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Everything posted by MaMa2005

  1. I think it might be me :D. I found a workbook by FlashKids that is titled "Reading fo the Gifted Student - Challenging Activities for the Advanced Learner". It was inexpensive - $8.95 and I found mine at Barnes and Noble. It is a simple format - one page selections and then a variety of questions to answer/discuss. DS enjoys it as the selections are always quite informative and varied. We have read about Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mad Cow Disease, and Coast Guard Dogs. Always something new. Hope that helps. (Oh, DS reads on an 8th grade level for pleasure reading. I dropped him to the 5th grade level for this book as he needed exposure to drawing conclusions, fact/opinion, etc. Basically, the things that our children miss because they accelerate soooo fast.)
  2. Yes, :iagree:. Since we finish Grade 5 Horizons this spring, I will spend the summer reviewing, in depth, Grade 5 before moving on. If anything is still a little shaky, we will continue a review in the Fall and then move on to Grade 6 in the spring.
  3. Well, we're past lunch so I am deciding on dinner. Just DS and myself so I think it will be roasted brussel sprouts and a chef salad. I know I am getting old, but geez, the pain in the shoulders today is a bit much. That's what I get for doing so much laundry yesterday because I let myself fall behind. We have a fun week. Tomorrow DS is starring in the play "The Giant Rutabaga". On Thursday, we get to go the Center for Puppetry Arts and see the Dragon King. Friday and Saturday will be spent at the Southeast Homeschool Conference in Greenville, SC. A busy week, but then aren't they all that way :tongue_smilie:
  4. The odd humor also ensures that the child is really comprehending what is being read rather than just word calling. I recommend ETC to anyone who asks about a reading program. My Master's Degree is in reading and ETC is one of the best phonics programs I have run into.
  5. We used it and DS learned his tables within 2 weeks. Love, love, love it.
  6. After getting excellent advice from the Hive on this very question, we just state the grade that DS would be in with his peers. Anyone who is around him more than five minutes quickly realizes he is very accelerated. I agree. However, an extremely accelerated child will often be able to handle a class that is ahead of his chronological age. Problems can often arise from keeping a child with his peers. The child will often learn to hide his talents and shut down rather than become engaged in activities. It is a fine balancing act to find just the right place for the child who is working 3+ years ahead of his peers.
  7. I have used Horizons from K-5th grade and have 6th grade and Pre-Algebra in the cabinet. I supplement with mental math problems, Daily Word Problems from Evan-Moor and Singapore Word Problems. I have been very happy with Horizons.
  8. We are going! DH is taking a day off from work and DS is going to be spending some time in the Children's Conference. I am so looking forward to it. Oh, and Tim Hawkins on Friday night!!!
  9. :iagree: DS takes private lessons from a native speaker. The only reason we have chose Mandarin as the first foreign language is so DS can communicate when we return to China in the summer of 2012 for his Heritage tour.
  10. Not at all. I'm clean and my clothes match (usually) My hair is brushed. I do have my nails and toes painted (my only 'me' time every three weeks). I am allergic to all types of makeup including any kind of lipstick, lip gloss, etc. so that alone knocks me out of the 'girlie' club.:lol:
  11. This is how we eat them! DS says they are better than any kind of chip!
  12. We keep going - to a point. I know how far I will let DS get in a subject at the beginning of the year. Once we have reached that point in formal study, I go to something different. As you can see from my siggy, we have done a lot this year, but in some areas we are DONE until school starts again in late July/early August. By this time of the year, DS is going deeper and wider on his own, exploring what is really interesting to him at the moment. It also allows some additional dedicated time to extras such as piano and Mandarin.
  13. :iagree: with you, Jen. However, I have kept DS's age in my siggy mainly for this board. I think it really helps others to see the age and level of material when discussing acceleration issues. I know I have been able to ask some very specific questions in PMs that I would never have attempted had I not known the age/level.
  14. Instead of totes, I use Space Bags for storing clothing. Never had anything mildew in them. Plus, they are really compact.
  15. I'm tired and exhausted and I am going to Greenville next week and really look forward to it. I need to get around some other homeschooling families and get my zest back.
  16. Bissell Steam Mop. I've had it for years and love it. My entire house is ceramic tile and it handles it just fine.
  17. Here is one for Snickers Cookies on a Stick http://www.kitchenparade.com/2010/10/snickers-cookies-on-sticks-or-not.html Is this the Chocolate Eclair recipe? http://www.grandmaskitchen.com/ask-betty/chocolate-eclair-dessert/
  18. Lunch - Homemade chicken and rice soup for both myself and DS News - We ran into some dear friends at IKEA this weekend and they told us about the Mandarin teacher they are using. She charges HALF of what DS's Mandarin teacher charges and from what I have seen, she is better. WHOO-HOO - we will be changing after spring break. The savings pay for DS's piano lessons!!! Pets - One little ole lady chihuahua (12.5 years). She is a sweetheart :001_smile: Have a wonderful afternoon.
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