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Everything posted by Mom2jnb

  1. It is looking like we are going to either be in Corpus Christi or the Houston Area....possibly Victoria.....depends where he gets his job. Alison
  2. Good Evening, It looks as if my DH and I will end up moving to TX. He is originally from TX and moved up here to MI about 10 yrs ago. I realize that one of my requirements for TX homeschooling is TX history. Does anyone have a good suggestion for text and resources? MI history was natural for me....for one..I knew it....secondly, I didn't pull my son home until 5th grade so he had already been taught most of it. Thank you in advance for your help, Alison
  3. I believe I found something at http://www.benjaminsmusic.com then I clicked on music an lyrics. He is a christian kids singer.... Alison
  4. Way to go!!!! That is my goal this week so that I am able to start next week. UGH.... Great Job!! Alison
  5. bump I really need this information PLEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZ Alison
  6. Well.....I gave my family (9 women) "birthday calendars" for Christmas. They are made out of manilla envelopes decorated with month and dates so that you write birthday's on the correct day and insert cards as you find them.....WELL.....I had to hand them to them and say...I will finish them soon...obviously that was 12/25/07....I still have not completed them due to my crazy life so I am planning on finishing them in the next couple of weeks..now that we found my cricut. Then, I want to learn to knit.....that would be fun.... Alison
  7. Where the Red Fern Grows.....it was the book that made me love reading. I also bought it at Christmas for my dss (13) and he has not put books down since. Sad...but wonderful. Alison
  8. Lisa, Thank you for that site...it is great!!!! Now, my 12 year old will not be thrilled with it...but I am...thank you SO SO much!!!! Alison
  9. Hi All, I think someone has posted on here before where to find these but I am coming up empty handed. My son and I are celiac and my other son has a severe reaction to wasp stings. I was looking for temporary tattoos for day camp. They both have medic alert bracelets but I wanted assurance for while they are swimming and such (especially the wasp stings) Thank you, Alison
  10. No problems here either.....in fact I just got off of gmail. crazy.... Alison
  11. Wow...it took until page 11 for someone to mention New Kids......LOL Mine was Joe McIntyre...he is entirely more handsome now... (New Kids) Simon LeBon and John Taylor from Duran Duran Michael J Fox, Kirk Cameron, Peter Cetera and MARK WAHLBERG. :tongue_smilie:
  12. My dh gets a headache everytime he has to use his cell phone (work). He talks only on speaker phone to help with some of that. I have a dear friend who has a tumor behind her left ear and she can no longer hear out of it. We are not sure if it is a coincidence or if it was from cell phone use but it is her dominant ear in which she used to use her phone. Alison
  13. I missed it too...I actually don't know what I was thinking...... Is it available online anywhere? Thanks everyone, Alison
  14. Way to go Tracy.... My dc and I are doing 4 Square Foot Gardens with 16 crops in each one. It has been an experience but I too am worried about the weeds and prosperous crops!!! Great Job!!!! Keep us posted. Alison
  15. We used Turbo Tax and our was deposited today right on schedule. I didn't read other responses so I apologize if I am repeating... Did you get your original refund via direct deposit? If not, or if you had to pay taxes they probably don't have your bank information. Sorry for the delay for you though. :( Alison
  16. Maybe admin would even put it as a separate forum. Alison
  17. We just ordered a new net from trampolinepartsandsupply dot com We haven't received it but it was very resonable. I called yesterday to ask where it was (it has been 5 days and I am impatient) and they said it ships directly from Jump King.. HTH, Alison
  18. My dh LOVED LOVED LOVED knitting when he was young (6/7 yo). He stopped after his parents went to conferences and the teacher implied he might not be "straight" if they didn't stop him from knitting......So, needless to say...he doesn't knit anymore...but I think there is nothing wrong with a boy learning to knit. I truly feel if the art isn't passed down it will be lost. I am working with ds soon for sewing...I am worried that too will be lost if people don't continue to see the advantages. I personally don't know how to knit but my 82 yo grandmother has expressed she plans on teaching ALL of my kids (3 boys age 13, 12, 8 and daughter age 6) to knit this summer. :) Good luck, Alison
  19. I love love love.... House, Jon and Kate Plus 8 and I absolutely watch (daily I must say ..with the reruns) Monk...I only "discovered" the show in the last 3 months or so....I love it!!! Alison
  20. I am reading "The Year of Living Biblically" by A.J. Jacobs and I just found out I have celiac disease so anything I can get my hands on regarding that...... Alison
  21. I don't have one but I have a couple of friends who have one and LOVE LOVE LOVE it..... Good luck, Alison
  22. We are currently saving for a down payment on a house...trying to pull a 15 year mortgage out so that we can pay it off a lot sooner. :) I like this poll very interesting... I also had a $1400 garage sale over the weekend....YIPPEE!!! Doing well to saving up. Alison
  23. (((Michelle))) I am truly keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I have btdt with my children so I completely understand how you feel. Thoughts, love and prayers, Alison
  24. I have Calphalon anodized...I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I purchased at an outlet and it was pretty nicely priced for minor chips on the outside. I switched from nonstick to this and I really have been happy. Alison
  25. I don't have a picture but I am told over and over again...through childhood and adulthood that I look like Melissa Gilbert....... Alison
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