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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. AP US Government and AP Comparative Government are usually .5 credit classes around here. You could scale back the Comparative Government class a bit and add in the US Government while still having only 8 credits. Or, like you said, just list the courses by subject instead of by year. My dd's transcript is by subject only.
  2. We don't give rewards for chores - they must be done daily and on time. Nor do we give an allowance. However, we are giving rewards in the form of money for completed schoolwork. I went back to work 20 hours per week this year and since I am getting paid for time previously spent working with my children, I felt they deserved some of the money if they continue to get their schoolwork done with much less oversight from me. They have a monthly chart split into five subjects. They can earn money for each subject completed at the end of the month. There is no money if the subject list is not completed at the end of the month and less money if the subject list was not completed to the best ability of the student.
  3. I dislike food shopping almost as much as I dislike cooking. :) Publix - once per week Walmart - once per month We also belong to a farm fresh food co-op, but the kids bring that food home with them once a week. That part is nice.
  4. My dd went with a foreign language and her strongest area - Latin I and Comp I. However, with Comp I there can be discussions of mature topics involved.
  5. I would be fine with paying for both tickets and covering dinner and transportation. However, in my mind, the high school student that can not afford to pay for clothing should borrow from a friend, make arrangements with a second-hand store, ask another family member or find another original (legal) way of obtaining the proper clothing.
  6. I don't think this is always true. My dd took College Algebra last semester at our local university. It was more of a quick review of Algebra II, geometry and anything else needed to begin Precalculus. She is taking Precalculus this semester and there is a choice of taking the Precalculus with or without Trig, depending on whether one intends to continue the Calculus classes (Precalc with trig is required to take Calculus I.)
  7. We don't cook much of anything that takes an hour. Our favorite quick meals: Tacos / burritos Spaghetti Meatloaf (usually ground turkey)
  8. I would see if the university has early admission. At our local university early admission is simply entering college after junior year of high school. That way you do not have to try and reclassify your student as a senior. It is merely entering college after three years of high school. Locally, it requires one extra essay, but otherwise the application process is the same.
  9. I think it looks fine. My dd took Physical Science (FLVS) and MUS Prealgebra for 9th grade last year. We are doing MUS Algebra I and MUS Geometry this year in order to "catch up" in math.
  10. The report back within 10 days warning is the same I have seen for years (decades) in multiple states. I've received it a couple of times myself.
  11. What type of schools require a syllabus for each DE class? I've never saved any from my eldest dd's classes. Luckily, none of the colleges she is applying to seem to desire them. I'm wondering if this is something I should consider for my next dd.
  12. I have a dd planning to major in theatre that also struggles in math. We have found Math-U-See to be a good fit for her. It covers just the basics. The explanations are short and to the point. There is enough practice and review to help cement the concepts without any extra information. I think it will be enough for the ACT, though I won't be able to say for sure until the end of this year. We will also be relying on very strong English scores to help raise her ACT composite. :)
  13. This is an area that doesn't really need much of a four-year plan. Even in public schools around here there is a lot of variety in what students take. I am using Kolbe for any history that isn't outsourced. Dd1 9 - Ancient History (outsourced) 10 - US History (outsourced) 11 - Anthropology, Sustainability, Economics (outsourced) 12 - Art History & ??? (outsourced) Dd2 9 - Early Modern History (Kolbe) & Psychology (outsourced) 10 - Modern History (Kolbe) & US Civics (Kolbe) projected 11 - Theatre History & Humanities elective (outsourced) 12 - Film History & Humanities elective (outsourced)
  14. I think it would need to be a high school program that you adapt to a middle school student. Something like TRISMS might not be too difficult to use for a variety of ages.
  15. How many credit hours was each class? My dd needed to take three Latin classes to meet our state requirement. Most college FL classes around here are 5 credit hour and then you only need two classes. But Latin here is 4-3-3 so she needed all three classes to earn the 10 credit hours.
  16. Definitely not too old. The university my dd attends offers free swim lessons to all registered students and staff. Many students arrive to the university unable to swim and take advantage of the opportunity to learn.
  17. Yes and yes. We required all of our children to take swim lessons until they were good enough to join the swim team. Whether or they chose to join was up to them.
  18. Hot Dogs Hamburgers Nachos * Chili or cheese can be added to any of the three * Other condiments are DIY Soda Water Candy Chips Prices are to the quarter. So items can be 75 cents, $1.50, etc. Children handle the money, but adults handle the grill. Tabs are only run for members that set up that service before hand.
  19. It is also based on where you live. In FL it would be a .5 credit class.
  20. There is a yahoo group called VP_Elementary. It has all of the literature assignments for the self-paced history classes listed by week.
  21. Our local community college offers computer classes under the heading of Continuing Education. One does not need to register as a college student. The classes are open to anyone above a certain age - thirteen maybe. There is a nominal fee per class.
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