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Everything posted by Mom2jnb

  1. I watched it....I enjoyed it... If anyone missed it they are replaying it Friday night. I don't remember a TV show that he had his accent but yes in a few movies he has let his accent come through. And Jessica, YES, it is the perfect show to watch after House...as I told my dh.....a night of total eye candy. :) hee hee hee Alison
  2. Ours was pulling about 1/3 of my DH's 401k money out to pay off credit card debt he had from his first marriage...it was a very emotional decision...it cost us financially 13K in taxes, we ended up selling out home to get the credit card paid off (after putting the taxes on it), living with my Mom and now that has caused me my close relationship with my Mom...hopefully time will solve that.......we are moving across the country and he has found a great job, we are debt free and hopefully that will give me time to work on my relationship with my Mom once again... So financial...yes......but not just that Alison
  3. Someone on here had suggested MVP (Magellan Voyage Project) by Douglass Evans. We started it today. We really like it....my only complaint is that there seems to be a lot of deceitfulness going on but I am hoping that gets straightened out in the end. It has a TON of history and miscellaneous facts throughout it!! Alison
  4. We like a product called Soy Garden it is in a tub and it is surprisingly great. My kids used to not even want to try it but now it is what they ask for. It takes wonderful, cooks wonderfully and I am able to bake with it too. Alison
  5. wasn't it called Frontier Home or Frontier House??? Alison
  6. I appreciate all that my dh does. He knows I work hard at what I do but the whole PS taxes thing...I think that is what grinds him the most. We just wish there was a way that we could submit expenses to the PS system and get a percentage back or something but that is another thread... heee heee Yes, I appreciate him all he does...in fact we are getting ready to make a move to a deliberately homeschool friendly state since I would not move to a state with restrictive homeschool laws and he had to limit his search when his job was eliminated at his current employer. I certainly do NOT tell him enough how much I appreciate him though :( Alison
  7. My kids love apple slices with peanut butter....if I am feeling nice I may give them a small handful of chocolate chips. My kids like California Rolls, we always have cut up colored peppers in the fridge and I try to have celery and carrots ready for grabbing. They do the string cheese thing too and we do mini trail mixes with things around the house. Alison
  8. We watched Ghost Hunters and used to giggle too. We do watch Paranormal State on A & E and that one can be a little creepy. Alison
  9. Jessica..... It looks fantastic. I try to get to your blog a couple of times a week. I love the new look!!! Great job, Alison
  10. I love love love my brown boots.....I personally bought Jessica Simpson boots...not saying I agree with her whole lifesyle but I like her shoes.....BROWN BROWN BROWN Alison
  11. UGH...Nakitty and Phred....what shall we do????? Alison
  12. My son(12) is doing AG....he is actually really enjoying it.. Much to my surprise. He is ADHD and he has Sensory Integration Issues but he really enjoys doing the exercises in AG season I. I would recommend it to anyone...in fact I have told several friends who have children in the PS system that they should order AG and supplement their child's education. Alison
  13. Phlox...... About a week ago I had a neighbor boy over (14). He wanted so bad to make cookies....I said....okay...He put Baking Powder in instead of baking soda.....BLACH............... Oh well....learning experience for him... Alison
  14. I don't remember everything we were assigned. And I know I skimmed....:( But, I do remember the Great Gatsby, A Separate Peace and The Catcher and the Rye...thoes I read completely. I do not remember the ones I skimmed. My Dh doesn't remember a thing he was required to read in PS and he said that is why he wants me to homeschool. Alison
  15. I am working on "perpetual" birthday calendars. Essentially they are made of manilla envelopes. Decorated with scrapbook paper and embellishments. Then..as people find card for people they put them in the envelope for that month. They can write in everyone's birthday's on the months. I must admit.....I gave these as gifts last year andthey were unfinished...due to life...moving, dh losing job, dh transferring across country...us moving again....I am now finishing them up....but, I will be giving them to everyone before I move in about 4 weeks.... Alison
  16. If you strongly agree with a statement, choose the number equal to SA. If you disagree with a statement, choose the number equal to D, and so on. (Please note that the order of the numbers changes from question to question.) Drawing maps is what geography is all about. 4 Geography can be used to help solve problems that humans have created. 2 Geography is nothing more than memorizing the countries and their capitals. Strongly Disagree Knowing about different regions is the most important part of geography. 2 Geography is the study of humans adapting to the physical environment. 1 Geography does not teach anything useful. SD Geography is nothing more than learning a bunch of facts. 4 Geography is a fun course. 4 Geography is all about people around the world. 4 Geography concentrates mostly on physical features. 2 Geography is mostly about explaining the location of things. 2 Geography is an easy subject. 2 Cities are of no concern to geographers. 4 The study of humans and geography are the same thing. 1 Geography should be given more emphasis in schools. 5 Geography is an interesting subject. 4
  17. Please don't neg rep me..... NKOTB.... I saw them as a kid then I saw one a couple of times solo.......I just can't afford it right now and they are on their reunion tour. :( Alison
  18. I would like to know how to find out if have a co-op in my area like this. What is it called or how did you find it? Alison
  19. My dh dropped the video camera on his big toe about a 19 months ago. He eventually lost his toenail and a new one grew in....I am with everyone else it took about a year. When I was a teenager I opened the side door to our house and I got my big toenail caught under the door and ripped it off. I remember it hurt terribly but it is fine now and I don't remember how long it took. Good luck, Alison
  20. I get this often from my family....all former public school teachers. Now that we are moving across the country they are all wanting me to "try the new schools". I told them they don't get it. That I actually ENJOY being with my children. So many of them say, "Why dont' you try the new schools in TX. You will enjoy the break." Alison
  21. I really enjoyed this book. I don't see it as a true book of insight but it was a very beautiful book to see someone else's p.o.v. I do agree that it didn't really catch a good speed until about half way through. Alison
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