfortunately, she does not have an outstanding academic record or high ACT score. :(
  17. My daughter is so disappointed. After offering it for seven years, USF is not offering StarTalk Chinese this summer. My daughter heard about it last summer and had planned to attend this summer. Are there any other reasonably priced Chinese immersion summer camps out there?
  18. It is not AP Biology. I think they may offer that, too. It includes some additional material that is not covered in the regular biology class. It covers all the bases. There isn't a great deal of depth, though I suppose an interested student could dig deeper on his/her own. (That would not be my daughter. :) ) There aren't any real labs, which is the biggest downside to FLVS science classes.
  19. FIU should also be free. UM would likely be expensive.
  20. We've used it for years. I have never had to verify that my kids have done a prerequisite. They just ask me if I am aware of the prerequisite and whether I feel that my student is prepared for the class. We've found it easy to use and the quality average. It's not great, but certainly acceptable.
  21. Could you dual enroll at FIU? I believe they are a tier-1 research university.
  22. Do you think the college will still have openings and scholarship money available in May when he gets the results from the next ACT exam?
  23. Well, you cannot be a freshman in college and a senior in high school at the same time. Why not just do dual enrollment for his senior year, as planned?
  24. We have done language and summer classes with CLRC. We've been very happy with all of the classes thus far.
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