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Everything posted by MaMa2005

  1. Did you look at Week 36 in WWE3? It gives an evaluation of what the student should be able to do before moving on to WWE4. I would use that first and if she cannot do all that is required, just move at double time through WWE3 and WWE4.
  2. Cinder, that's us, too. Some of the best money we spend is our membership to the Cobb libraries. Guess I'll have to go make friends with the librarians in the county we reside.
  3. DS was crushed when we told him the news as we use the Cobb County Libraries. He cannot understand how people can close a building with all those BOOKS just waiting to be read. I am close to the West Cobb Library so we will still be able check out books without too much inconvenience. But I use another library on Tuesdays to do school as we transition from one activity to another. I have no idea where we will go for that couple of hours. Thank goodness we are at the end of the school year. Very, very sad.:(
  4. I know this isn't close to home, but the US embassy in Guangzhou, China will be shut down. Since you must go through the embassy to get your newly adopted child's visa to enter the USA, it is going to catch a lot of people that are already in China and in the process of adopting.
  5. I know I didn't sleep well last night and this thread proves it. I thought it said that you were having problems 'breeding' fish. :glare:
  6. :iagree: I am using WWE2 right now and the selections are not particular easy. There is vocabulary that is archaic (which is fine, but needs to be explained) as well as some pretty challenging selections.
  7. Our store had the sign up for the educator's discount, but it said it doesn't start until April 9th. Could that be the problem?
  8. I used the Intermediate Pages (blue covers) starting with Lesson 1 and going through Lesson 104 this year with my DS (5). He didn't have any trouble with them. I am using them as a teacher-led curriculum so I can adapt each lesson if needed. I never used the Beginner Pages so I'm no help there :tongue_smilie:.
  9. I write out DS's problems just so we don't have burnout :tongue_smilie:. You can purchase some math graph paper at an office supply store. It is nice as one side is larger squares (I use that for initial teaching) and then the other side has the smaller squares. I don't like scrap paper because it just seems to wind up everywhere. This year, we use a one subject, wide ruled, spiral bound notebook for all scrap paper type work (pre-tests in spelling, rough drafts in creative writing, etc.) I got them for .05 at the beginning of school sales. No hunting for scrap paper. No scrap paper blowing around. When the notebook is full, we toss it and start on a new one.
  10. I cannot knit or crochet. Oh, how I have tried, but it just isn't to be. I cannot sew. I CAN make gorgeous quilts, but cannot sew anything else.
  11. Our chihuahua gets offers ALL THE TIME. She has been dead for 5 years. Credit card companies got her name from our home phone number. We wanted an unlisted number and DH refused to pay to have it unlisted. The operator told DH the number could be listed under anyone who lived in the house. Thus, DH listed it under the DOG. This was 17 years ago. The funny thing is that when the dog would get really good offers (come drive a car and get a free dinner to a fancy restaurant), DH would take her to the dealership with the letter, say she just wanted to test the ride, etc. He always walked away with free stuff and enjoyed the look of people at the dealership with egg on their faces. :lol:
  12. There is enough spelling work with ETC, imho. I would rather stress the learning to read vs. adding in a separate spelling text. If you want separate copywork, just make up a couple of your own sentences using the words from the lesson. A good way to reinforce the spelling of the words, too.
  13. We always split ours and have them spiral bound. Staples does a nice job.
  14. Yes, at Greenville I attended an Aerobics for the Mind session. They were describing the games they produce. They let US play the games. I was sold and walked out of their session, to the exhibit hall, and bought their game. Since we have been home, we have played it daily and I consider it money well spend. Here is their link: http://www.mugginsmath.com/
  15. DS started TKD in October 2010 at the age of 5. (He turns 6 the end of May.) It has been a wonderful experience. They STRESS that TKD is to be used in class and to escape from strangers and not to use TKD to cause trouble. It has given DS a great amount of confidence and helped greatly with his gross motor development. We have seen no increase in aggression/fighting/etc., but have seen a 5 year old become very courteous and aware of others and himself. I highly recommend it IF you can find a studio that is a good fit. We looked at 5 studios before deciding on the one we chose. It is not a one size fits all decision.
  16. :iagree: DS does make his bed every morning. Some days are neater than others. :tongue_smilie:
  17. Today I feel good that: I was able to keep the house clean and organized, dishes washed and laundry done and folded along with getting school done. I am now actually doing some digital scrapbooking that I am behind on by almost a month. It was a good day.
  18. Considering I gave up chocolate for Lent, this recipe is just torture!
  19. Love my front loader. I've had it for 5 years and have had no mold problems. I use homemade laundry detergent and vinegar as a rinse. I have often wondered if the vinegar has kept the mold at bay.
  20. Our funny just happened. DH just went to get DS up to go to the bathroom. (We've been having issues with DS wetting through his nighttime pull-up.) DS marches into the bathroom, rips the pull up off, throws it in the toilet and then stands as though saluting General Patton! DH fishes out now ruined pull up and runs the water to see if DS will go to the bathroom - no luck - just standing saluting as though being inspected by a General :lol:. DH gives up, turns DS around who then proceeds to march back to the bedroom singing "1,2,3,4" in a march cadence. DH puts DS in a new pullup at which points DS shouts, "Dismissed!" :lol::lol: The funniest part of the whole thing is that DH doesn't do potty functions well and it was so sweet for him to do it tonight. :) Guess that job just got put back in my court.
  21. Word World came out when DS was three. He was reading by age 4 and I give a lot of credit to Word World for helping with the blending of letter sounds.
  22. I agree with Lands End. I have gotten some really nice clothes online. I love the fact that if they don't fit, just return to Sears.
  23. The borax and washing soda have no scent. The Fels-Naptha smells like Fels-Naptha, but to me, it really isn't a scent. You can always substitute Ivory for the Fels-Naptha, but then again, I don't consider Ivory really a scent.
  24. We use Megawords and A Reason for Spelling. DS is an excellent speller, but between the two programs, he is learning some of the subtle nuances of words, i.e., words ending in -en and -in, etc.
  25. Here is a link to laundry detergent: http://tipnut.com/10-homemade-laundry-soap-detergent-recipes/ I use recipe #3, but use 1 C Borax, 1 C Washing Soda and 1 bar Fels-Naptha. Keeps our clothes nice and clean.
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