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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Hi Halcyon, I tried to PM you, but it wouldn't go through. Could I get a link to the website of the project-based school your children attend? You can PM me if you'd prefer. Thank you!
  2. They do that without talking to the student first? That seems inefficient, as the student will likely just drop the class that doesn't fit into the schedule or try and pick up something else last minute. Our high schools treat part-timers more like college students. You make an appointment, come in and see what classes are available and at what times and you sign up for the ones that fit into your schedule. My dd and I have an appointment tomorrow morning to sign up for fall classes. She has the classes she wants listed in order of importance. Tomorrow we will see which classes are open and fit into my schedule. :)
  3. My dd plans to take one year through our state virtual school starting this fall and then continue through dual enrollment at either our community college or local university.
  4. Do you have a front load dryer? I found mine six months later in my dryer. Pull the lint catcher up and then look down in the crevice. (After seeing it in there along with all of the lint collected, I now clean that crevice out every couple of months.)
  5. This set is pretty good and the first book is aimed at upper elementary (three books total.) It is divided into chapters with projects/exercises to complete.
  6. Handwriting workbook Geography workbook Typing program We are currently using Draw Write Now which doubles up for handwriting and art.
  7. Stir-fry Do you own a wok? I love serving stir-fry for company. Fast, easy and healthy.
  8. If he were mine, I would have him get a job or intern/apprentice somewhere. And I would require volunteer service at a couple of places of his choice. I would focus on that and math. When he was in a cooperative mood, I would sit with him and make plans for the future. I would start looking into community college courses in whatever field most interests him and make a plan to get to the level to start those classes. I feel high school students really need to own their education and future plans. ETA - This is assuming there are no underlying disabilities.
  9. What are his interests? My eldest took a Beginning Poetry class (something I never really taught at home) her first year and it has become a bit of a passion for her. She tries to squeeze a poetry class into each semester. She also loves the photography classes - they really aren't difficult so long as the student is interested enough to complete all of the projects. My next child is planning to start with a couple of theatre classes as that is her passion. I've heard they aren't hard either, so long as the student shows up all of the time and puts in the required effort up on the stage.
  10. Dd 17 will be a senior and all of her classes are dual enrollment. She is most excited about her poetry class. It is the most advanced level at the university and offered by invitation. As a DE student she isn't allowed to register before the first day of classes, so they are holding her seat for her. These are her plans (fall/spring) though see can't register yet. Classes that fill in gaps for her high school transcript: Precalculus / Calculus Survey Macroeconomics / American Government Oral Literature / science elective And her fun classes: Darkroom Photography / Photography elective Drawing 2 / arts elective Advanced poetry / advanced poetry Dd 15 will be a sophomore and this is her last year before full time dual enrollment. Algebra 1 (Math U See) Geometry (Math U See) Biology (Florida Virtual School) Chinese 1 (Florida Virtual School) Japanese 1 (Classical Learning Resource Center) U.S. History (Kolbe/Teaching Company) Government (Kolbe/Teaching Company) - half credit World Lit (Kolbe /Teaching Company) - half credit Adv. Theater (local high school) Theater Tech (local high school) The only thing left to figure out is how to fit it all in, in one year.
  11. I saved the ACT with writing for my dd's junior year (this June) for this reason. However, if her composite score isn't high enough and she needs to take the test again next fall, we will be contacting the university with that requirement to see if she can skip the writing as we are already sending them this June's score.
  12. Are you saying that Saxon Math 76 is also not an option? If he is doing well with 65, I've found 76 fairly easy to teach. Sorry, I don't know what the newer Saxon Course books look like or how they compare to Saxon 76.
  13. My dd took those four DE Latin classes. We were advised not to list the high school Latin classes even though she took Latin 1 through an online provider. Latin 1 DE covered the same material as high school Latin 1, only at a faster pace. For us, Latin 1 and 2 DE used Wheelock's Latin. However, our state does provide the high school credit amount we can award and each of the college Latin classes was worth a full high school credit. So she still has 4 credits of Latin on her transcript. Here, the Chemistry would get 1 high school credit each semester if the lab was also taken. Both high school Chemistry and DE Chemistry can be listed on the transcript for credit. It is assumed that the level of Chemistry taught in an entry level DE class is above and beyond the level of Chemistry taught at the high school level.
  14. Hooked on Phonics Math U See Veritas Press Self Paced History Pentime Handwriting
  15. Graduation rate 71.7% Dropout rate 3.5% Graduating class continuing education 78.6% Incidents of crime and violence 134
  16. Regentrude, Did you list extracurricular activities on the transcript? Or only on the college applications?
  17. My dd is planning to do a summer internship. Is this something I should place on her transcript? If so, where? Or is it something that goes somewhere on the college applications, but not on the actual transcript?
  18. Hamilton is nice. They are a need-blind school. However, I'm not sure how that all works out in real life.
  19. I'm sure it is just a combination of it being Easter weekend and people liking programs that won't be available at the convention. :) For my oldest two, I've really enjoyed a combination of Kolbe and Teaching Company for history and literature, however, neither will be at the convention. For electives, I generally find local opportunities or online classes in my child's area of interest. I'll admit I am looking hard at the WTM Academy for my third daughter's history and lit, when she reaches high school. I don't know whether they will be at the convention this year? Not much help, I know.
  20. My son used the MP Storytime Treasures and wasn't ready for MP 2 so he did Veritas Press More First Favorites. It was a good follow up to Storytime Treasures.
  21. I like the VP lit guides for elementary and the Kolbe lit guide for junior high.
  22. Yes, she can still take the PSAT in 11th grade.
  23. My upcoming fourth grader will have 9 books for literature (Oak Meadow Lit) and 12 books for history (some VP books + some of my choosing) and he has 40 minutes of required reading per day - 20 minutes fiction and 20 minutes non-fiction. My upcoming sixth grader will read 10-13 books for literature (Omnibus II secondary). Since we get twelve months for the self-paced class (and I don't think there will be another sale until September :) ), I am thinking about doing the first ten books for sixth and saving the last three for seventh, but still undecided. Then she has 20 or so books for history (some VP books + some of my choosing) and 60 minutes of required reading per day split between fiction and non-fiction. They choose their own books (though I have the right to veto) for the required reading time. Vetoed books have to be saved for free time reading.
  24. My dd 15 took the Cinema class last summer. She really enjoyed it. We will likely do another summer class or two if they fit into our schedule. My dd 11 also took the Young French class this past spring with Dr. Godwin. It was too hard for her. She was intimidated by the speed of the class and the expectations. However, I think Dr. Godwin will do a really good job teaching at the high school level. I liked how he taught. He was careful with pronunciation and challenged the students. He expected every student to go back over lessons and study daily and to be prepared for and participate fully in the online classes. My dd 15 plans to take Japanese with him in the fall.
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